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"Putting on the Game Face"
#798863 added November 30, 2013 at 9:39am
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Picking, Choosing and Political Cronyism
Old Money loves the Platonic Model. For those who are unfamiliar with Plato’s “Republic,” what he said in a nutshell was…

In the ideal state, the man in charge would be “The Golden One” a Philosopher King. As a Philosopher the head of state would know “Best.” As King he would have the authority and power to make people sign up for it. He was ordained by the Gods for this role and was accountable only to the Almighty. Is any of this beginning to sound familiar?

In the tier beneath the “Golden One” there were the Silver Citizens. These citizens were the Aristocrats who assisted in carrying out the rule of the King. They were bound by a code that came to be called “Chivalry” and these sterling characters were expected to promote the public good. This placed them above the common law, in that nobody needed to worry because their behavior was to be so exemplary that it would never fall below that low threshold of the law. They came to be known as the nobles. They were bound by honor to serve the public good and make sure the lower classes did as they were told.

In the next tier and those below were the bronze citizens, and everyone else. They were bound by the rule of law and expected to keep to their station and do as the King and nobles directed. The proving ground for this system was the Middle Ages, sometimes referred to as the Dark Ages… for reasons that should be self evident to the average middle class American.

In recent times there was a new system that came along that was as Idealistic as the Platonic system and for about a century people watched as it was tested on the world stage. It was an utter failure in Russia, every bit as much the social disaster that mankind suffered under Platonism in the Middle Ages. Before it collapsed however, it spawned a redheaded stepchild, known as Socialism. Socialism worked after a fashion and old money interests throughout the world saw in it an opportunity for a new world order which would reintroduce Plato’s political philosophy under new management.

If you look closely, Socialism and the Platonic Model are very similar and much more controllable than Democracy and Capitalism. However, for this to work the middle class had to be brought down a couple of notches particularly in the United States, which needed to redefine its government in more Socialistic terms. Keep in mind that Socialism is only a crappy system if there is nothing else to compare it with and the United States under Capitalism, for all its warts, is a shining alternative that shows that a citizen doesn’t have to live wretchedly ruled by a tyrant and a class of nobles. Why do you suppose that People flock here, in numbers unrivaled by any other country on the face of the earth?

Our founding fathers gave us a Constitution to protect us from such tyrants and the current Administration treats it as an outmoded set of guidelines that have outlived their usefulness.

Take for example the “Unaffordable Healthcare Act.” Everybody knows by this time that it is an ill crafted and bad piece of legislation. Still, it is a piece of legislation that was passed by the Congress of the United States. The president has taken it upon himself to cherry pick and grant exemptions to some of the most onerous provisions when his special interests have pleaded with him to do so. He’s not empowered to do this, but does anyway. In his role as chief executive the President’s role is to sign a bill or veto it. That is the extent of his authority under the constitution and yet… he feels empowered to pick and choose as he pleases.

As citizens we have an obligation to remind the “Golden One” that he is not our king or emperor, and is bound by a constitutional set of mandates that spells out the limits of his power. We have an opportunity to send a message to his "handlers," the Liberal Elite, by voting out Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections. The only thing that stands between the Middle Class and a form of Monarchy is the Constitution. Never mind all that Socialist pander and propaganda and the "hope and promise" of a new world order. It’s all the same old baloney being foisted on everyday Americans by a bunch of wannabe aristocrats.

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