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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#771024 added January 9, 2013 at 12:52pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 26
“This is so much fun Jordan. Thanks for bringing us.”

Jordan smiled down at Chloe as they searched the bleachers for a place to sit.

“No problem sweetie. I figured we all needed a break.”

Jennifer nodded. She hadn't wanted to go to the rodeo, especially after making love. She'd hoped to snuggle into her bed, with Jordan beside her. You were hoping for round two. She ignored her naughty conscious, even though it was right. She was like an addict.

“You okay?”

She glanced up at Jordan and felt her face heat up. She hoped he didn't know what she was thinking. From the twinkle in his eye and his quick wink, she had to wonder if he was a mind reader.

“Sure. Just a bit tired.”

Jordan pulled her against him and ducked his head. “You better sit down and rest then.
You'll need your energy when we get back tonight.”

Jennifer fanned her face. “I'm feeling better already.”

He grinned before turning his face back to the crowded seating area.

“Jordan, where's the concession stand? I'm hungry.”

He shook his head and laughed. “You just ate before we left.”

Jennifer laughed. “Welcome to the life with a teenager.”

“Alright, let's find some seats and I'll go grab something for y'all.”

Chloe turned around and glanced at the riding arena. Her eyes widened. “Wow.”

Jennifer turned to see what she was staring at. A group of cowboys stood in the middle of the packed dirt area. All of them wore tight jeans, boots and most had on hats.

“Ya know, I think I just fell in love with the rodeo. I've never seen so many sexy men. I mean, look at those butts.”

Jordan growled and put a hand on Chloe's arm. “I think we should leave.”

Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Chloe, you have a boyfriend.”

She shrugged. “So. I'm just looking. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't say you didn't notice how sexy those men are.”

Jennifer looked up at Jordan before turning her attention back to the cowboys. She pretended to check them out. “I hadn't noticed, but now that you mention it...”

Jordan bobbed his head. “Yep. Definitely time to go.”

Chloe swatted Jordan on the stomach. “Relax Chief. Momma's just playing. She doesn't have eyes for anyone but your stubborn tail.”

Jennifer felt Jordan tense beside her. She gave him a curious look. He stared in front of them, his brow puckered. Jennifer's stomach clenched as she wondered if he recognized the man they were after. Surely the man wouldn't be dumb enough to show his face here. Then again, if he didn't know they were on to him, he might. She looked around, trying to spot him. Instead, her gaze landed on a tall blonde walking towards them.

Tight blue jeans molded to her long legs and her shirt seemed dangerously close to bursting open from the cleavage pushed so high. Jennifer swallowed down a stirring of self-consciousness. She knew she could never measure up to the beauty, but she didn't think that mattered. Jordan was hers now and he wouldn't spare a second's look at the other female.

Her stomach dropped to her toes when the woman stopped in front of him. Her hand reached out and ran along his chest as she inched her head back. The pink cowboy hat tilted. Jennifer got a good glimpse of flawless skin, piercing green eyes and full rosy lips.

“Hi hunny. I was hoping you'd be here tonight. Come to see me ride?”

Jordan shifted in discomfort. “Uh, I didn't know you'd be here.”

She laughed. Jennifer had the urge to punch the woman in the face.

“Of course I would silly. I'm the reigning barrel racing champ. I have to defend my title.”

“Oh yeah.”

She sidled closer and tried to press her cleavage against Jordan's heaving chest. Chloe stepped in front of him and shook her head.

The woman raised an arched eyebrow. “Run along sweetie. I don't do autographs until after the show.”

Chloe narrowed her eyes. “Thanks but I'll pass. I only like the signatures of positive female influences.”

The woman put her hands on her hips. “What's that supposed to mean?”

Chloe crossed her arms in front of her chest. “No wonder you chose a career in riding horses. I can see your IQ didn't leave much room for anything else.”

Jordan hid his laugh behind a cough. Jennifer tried to summon the energy to scold her daughter for her rudeness, yet the words wouldn't form.

“Who do you think you are?”

Chloe stepped back and put her arm through Jordan's. “I'm Chloe. Jordan's stepdaughter.”

The woman glanced from Jordan to the girl. “He doesn't have kids. And he's not married.”

Chloe shrugged. “Not yet. But he and my mom will be. Very soon, actually. Give me your address and I'll be sure to send you an invite. It'll be at the Bar M ranch. That's my great-grandparents place.”

The woman tossed her head. Her hat fell to the ground. Jordan grabbed Jennifer's hand. He squeezed. The woman turned to her and glared, as if just noticing her. Her mouth turned down in distaste as she ran her eyes over Jennifer's simple outfit of worn blue jeans and a short sleeve plaid button up. She'd chosen her gray tennis shoes so she didn't have to deal with dirt between her toes from flip flops.

“Who is this?”

Jennifer held out her hand, hoping it wouldn't shake with nerves. “I'm Jennifer Matthews.”

