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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#822204 added July 9, 2014 at 11:30pm
Restrictions: None
TV Shows, Reincarnation & A Memorable Disgusting Moment
Today's blog....

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twenty - Nine

6. What shows do you watch on TV? Is there a series where you hate to miss a show? If you don't watch TV, why not?

I like to watch TV but I find now that I am writing more I am less swamped with HAVING to watch a particular show. I can record them on the PVR but even then I may not watch them.

I tend to watch a lot of CSI, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist and Murdock Mysteries. I more inclined to watch these type of shows and even some of the reality based shows, than watching the half hour situation comedies I find overly predictable. Although I do enjoy The Big Bang Theory.

I enjoy Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. I watch Hell's Kitchen and Masterchef. Last night I watched the first show of The Amazing Race Canada. It was okay. I will also admit to seeing some episodes of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette - though it is hit and miss. I also enjoy The Chew.

Two show that I am looking forward to are Diana Gabaldon's Outlander which is coming to Show Case in August and The Quest - which is a fantasy/reality show coming to ABC beginning July 31. I will be taping The Outlander series for sure. I will see about the other one.
Summer used to be a time of crappy TV but I think the networks are growing wise to the fact that we don't want reruns. New stuff seems to be flashing up all the time.

With my writing having taken more priority, I find TV is only background. On for company, not for the mindlessness of escaping - although some days that is what I am inclined to do, particularly if I am stressing out more than usual.

As a child, TV was my focus. My mother would ground me from TV viewing if need be and I am actually grateful for her doing that because it forced me to find more creative ways to spend my time.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 128 July 9

Prompt: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I am not sure about this.

I believe when we die we shed our earthly body and live as spirit. Some might argue that that spirit comes into another body in order to learn the things it did not in the live it just left. That is a compelling thought and it appeals to my creative side but I am not so sure that aspect of reincarnation happens.

Do we go directly to heaven after we die? As a child and the loss of my father at 12, I felt that he had gone on to heaven and was enjoying days cancer free. Playing golf in the morning and curling at night. It gave me peace knowing my real father was watching over me from heaven. I made it through rough times in high school believing that if my father could make it through, then so could I.

Now I am not so sure about that either. I used to think only the good died young. My dad was 44 (I am older than him now) but that was before I realized the adult nature of his adultery and the fallout of breaking up our family unit. He was raised in a Christian Protestant
home and he was a good boy. My mother claims he was so laid back he "would eat shut if someone told him to.". So even she does not hold the adultery against him. I figured he would have asked for forgiveness and probably did make it to heaven, but do we get to go right at our death?

Christians are to have eternal life if they believe in God and Jesus as our Saviour. But what are the ramifications of that? Do we live in spirit, reincarnation until the Second Coming or do we climb the stairway to heaven right away?

There is also the aspects of people claiming to have seen a great light when they have died and been brought back to life. One neuropsychologist experienced such a phenomenon and thought he thought he might be crazy, he said it explained many things for him.

This blog entry has more questions than answers, but I am open to what comes after, whatever it might be. I think just being open and letting God work His magic is all I can say. Whatever happens, happens. I will be in for the ride wherever it takes me.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

The most disgusting moment/incident/day in your life.

Okay, after some thought I came up with a memory. I was nine spending some time with my aunt and uncle in Guelph. We have spent the evening before watching a movie in their family room in the basement. Auntie Kay popped us some popcorn in that jiffy pop container that has the expanding lid when you do it over the element in the stove. But I think we got to do the popping of this one over their fireplace which was so cool.

The next morning I stumbled sleepily down to the family room and found the container still had a bit more popcorn left in it. I bent down and picked it up peaking under the flap. I was about to reach in when the popcorn moved and a thick greenish grasshopper leaped out of the leftovers. Well before the grasshopper could land, I had the container flipped out of my hand and made for the door. A shower of popcorn raining down on me. My screams brought Auntie Kay to the top of the stairs and I told her what had happened. Being a teacher, she kept it together in the telling, but when her eyes took in the popcorn strewn family room, we both erupted in laughter. I am almost certain that is what woke my uncle and he came down to find us laughing so hard we were doubled over. A big grin spread across his sleepy face.

Even the clean up was fun, but I kept an eye out for that crazy grasshopper. Maybe I scared him as much as he scared me because we never did find him.

© Copyright 2014 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/822204-TV-Shows-Reincarnation--A-Memorable-Disgusting-Moment