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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810494-Happy-St-Patricks-Day-and-What-Brought-Me-To-WDC
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#810494 added March 18, 2014 at 9:05am
Restrictions: None
Happy St. Patrick's Day and What Brought Me To WDC
Today's blogs...

Welcome To My Reality - Week Thirteen

1. What brought you to WDC and what impact do you think it has had on your writing?

Given that yesterday marked my one year anniversary on WDC, this is a good topic for me.
I found WDC with a link from Facebook. I was intrigued so I set up an account so I could explore a wee bit. My initial reaction to the site was not overly impressive. I was just beginning to get back into my writing and site seemed overwhelming. The look of the site was different then - either there was no Hub to organize the site or it just staggered me with information.
From March 16 until mid - August I popped in occasionally to see what was up. In the meantime, I joined another writing site - Writer's Carnival - that was less bold and busy. My writing continued to move back into my life and I bravely posted my first poem to their site. Getting positive feedback inspired me to keep at it and broke down my nerves when it came to sharing my writing beyond myself.
Mid - August I came back to WDC to find they were preparing for their 13th Birthday celebration. By this point, the site either changed or I became more comfortable with the site. The Birthday celebrations intrigued me and I took part in many activities - 13 poems in 13 days and 13 different genre stories in 13 days. Both of the contests challenged me and I was amazed that some of my pieces actually placed - one poem got a ribbon and a nomination at the 2013 Quill awards. All the positives kept me coming back. Not only that, but when I asked for help people were quick to do so - pulling me into the community in a way that made me feel like I found home.
Since then I have become part of the Newbie Academy. I was invited to join the Paper Doll Gang and I did so merrily. The people I have met are amazing - supportive, encouraging and willing to kick my ass if I needed it. At this point I am still revelling in the supportive, caring community. I am not so ready for an ass kicking, but all I need to do is ask.
Connections have grown like a webbed network. I am embedded in a community I know love. So many have made me so welcome and I feel I have developed an addiction to this site.
My writing has improved no doubt. I am taking workshops in reviewing, poetry and short stories and though I am currently focusing on those, I hope to get back to more contests and reviews when things shift. There is always something to do here and I am amazed I did not notice it sooner, but I am so glad I peaked in here and I have no thoughts of leaving anytime soon.

Blog City - Day 13 March 17 Happy St. Patrick's Day

You receive a mysterious email and the subject line reads Everything you know is a lie. You open the email and read further: Act calm as to not alert anyone, but everyone around you is not who they say they are. You need to quietly get out of there and meet me at the spot where you had your first kiss. You know the place. My name is Lyn. Tell me about that special place. Have you been there since? Now, you know Irish are noted for their blarney, so have fun.

First mysterious emails get deleted here...but this will be an exception.
The truth of this would be boring as all get out – so taking the blarney path.....
I slipped into the big frumpy chair at Starbucks organizing my coffee, cinnamon brioche and my books. Pulling out my Surface 2 I linked up to the free WiFi and accessed my email. One mysterious one stared at me blatantly daring me to open it and after a moment I did. Sipping my Cafe Mocha I stared at the message before me.

Act Calm. Do not alert anyone. Everyone around you is not who they say they are.

I took a moment and glanced up, steadying my nerves with a deep breath and letting it whoosh out of me before glancing back at the email. I continued reading.

You need to get out of there. Meet me at the spot of your first kiss. You know the place.

I read the email over several times alternating between sipping at my Mocha and taking calming breaths. My mind flittered over possibilities. Who the hell was this Lyn. I did not know her, did I? How would she know where to meet me? By the time I finished my Mocha I thought I'd go. Nobody here looked weird or anything, but who knew. It was St. Patrick's Day. Can't trust anyone not wearing some green and with closer examination I noticed not a soul in here was wearing any.
Luckily my first kiss had been experienced not far away at the high school. I drove there then took the trail out behind the school and up the hill that banked the one side. At the top I found a green blanket spread out over the ground. A basket of dark stained wood sat just off to the side. As I moved closer I could feel the air warm and the sun beam down. Easing my coat open I stepped forward then knelt down to rest my knees on the edge of the blanket.
"Hey." Came a deep voice from behind me and I turned to see my one true love. The boy, now a man, who had stirred my dreams when I had been a teen. The boy I had shared a kiss with - a tentative touching of our lips amid our awkwardness. The boy who had moved away before we were able to get to know each other. I had been heartbroken. I had felt the loss.
I felt myself blush as I smiled up at him.
He smiled back at me as he moved forward. He lowered himself beside me and I felt my body tingle with awareness.
"You came." He said reaching out to stroke his thumb along my temple. I trembled and his smile deepened.
I could only nod.
“I was curious if you still followed your curiousity and chased adventure.”
My smile deepened as he laughed.
He leaned toward me and I felt drawn forward. Our lips touched, brushed. Nothing tentative about this kiss. Current sizzled through me and I reached up to run my hands along his broad shoulders as he deepened the kiss. He shifted to cup my face with his hands and branded me. Time slipped away.

An Extra Bit Of Wonderful

Two songs by Britt Nicole.... I love these songs. Great messages.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9PjrtcHJPo - Britt Nicole – Gold
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fccqaKTz3Ko - Britt Nicole – Ready or Not

signature for the Paper Doll Gang. ** Image ID #1855238 Unavailable **

© Copyright 2014 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810494-Happy-St-Patricks-Day-and-What-Brought-Me-To-WDC