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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810958-Memories-Get-Better-With-AgeIf-You-Can-Remember
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#810958 added March 22, 2014 at 9:12pm
Restrictions: None
Memories Get Better With Age...If You Can Remember
Today's blogs...

Blog City - Day 18 – March 22

What gets better with age?
I read someone else's blog earlier and Mitchopolis had some excellent points about things being better with age if you put the work and effort into them and I tend to agree with him on that.

It is not just the standard cheese and wine, but relationships, creative pursuits - anything that pulls your passion to the forefront.

Even as I look at myself, I know that I have developed these wrinkles and silver hair but they are experience. They are laugh lines. They are a life experienced. Who I am now is a more robust form of who I was at twenty. Age and experience has given me wisdom and I like who I am. I feel comfortable with who I am. I know I am not done here and that I will continue to age and do it with loving kindness to myself. It is all about attitude and being positive and present with your experiences.

Nothing stays the same. You can either move forward and improve with age or you can stagnate and deteriorate with age - it is up to you. Our minds and attitudes are powerful in keeping us feeling young and vibrant, even as we face medical and physical challenges. You can give up and give in or you can take a stand and believe this is only part of your experience - and this too shall pass.

All experience is not good or bad - it is our perception that colours it - we can taint it with negativity or we can become stronger by moving through it with positivity. The choice is always yours.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Thirteen

3. Would you ever consider writing a memoir?
My initial response to this was going to be a simple and firm 'NO' but then I got to thinking - and that is never good, or so my husband keeps telling me. I thought, if I was teaching students to write memoirs, I would share my stories with them. This would be is twofold - first, I would be teaching them the style and the expectations for them to create their own and second, I would be sharing bits of myself and my childhood. Students are often fascinated to learn something of their teachers - They always want to know your first name and are so happy when they find out that 'secret' bit about you. When you share these other little morsels they eat it up. You seem more real to them in a way - especially when you write about childhood fears. I did that with a grade 3/4 split class and they loved it - even my quietest students wanted to contribute. That was a rewarding experience for all of us.

Beyond that, I see my life as pretty ordinary with a lot of potholes in my memory. Writing a memoir with the idea of publication would be insane for me.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810958-Memories-Get-Better-With-AgeIf-You-Can-Remember