I did say oatmeal cookies brought back favorite childhood memories...homemade ones with a smell that filled our humble home. ♥
There is a back story to this because I must admit that we lived with our own personal cookie monster...my mother. She adored, and still loves, cookies, in any shape or form but due to our humble estate, other varieties were consumed less often. However, since we ate oatmeal pretty regularly, we had oatmeal on hand...and cookies were made by my mother with love. It was always a happy experience when oatmeal cookies were prepared. Me and my sister would sit in the kitchen and watch our mother put the mix together. My eyes watched with hawk-like intensity since I purposed in myself to learn the recipe for my own.

I enjoyed baking from a young age, so I wanted to master the oatmeal recipe. I even enjoyed them with raisins. We ate them for snacks back then and didn't think much about how they looked. Oh, now the things we feed our children today and I'm guilty as the rest!
I loved the brand Mrs. Allison's Homemade cookies, as well, when we couldn't bake them. Once I moved away I couldn't find those soft cookies here in Indiana but it might be because their cookies are from a local manufacturer from Hazelwood, MO, which is my hometown.
So ,there you go. Nothing real special but eating homemade oatmeal cookies reminds me of some of the most enjoyable times in my life, when the days were innocent and it was alright to play all day.
Well, off to catch the season premiere of American Idol...hope this won't be time wasted. Of course, it is, and I'm not fooling anyone, especially myself.

Catch ya later...