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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810400-If-the-Earth-wobbled-wed-be-warned-right-Buhhahahaha
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#810400 added March 17, 2014 at 3:26am
Restrictions: None
If the Earth wobbled, we'd be warned, right? Buhhahahaha..!
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Is it just me? The global population is in utter chaos, with many many problems that increasingly desperate people are facing.
And the only answers, the only solutions we are given, are the ones that make the most money for someone else.

Like sheep, do we trundle along, happily trotting through our unhealthy, cancer ridden, loveless, hatred filled and selfish lives, because we fear to face up to an uncomfortable silent fact?

In many instances, it seems, we are being lied to, and what's to say I won't be popular writing a blog about it. Then again, who would believe a nobody in the back blocks of Australia, who doesn't even have a full time job, except as a carer for an ailing mother, and a cancer ridden father?

Yes, a penniless nobody versus the weighty group with a budget in the billions. Big money weighed in the balance against something that carries no weight in today's law driven, and litigious society.

Common Sense.

You aren't even allowed to use common sense in the workplace any more. No such thing! Common sense is too loose a term, making allowance for such ideas as give and take, as using brains instead of rules, short-cuts when safety allows against having to wait for endless committee meetings, ladders of hierarchy, and eternal, indecisive, dilly dallying.

Why am I on such a soap box of sacrilegious sanctimonious contention?

I wondered today, not for the first time, just how much our governments don't tell us.

You know, I'm not against government / s. We voted them in. Well, we tried to vote them in, but with their manipulated voting systems these days, they have it all down pat, don't they? In Australia here, how many people realise, even Australians themselves, that our voting system is a great big distortion? We have a very successful and proven system mucked up by something odd. Tasmania's Hare Clark system.


Tasmania has a different voting system to the rest of Australia. Tasmania is a state of Austraila. But a vote in Tasmania isn't just one person's vote for one candidate.

So the whole system is skewed by just a handful of votes in a couple of electorates. No wonder the politicians converge on Braddon in Tasmania with their chequebooks (notice the cheques are never signed before the election?) to try to "bribe" voters with false promises.

Ok, moving on from that depressing, and pointless, subject.

We have to be governed. Don't we? Ever notice, in a good team of workers, how well things go when the boss is away? Hmm. Not always, but often this is the case.
Sometimes I wonder if the entire globe would be better off self regulated. Small communities with local prefectures, like in the old Japanese days. Combine this with freedom and incentive, forget the red tape and directives from remote governing bodies who haven't a clue of local situation or clime.
But it wouldn't work would it? Within months, days or even hours, some greedy corrupt bunch would take over, or without rules people would do stuff that's unwise.

People couldn't just self regulate could they? Ahem. No money for head honchos in that!

I've heard that in Cambodia there are no prisons. I don't know how true this is, but if you commit a crime there, and are caught, the people mete out the punishment right there and then. And the punishment is brutal. I heard of an incident first hand.

Well, maybe it sounds good for the Department of Prisons (or whatever entity) budget. But courts are needed, and if working properly, should weed out the innocent from the guilty. You'd think. I'm not so naive to think courts always work for justice.

Back to the subject at hand. Are we told stuff we should know - as a general population?

Today I checked the sundial that I'd re installed the correct way for my dad. I posted photos in an early blog entry about this, and it shows the shadow falling very accurately on the correct time.

Well, today I checked it again, and it was way out; I have no idea why. This set me thinking, and no, not seriously, but just a theoretical curious idea.

If the Earth began wobbling around wildly, how long would it be, before the governments security agents worldwide, told us?

Would we ever be warned that the end might be near? If there was millions of dollars involved?

I don't believe we'd be told anything.

There is already plenty of evidence, at least in the health and medical world, that we aren't being told things, not told the truth and never warned. This is as if our planet of population is wobbling and because of the money involved, no one's saying the un-sayable.

You may laugh. You may chuckle. You may scoff. But unless you've suffered reflux, you don't realise how important and policy pivoting this scourge of the stomach can be. I too was a scoffer. I too butterfly-ed my ears, poked my tongue out and fanned my fingers in front of my nose, and dismissed chronic indigestion.

But be warned. You'll be next!

What Everybody Ought To Know (But Doesn’t) About Heartburn & GERD
By Chris Kresser

"...contrary to popular belief, heartburn and GERD are caused by too little (not too much) stomach acid."





Low stomach acid causes maldigestion of carbohydrates

Stomach acid (HCL) supports the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates by stimulating the release of pancreatic enzymes into the small intestine. If the pH of the stomach is too high (due to insufficient stomach acid), the pancreatic enzymes will not be secreted and the carbohydrates will not be broken down properly.

