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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#799890 added December 12, 2013 at 9:56am
Restrictions: None
A Socialist Monarchy, Under New Management
I see now where there is bipartisan support in Congress to impose tougher sanctions on the Iranians. I don’t know if some legislators are waking up or if they have a Jewish Constituency that’s unhappy with the President’s “Deal.” Anyway there’s a move afoot to pass legislation that would “Up the Ante” on the Fiasco we negotiated with the Iranians.

Now what do you suppose will happen if it passes both houses? Yep! You got it. The President will veto the bill. If anybody really wonders what is going on here be advised that the Liberals view a confrontation between the Arabs and Israel with a detached sort of ambivalence. I’m not talking about the “Cool Aid” drinking liberals but rather The Old Money Liberals that are using “The Cause” to further the establishment of a New World Order.

Nobody in his or her right minds, and that includes the Hard Core Leftists, wants to see Tel Aviv turned into a radioactive cinder. The Neo Socialists simply do not realize where all this is heading. They believe, as the President does, that Iran with nuclear weapons is no more a threat to Israel than Russia was to the United States during the Cold war. Then again, Old Money in Germany never thought the "Mustached One" would send six million poor souls to the gas chambers and ovens. UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES! Once the conflagration starts the fire will be hard to contain.

I know the current administration “hopes” that everything will work out and that the “Lion will lay down with the Lamb” but get real! It’s always prudent to expect the worst and plan accordingly. Just like after the Housing Debacle that led to the crash of our economy. Remember how that Democratically sponsored legislation that drove the banks to write crappy loans brought down the house of cards? So will this foreign policy decision weaken American resolve and lead to unintended consequences. At least the Israelis are trying to drum up some political support to reverse this unexpected turnabout in foreign policy.

However it isn’t only the Jews that need to wake up. I never cease to be amazed at these Unholy Alliances that get forged between the Liberal Democrats and the Special Interest groups. One is the cozy relationship with the Afro-Americans. We often hear from the Black Caucus that this country owes them “Big Time” because they were brought over as slaves. If this is true, then who was it that finianced the trafficking?

Hmmm, let me think, who stood to profit most? Who needed the cheap labor to clear land and grow cotton? I think most Blacks could answer that question without any help from me. The answer of course is Old Money. Don’t you see the irony? Old Money is behind the Liberals who have taken control of the Democratic Party and the Afro-American vote is so strongly entrenched in their hip pocket that everyone takes it for granted.

I am sure that most blacks are familiar with the bigotry that still exists in segments of middle class society. Unfortunate as that is, it’s still fairly visible and everybody knows where it comes from. I have seen dramatic changes in the attitude of the Middle Class in the course of my lifetime. Having said that I can assure my readers that most in the middle class carry nothing like the baggage the liberals do. If you think all the bigots live in the South think again. For most Liberals it goes so deep they hardly realize its there. They still look on black males as cheap labor and females as domestic servants. They are no less arrogant in their disdain of anybody below the silver rung. They don’t “Hate” the blacks…, it’s just that deep down they don't respect them. They see blacks as bought and paid for by the social welfare system that is now being expanded to include all the “Unwashed” in the New Bronze Classification.

This classification does not just include poor blacks and Mexicans but also embraces the full spectrum of what we now call “The Middle Class.” The goal of Old Money is to redistribute middle class money more equitably and bring the standard of living for the Bronze Class into equilibrium. That will get us back to the way things were in the middle ages under feudalism, where the golden ones (The King and Royal Family) surrounded by the silver Aristocracy controlled the wealth and called the shots. If the French think their revolution changed anything, they need to think again. If the Americans think our constitution will protect us, think again.

The Liberals pay no attention to the Constitution and see it as an outmoded set of guidelines. There is definitely class warfare going on but the battle is between the Middle Class and Old Money. The Liberals believe through socialism they will at last get the chance to establish an Ideal State and reopen their long awaited “Socialist Monarchy,” under new management.

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