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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#798722 added November 27, 2013 at 10:35pm
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Lessons of the Guillotine
Hmmmm, where was I? Seems like I had a list a few blogs back identifying the forces that Old Money is afraid of. In case you missed it, I defined Old Money and Liberalism as the same thing. Old Money uses the facade of Liberalism to hide its visage. They flit and flirt about behind the scenes promoting the sorts of things that insures the the status quo and promotes their continued affluence.

They use the Government to shelter their wealth and as a tool for spending the wealth of the middle class in order to make sure the “New Rich” don’t move in and spoil the neighborhood. To maintain the proper degree of separation they use the government on the one hand to protect their wealth while with the other spend the wealth of the middle class. It’s a perfect scam if you think about it. To control the government they need the votes of the lower classes and to get them the bill payer becomes their fiercest rival. If that isn’t an ingenious strategy I don’t know what is.

Sorry, I’m getting off track and I promised to talk about the things that Old Money fears. Well one of those is Revolution. I have talked about Government and War being high on the list and Revolution is right up there among the contenders. The best example I can think of is the French Revolution that was a real wake up call for Old Money. It provides a model for what can happen when the economic curve between the Haves and the Have Not’s becomes so skewed that the masses rise up in revolt. The King has traditionally been front man or the face of the Aristocracy. This has tended to be a love hate sort of relationship as the two contended for money and power. However, at the time of the French Revolution both had money and power. There was however, a rising class of merchants who wanted to buy into the game. The merchant class provided the financing and leadership that made the whole Revolution Possible. This was a serious struggle and the losers not only lost their fortunes but were sent to the guillotine, not just the males but whole families were slaughtered. This was pretty bad but not as bad as it can get. The Jews can tell some stories of what can happen as a consequence of economic struggles and class warfare. I'll get to some of these in a future blog. So, as everybody knows Old Money in France, at about the time of our Nation’s founding, suffered a serious setback the lessons of which were not lost on other Old Money Families throughout the world. So what were those lessons?

Lesson 1 Don't allow your special interest group to get the face of evil tattooed on its forehead.
Lesson 2 Don't flaunt wealth when those standing around watching are starving.
Lesson 3 Make sure there's enough grease (money) around to make the status quo, seem preferable to the chaos of revolutionary.
Lesson 4 Don't place all your eggs in one basket.
Lesson 5 Always have a “Back Door” in case the world goes to hell in a handbag.

Using the French Revolution as a model, and one could just as easily use the Russian Revolution, the following conditions are revealed.

Lesson 1: In a revolution somebody is always painted as the bad guy. In France the Aristocrats had the rap for being the Evil One. One of the things that Liberals do well is portraying somebody else as wearing the black hat. This is one lesson of history they’ve learned well. The Republicans are painted as the cause of all the lower class's woe. Conversely the Liberals, who have control of the Democratic Party, portray themselves as champions of the poor and downtrodden. They do this through a PR campaign using propaganda techniques they learned from the Soviets. They own the mainstream media, which is used shamelessly to promote whatever agenda best insures a continuity of their special interests. If you wonder why the news ratings are so bad for NBC, CBS, and ABC its because many of the listeners know they're being conned. Instead of reformatting to remain competitive, these “Bobbleheads” continue to regurgitate the party line, which could care less if their news programming ever makes a dime. Since when is a propaganda tool expected to make money? Fox News and Talk Radio, on the other hand, make an attempt at being fair and balanced, and it resonates with listeners who are interested in learning what is really going on in the world.

Lesson 2: Wealth flaunting is a hard thing for the super rich to avoid but they manage it as best they can by living in enclaves and behind facades that conceal the opulence of their life styles. Then they have Hollywood in their hip pocket and actors who have yet to understand the importance of moderation. As long as the spotlight stays focused on the Celebrities instead of themselves, that's a good thing for the Old Money Interests.

Lesson 3: A book could be written about lesson 3. In a nutshell the question, from the Aristocratic point of view, is how bad can social conditions be allowed to deteriorate before they threaten the status quo of the ruling families in America. The answer they champion is hardly surprising. Make the middle class WASPs the bad guys. Portray them as the mean spirited nemesis of the poor and downtrodden. Then they market themselves, with the help of the mainstream media, as truly caring about Blacks and other minorities who struggle with finding success in the capitalist system. Under the banner of the Democrats, low information voters are placated to insure their political support. While the wealth of the Aristocrats is protected, in Non-Profits, Trusts, Charities and a host of other shelters, Old Money uses their control of government to tax, borrow and spend for a host of social welfare programs designed to maintain their constitutiens in a perpetual state of low esteem and chains of economic slavery.

Lesson 4: In this country the wealth of today’s Aristocrats is sheltered. On paper and for tax purposes they are paid as employees or board members of the instruments that shelter them. Sure they pay taxes, but it’s a pittance of the huge storehouse of wealth and power they command and protect. Further it is not all kept inside the geographical boundaries of any particular country. They have become truly citizens of the world and perhaps this explains the sympathy they have for a greater world order. In this order it will be necessary to bring down the living standards of Americans to the levels found elsewhere in the world. To do otherwise would be unfair. Since their holdings are distributed world-wide, in places where it is out of the sight and mind of Nation States, they are well postured to ride out the worst of any economic times which might loom on the horizon of the future.

Lesson 5: This leads to the back door that is always open should conditions take a turn for the worse.

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