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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/808649-Confused-Will-we-then-believe-the-best-writer
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#808649 added March 2, 2014 at 4:25am
Restrictions: None
Confused? Will we then believe the best writer?
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Am I the only one who finds it incredible, the constant wars that go on, and often over misunderstandings?

Who is right? Who is justified in their actions? Who do we believe? Who are we ashamed of?

And who do we support?

Right now, there is a conflict of such proportion going on in Eastern Europe, that I wonder if it isn't the beginnings of the next world war.

Check out the billions that went into this presidential palace. For the best results, use the Chrome search engine with the translate feature.


We were taught at school, in history, that there was WW1, WW2 and the next will be numbered 3, I guess.

Well, that's not how it really is. If you delve back through history books there were wars before these ones, just with less people, and a whole lot less media attention. Probably because this is now. We've forgotten the war of the 1800's up until the era of history we were taught.
(OK OK, maybe I was away the day they taught that, no need to arm yourselves about it!)


In the era we now live in, with technology and ever present media at every turn, our minds are pummelled by opinions, facts, stories, notes, and...blogs. There is noise. We have our own minds full of what we were taught by our parents, our teachers, out peers, our politicians (who would believe them?) and by anyone else who could manage to captivate us.

We have all sorts of information bombarding us, and I sometimes think the youth of now are sick of this new age sales billboard generation.
No, they can't even escape when in their own private domain. Touch screens, computers, even the hardware shop is now blaring at us to do this or do that.
The days of sitting down and reading a hand written letter from someone, may be soon at an end, with our post office system ramping up prices of stamps, citing the reason of lack of use of the postal method; snail mail. People text, email and Skype now.

"What is a stamp, Dad?"

Maybe one day kids will ask,

"Electronic parent; can you tell me what stamps were used for, all those years ago?"

All this information coming at us one way or another, has to be prioritised, and in the process, the senders of it will be fighting tooth and nail to get our attention. We already are victims of sales, scam and spam trickery.

Yesterday, in a desperate effort to find a solution to a small problem I had; namely, my iPhone video I took was rotated sideways on my computer screen, and there didn't seem to be a way to fix this, so I did what everyone does these days, and Googled it.

There was a small FREE! application that would fix this problem straight away. And yes, it did fix it. I can't find the link to the gizmo I downloaded, and in my haste to use it, I didn't untick the "extra add ons" box, did I?

Yes, I downloaded all their other FREE! stuff along with the gizmo I needed. The gizmo worked well; here's the video in question...

So the next time I went to use WdC, my usual home page of Google had a new toolbar called Bing. Now, I tried everything to get rid of this tool bar, because I don't trust any program or application that sticks itself on my computer, without very clear asking of my permission. Missing a tiny tick box is NOT asking my permission.

Be on notice, Internet marketers. I'm not the only angry application arguer absolutely against getting me to use your stupid toolbars and thingys, by subterfuge, by sneaking it in, by trickery.

No, it's not on.

So I applied Google search again, and found out How to get rid of Bing off Chrome. That still didn't work until I figured out that the entire thing was called Conduit. After finding that in the Remove programs list, it's all back to normal.

We have to be careful of liars. Of half truth tellers, who have some form of falseness to follow, and don't care one hoot about what happens to others in their efforts to progress.

Even presidents can do this, and then argue that it's ok to live in luxury, while their country men starve.
Is it any wonder his constituents turned to making their own liquor to drown out such depressing imbalance, control and selfishness. And no, I'm not being sarcastic or mocking here at all. This is a fact.

Imagine the countries general self image where the majority of people have turned to alcohol, so much so that even police who are meant to prevent this, turn a blind eye, and the illegal current currant liquor is a currency in itself.

It gives a fruity tang to how we need to interpret writing. Be careful. Be very careful. I wonder if, as a humble blogger, I might provoke wrath for daring to voice dissent against one of the earth's superpowers. I'm just a harmless blogger who can't even get his grammar right.

No one listens to Australians anyway. To the world, we are just an offshore answer to those copious convicted criminals.

We aren't Crimeans. We don't count. We won't be granted any Russian Passports and "defended" by Vlad's fighter jets that are on high alert. No, we are just a bunch of Colonials who can't even get their own country's borders under control.

There's a big difference here though chum. Old mate over there in Moscow.

Here in Australia, the country is so nice to live in, that people live here freely. When was the last time you saw boat people from Australia trying to get to China or Russia? HUH? No, people fight and elbow each other to come HERE. Freely. There is no gun to their heads, except of course, from their own starving, corrupt, radically religious, dangerous and pathetic mother country, from where they fled.

I note that there is no offer of allowing people to freely go where they will, in Crimea. Oh no.

How does it feel to preside over a country by force? Cloaked in "defence" yes. But, who is attacking? Oh yes, it's in the media, that the terrible "nazi's", those bandits in Kiev who worked the Maidan protest, mutinied against their own president. (The house and huge property pictured in the link above)
These awful pests will "invade" somehow and take over Russia.

Well, the only thing that will "take over" is freedom. I wonder today, what the ordinary citizen in Russia thinks? Do they all sit around the local TV station program that tells them how bad the west is, how terrible Ukrainians are? How alarming are the foreigners, all coming in to take their country.

Or do they cotton on to how stupid these dinosaur leaders are becoming in this era of instant publication.

In case you've been somewhere else, these days we cannot escape from over supply of information.

Just come in, right now from a friend in Kiev;

For foreign friends:
(I still cant Believe in it) Using the unstable Situation in Ukraine, Russia sent troops to s

overeign Ukrainian Territory - the Crimean peninsula. Since the Collapse of the USSR, Russia wanted the Crimea. And now, When All Ukrainian Citizens are Tired of Fighting with the dictator Yanukovych, Russia cynically, Without A Declaring War, Summed up troops to the ITS Ukrainian border. Seized All the admin Building and Blocked All the Airports, Road and Rail fares. Same time The Media says the Russian Army Their That helps Ukraine to restore the peace and order! That's not true! Russia occupies Ukrainian Territory! URGENT We need help! Please Picket Russian Embassy in your Country! We All Ordinary Citizens must unite now. We ask all our friends and relatives throughout the world to support us and participate in a peaceful march against the war in the main street / square of your city (or at the Russian Embassy) tomorrow at 14:00. Let's stop Putin and Keep the peace! If it is Impossible for you, but you want help us, Please Share the information About Situation in Ukraine with your friends and Relatives! And pray for Ukraine! Thanx for your support!

But will people buy, truth, buy freedom from the news, if it means discomfort for a time; if it means having their own opinion and going against the brainwashing?

Or will they be, instead, content to take comfort in lies?

I guess that will be up to the writer of them.


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