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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810623-Bite---to-cut-wound-or-tear-with-the-teeth
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#810623 added March 19, 2014 at 4:34am
Restrictions: None
Bite - to cut, wound, or tear with the teeth
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Our writing; is it like a snake, ready to bite people? Is it a pleasant experience, even though the reader has been essentially attacked by something early in the article?

Station Photo's posting of a snake; this harmless python was carefully released in a better location, so that the people felt more comfortable, and no doubt, so did the snake.

The following link is an important read for everyone, not just those living in, or visiting Tasmania. Once understood better, these creatures, and our misconceptions that cause us to fear them, will change to something of benefit, rather than detriment.

Snakes serve their purpose. What purpose do we serve?


Perhaps if we understood what it is that bites, the words or phrases that carry the impact, the drawing power, the attraction, the excitement, the compulsion to read on, then we might make better use of these tools.


The bite of nature and physics. We are flea-size to these bites, and seem to escape unscathed. But what happens when the host dies??


The bite of the consequences of political change, or, the squabblings of fat politicians calmly instigating laws that sentence thousands to poverty or death.

You may have seen the message of appeal I posted on the community newsfeed here on Wdc.

I'm aware that this sort of thing (sending money to strangers) seems doubtful, especially in a less than trustworthy country like Ukraine (Politicians, scoundrels, corrupt banking; the list goes on) but this is a situation where we can help someone there, in a practical way, who has proven before, to be a reliable witness.

In the face of personal danger, as a public speaker, as an actress, as a writer, as a poetess, as an advocate, Lyubov has nothing to prove as far as bravery goes.

On the other hand, on the weightier side of politics, across the border of Russian, their own scientists are clearly mortified about the situation, and about their outspoken country's leaders.

Talking to my mum today, I mentioned the war threats and unstable squabbling, saying, what if we woke up tomorrow and on the news (if there was still news) we saw how many cities were gone to ashes.

She said, "Oh! You think we would wake up?"

Here is a letter with direct reference to an Atomic war 16th March 2014; something we no doubt all fear, but try not to think about.

Minister of Communications and
Mass Communications Minister
Nikolay Nikiforov,
Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications,
Information Technology and Communications
Zharov AA
Director General RTR
Dobrodeev OB

Dear Nicholas A.!
Dear Alexander Alexandrovich
Dear Oleg!

We want to draw your attention to the unacceptable statements of Deputy General Director Dmitry Kiselev RTR, sounded on 16.03 in the "News of the Week."

Reasoning that "Russia is able to transform the U.S. into radioactive ash", mocking the fact that Obama is "in fear nazvanivaet Putin" from the mouth of the leading political commentator main state channel country acquire not only the nature of aggressive propaganda, but also as an expression of sound official point of the Russian leadership. In this case, these official statements of its representatives, this view looks different.

We, Russian scientists believe that the differences in the specific geopolitical issue is unacceptable to use for the publication of calls for a nuclear attack on another state, whatever the attitude towards it, to unleash a third world war. The more unacceptable when such calls are aired main state channel.

Spread irresponsible arguments about nuclear war, accustom public opinion to the admissibility of the thought of the possibility of participation of Russia is extremely dangerous and should be immediately suppressed. This is totally unacceptable in the 21st century, when the potential of nuclear weapons accumulated by several countries and can be used for the destruction of our civilization.

We also believe that style, rhetoric, feed materials in general programs Dmitry Kiselev, "News of the Week" are totally unacceptable to the public channel.

Instead, deep analytics, reflect all points of view, arguments weighted transmission Dmitry Kiselev full of arrogance, distorted facts, personal put-downs character as against our compatriots, and against foreign political figures, including heads of state.
In this regard, we ask you to check for signs of extremism, incitement of ethnic hatred and interstate all programs Dmitry Kiselev, "News of the Week" for the last three months.

We express concern that Dmitry Kiselev simultaneously takes the post of Deputy Director General and CEO of RTR news agency "Russia Today" - a new structure to increase confidence in our country, to improve its image in the eyes of the world.
believe that Dmitry Kiselev activity gives the opposite effect and cause irreparable damage to Russia's reputation in the world.

1. Solomin O.
Doctor of Geographical Sciences
Corr. RAS
Nobel Peace Prize as part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
2. VF Vdovin
Dr. Leading Research Institute of Applied Physics and LPI,
NSTU im.R.E.Alekseeva professor,
vice-president of the World Federation of Scientific Workers
vice-chairman of the RAS Trade Union
3. AM Vershik
Chief Scientific Officer of the St. Petersburg Branch of the
Mathematical Institute of
the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of representation theory
and dynamical systems, SPSU professor,
laureate of the Chebyshev (SPeterburg) and A.Gumboldta Prize (Germany)
4. Feigel'man M.
Professor, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Moscow
5. Fradkov, AL,
Ph.D., Professor,
Mechanical Engineering Problems, RAS,
Co-Chair of the Board of the Company scientists.
5. Papin, T.,
Prof. Head. Chemical-Analytical Center of the Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, Barnaul
6. Apresian YD
Award Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany)
Gold Medal Vladimir Dal (RAS)
Doctor honoris causa of the Sofia University. St. Kliment Ohridski
Doctor honoris causa of the Warsaw University
Honorary Professor of Moscow State University. MV University
7. Ivanchik AI
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, the German Archaeological Institute and the Italian Institute for the Study of Asia and Africa
Division Supervisor of the comparative study of ancient civilizations Institute of General History
Professor of History Faculty of Moscow State University. MV University and RSUH
Chief Editor of "Journal of Ancient History" (Moscow) «Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia» (Leiden)
The Chairman of the Russian Association antikovedov
8. Orlova OM,
FN candidate Moscow
9. Kostinsky AY,
candidate f-m n., head of academic expertise HSE
10. Rubakov VA,
Academician, Chief Scientific Officer INR
11. Tsaturian A.
Dr., ONR sopredselatel Council, a member of the World Council
of Biomechanics
12. Sibel'din NN
Prof., Corresponding Member. RAS
13. OM Ivanenko
head. Department of Physics Institute. Lebedev RAS
Ph.D., senior staff scientist LPI
14. A.V.Chaplik,
Prof., Academician,
Honored. Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes I seem to be the bearer of bad news, every blog.

Maybe tomorrow I'll think up something a bit more cheerful, but then again, being cheerful all the time in our writing, wouldn't give any spice, would most likely be bland, boring and lack any bite.

Bites are the name of the game, in writing and many other developments . We could think about this while eating our next meal.

And pray that we never have to publicly cry for help like these, our friends, are doing in Crimea, and Kiev.


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