Bacterial overgrowth + maldigested carbohydrates = GAS!
In Hearburn Cured, Dr. Robillard points out that though microbes are able to metabolize proteins and even fats, their preferred energy source is carbohydrate. The fermentation of carbohydrates that haven’t been digested properly produces gas. The resulting gas increases intra-abdominal pressure, which is the driving force behind acid reflux and GERD

If you read the first part, this second part, and the third part of these studies, it's quite a thing, a big issue, and very controversial.

I suffer from reflux, and have been attending Doctors, and taking Nexium for years. Why is it only by chance at a Pharmacy, at a Chemist shop, that a lowly counter girl suggested a H - Pylori test at the Doctors would be a good idea for me?

I could go on all day. But enough said. The processing of our food, the treatment of our water, the huge corporations involved in the seed, growing, harvesting and selling of our fruit and vegetables, and of course the insecticide industry killing the bees, globally; all this adds up to us all just going with the flow, buying our usual stuff, hiding our faces from the truth and not protesting with our vote.

Get off our butts, learn what our candidates stance is on these issues and vote accordingly, each and every countries citizens.

We are being poisoned, and kept in the dark, about our health, our food, our way of living, because it's big $.

I prefer to buy Neways products. I'll be the first to admit that I'm still not 100% sold on the trustworthiness of these glossy professional looking bottles of "anything bad-free" lifestyle necessities. But right now I'm fuming and ready to order - at least a tube of toothpaste.

While shopping in the supermarket I spied some toothpaste. Herbal Toothpaste. Sounds so good. So healthy! And yes, it said on the tube blurb "No fluoride and sugar free!" Ahhh, just what I was after. Without thinking twice, and without reading the ingredients label, I stuffed it in my grocery basket.

On using it in the bathroom at home, I decided to read the label, and see just what was in this Herbal Toothpaste that made it so fantastically healthy. It says a loud warning about children using it without supervision and to rinse very thoroughly. And we are sticking this on our gums, where it can be absorbed very quickly into our bloodstream?

Am I being just way to paranoid and concerned about all this? Am I being a tiresome, ill informed keyboard warrior? Will my impassioned blog on these things make one scrap of difference?

The thing here is, lets put this into perspective. I'm far from being your stereotypical protester, environmentalist, tree-hugger, mohair sweater wearers, animal rights liberationists, peace protesters, anti nuclear energy, or any other sort of protester.
I'm a farmer's son, growing up in a no nonsense country area of Australia where you didn't think twice about doing those things that were necessary to survive. You know what I'm talking about without me spelling it out.
We grew up in the harder times, with attitudes much different from today's people who might protests about a forest, yet have no problem using the resources and being employed by run off jobs, and economies these industries generate.

I truly believe that 99.9 % of people on Earth are green, or protective of our planet. However, ignorance and greed plays a huge part in blocking out the green side of minds.
I grew up with a mind set far from today's version of green. I also grew up with a strong idea of faith instilled in me. A strong vision of patriotism for your country of birth.

So for me to say hey. What is going on with our governments? What is happening with our health? What is being done about big $ making mobs who tell people what to do? Why are big companies allowed to get away with huge profits, yet their products are killing people?

I'm not into suing people. I hate litigation and all that way of dealing with problems. It has it's place, I guess, but is too open for abuse by lawyers, false claimants and class actions that just make life miserable for everyone in the long run. Don't know what I mean?

The minority doing the wrong thing cause the creation of laws that the majority have to obey.

Law versus Love. Yes, that's the bottom line isn't it? I wonder who it was, about 2000 years ago, who talked about the Law and the hard hearts of men? That's the problem with the Law. Governing like a machine, without mercy and without flexibility when needed.

If we all did what he said in the first place, and loved one another, even loved our enemies, then all these problems would disappear.

Think of the one person, quickly, think of that person who you love the most? Yes, you thought of them straight away.

Would you sue that person? Would you give them poison? Would you shrug your shoulders and give them bad food? Would you give your kids poisoned toothpaste? Would you be a Doctor and mislead your patients because your pharmaceutical company paid you lots of dollars? Would you lie about the lab results so that you'd still get your research funding?

I see comments on Facebook about the Ukrainian versus Russian scuffle going on there now, and ordinary people, only some of them but still; they comment and say, the Russians say "we are brothers" yeah right. The Ukrainians are Nazis to the Crimean people Yeah right.

They must know that it's a minority stirring up trouble burning books of history. That its just paid protesters that would incite hatred on both sides.
The vast majority protest about corruption! They protest about control and slave labour for BOTH SIDES. They protest for humans!

That, dear readers, is motivated by proper love for their enemies. That is true brotherhood.

The Law will never triumph over Love. Not in the long run. But it will prevail over my teeth and gums if I don't order something alternative that doesn't contain toxins.


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