The woman ignored Jennifer's hand. “So this is Jennifer? I'm disappointed. I was expecting someone a lot sexier.”

Jennifer sucked in a harsh breath. Jordan's hand clenched tighter.

“So it's true then?”

Jordan nodded. “Every word of it.”

“It won't last. You're not the marrying kind Jordan. Give me a call when you're through playing house.”

The female scooped up her hand and stomped away. Chloe watched her go, a look of distaste on her face.

“Wow. Jordan, you have some bad taste in exes.”

“We never dated.”

Jennifer tried to pull her hand away. The woman's parting words left a sour memory. Was she right? She knew Jordan longer than Jennifer had. She wasn't sure if she could handle more heartbreak. Jordan turned towards her.

“I need to explain that.”

“No, you don't.”

He grabbed her chin in his hand and made her meet his eyes.

“Chelsea's a bit mad because I wouldn't have a relationship with her. She wasn't the woman I wanted.”

“How does she know about me?”

The words were out before Jennifer knew it. She bit her lip, wishing she could recall them. Jordan used his free hand and rubbed his forehead.

“She spent the night with me, once, a couple of years ago. She woke up and tried to, well, you know.”

Jennifer nodded. She did and she didn't like it. “Stop right there. I don't want to hear anymore.”

“Too bad. I'm not through. Anyways, I was asleep and in the middle of a dream. A sexual dream.” He bent down so that his face was on eye level with hers. “About you. When I felt her hands on me, I called out your name. She slugged me pretty good. I woke up and she told me what I did. That's when I realized, I'd never be able to be free of you.”

Jennifer snorted. “I refuse to believe you've been celibate all that time.”

“No, I haven't. But it was the last time I spent the night with a female. Until you.”

“I don't understand this. You hadn't seen me since you were fifteen. You didn't even know where I was.”

Jordan pulled her to him. He lowered his voice. “I knew where you were. I came to see you.”


“About a month after Chelsea accused me of being in love with a memory.”

Jennifer frowned. “Why didn't you talk to me?”

He sighed. His forehead rested against hers. “I was planning to. I'd heard so many bad things from your family. I knew you were miserable. I thought I'd swoop in and rescue you. But when I got there, you and Chloe walked out. You were smiling up at Rick. You seemed so happy. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I figured your family had made things sound worse than they were. I left and tried to forget about you. It never worked.”

Jennifer thought back. She remembered that day. She and Rick had been fighting the whole night before. That morning, he told her he was going to start going to counseling. He wanted to work things out and be a family again. They'd decided to take a road trip down to Savannah. She'd been so happy that he was ready to step up and make things right. The happiness had lasted for two hours. Rick stopped at the bank and asked for her ATM. He'd gotten out a thousand dollars. After that, he said he needed to stop at his office and give the dean some papers before they took off for the weekend.

Jennifer glanced up from reading a book and saw Jordan giving a young girl a wad of twenties. They'd had a long kiss before he got back in the car. When she confronted him about it, he told her that he'd called off their affair. She'd given him the benefit of the doubt, until she heard him talking to the girl in the bathroom that night at the hotel. She'd made him move out the day they got back.

“Earth to Jennifer.”

She blinked, bringing the world into focus. Dirt swirled in the air, coating her mouth. The sound of the cheering crowd grew, almost drowning out the announcer as he introduced the first rider. She heard hoofs hitting packed dirt. She swore the ground vibrated under her feet from the sheer power of the bull.

“Are you okay? You sort of spaced out.”

“I'm fine. Just got lost down memory lane.”

She heard Chloe gasp. The crowd went silent as one. She turned towards the arena and felt her eyes widen. A cowboy lay on the ground, death still. The bull pranced around, his large feet getting closer to the boy's head. Jennifer felt sick.

“That helmet isn't enough to keep him from getting his skull crushed, is it?”

Jordan shook his head. He held his body tense as they watched the scene unfold. Jennifer saw Chloe slip her hand into Jordan's. He pulled her to his side.

“Why isn't anyone helping him?”

Good question. They both looked to Jordan for the answer.

“It's too dangerous at the moment. See those men right there?”

Chloe leaned forward to get a better look. “The clowns?”

“Yeah. Their job is to distract the bull away from the rider so he can get to safety.”

“Isn't that dangerous? Taunting a bull? It didn't work too well on that movie 'Wild Hogs'.”

Jordan laughed. “Yeah, but they know what they're doing. See how they're leading the bull to the wall over there? He'll go into the shoot and be back in the pen with the others. Then
the paramedics can get to the rider.”

Jennifer watched as the bull disappeared. Seconds later, four guys in uniform rushed towards the unconscious guy. She turned away as she spotted blood on his head.

“I can't watch. I'll get sick.”

Chloe groaned. “Me too. Jordan, can we go? I can't handle this.”

He frowned. “You'll miss the barrel racing. That's what we came here for.”

She started walking away from the arena. “I'll look it up online.”
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