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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823413-Red-Carpet--Treatment-Gatherings--Favourite-Foods
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#823413 added July 23, 2014 at 11:19pm
Restrictions: None
Red Carpet Treatment, Gatherings & Favourite Foods
Today's blogs.....

Blog City – Day 144

Prompt: Have you ever had a red carpet moment? Not like an actor but a Wedding, Prom or something that made you feel important or special? I would love to hear about it.

My husband and I got married August 11, 2001. It has been almost 13 years for us... we had been together for almost 8 years at that point (Aug. 26, 1993 was our first date). It was the perfect day. Sunny and warm. My mother had planted pink geraniums in her garden that year instead of her traditional red and white (Canadian girl, all the way). We had pictures at my mother’s place with my two best friends - Debbie and Michelle as my dual maids of honour. My Gramzie was there - at 96, I believe, she looked gorgeous! I am so glad and grateful to have gotten some wonderful pictures with her. I would have loved to have gotten pictures with my cat, Kelsey as well but she was too nervous of all the people and I did not want my dress malled, so we left her on her own.

When we got to the church I waited with Debbie and Michelle in one of the large back rooms. Debbie was shaking so much I thought her bouquet would not hold together. She was great comic relief and the laughter helped to ease my own nerves. Walking down the aisle, Debbie went first and would not look at her boyfriend. Michelle followed after getting me all ready. I stood at the threshold and peaked around to wave at my client and his mother who had slipped into the back of the church with his service dog, Raven. That also settled me. The walk up that aisle was nerving... all those people looking at you. All those people knowing you. I was glad when I reached Brett and we got the show on the road.

Pictures afterward were fun and so was the party. I am not a big one to be the center of attention but it went well. The funniest part was trying to use the bathroom. I had to go down into the basement of the hall and use the wheelchair bathroom - I also had to strip out of my dress. That said - I will tell you I did not drink very much all evening.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Prompt - What huge gathering you had reluctantly attended?
How were you motivated to attend? Did you enjoy it? How was it?

I am not big on large gatherings. Family reunions, I love as my family is a riot of funny people. I feel so normal around my family.

School reunions I did not go to...

Oh, I remember a gathering I was reluctant to go to - it was my grade eight graduation dance. After the ceremony, the dance was back at our school. My uncle figured I should go and I said I did not want to go. He would not let up... someone suggested I go in see if I like it and they would wait. If I did not come out after 15 minutes they would come back after the dance.

Fine. I went in. Walked around the outside of the gym where the dance was held, sat down a moment, stood up and walked out. I was in there not even 5 minutes. It shut my uncle up and I got to spend the evening with the people I wanted to celebrate with - my family.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty – One

7. What's is your favourite food or custom from a culture other than your own?

I love dessert.

Whenever Oktoberfest comes to town - and I live in Kitchener, Ontario - we have a famed Oktoberfest celebration. Well, whenever it comes to town, I tend to avoid the festivities except for the parade. But if I go, it is the desserts I love - German pastries, oh so good. I am not into the sausage and sauerkraut but give me desserts and I am a happy girl.

This is probably true of any food different from my usual cuisine. I just wish the calories where not so high.

Not far from my house is a Portuguese deli and bakery. I LOVE their tarts! I will only let myself buy a couple if I have walked to get there - one mile there and one mile home before I can enjoy them and I do not share them with my husband. He doesn't like them anyway. You know you go there too often when I walked in one day and the girl behind the counter took one look at me and said "there's only one left". Oh, well... at least I walked to get there.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823413-Red-Carpet--Treatment-Gatherings--Favourite-Foods