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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/830445-This-ones-about-hope-zombies-and-less-hope
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2002599
My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so.
#830445 added October 9, 2014 at 3:20pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about hope, zombies, and less hope.
Blog City image small

*Pencil* "Hope Always. Write Anyway. What do you think?" What up folks? Just me, sittin' here, puttin' off that last-minute packin' before I head back to Buffalo for a few days. I think the worst part of going anywhere isn't the return; it's this part here...waitin' before you can actually leave. So with that in mind I'll attempt to do what I probably do best: kill some time and bang out another blog entry.

"Hope always; write anyway." I like that. Sounds good, like it should be on a bumper sticker or Bedazzled on a denim jacket or somethin'. It reminds me of a line in a rather dark song by my favorite Canadian rapper (and ex-New York Yankees prospect) Buck 65; "I go under the blouse, and grope for the breast...I call this one hope, and hope for the best."   It tells me we're always gonna have adventures no matter what, good and/or bad regardless of what we hope for, but it's important to write about them anyway.

See, how much of anything really turns out like it was initially envisioned? Would your favorite book be dead in the water if the main character chose the left door instead of making a sandwich? How many movies would be over in five minutes if the star did the sensible thing rather than something totally unforeseeable that ends up becoming the exact premise of the story? There's always an ending to every situation that hasn't been written yet. The only requirement is that it starts with a hope of some sort, even if that hope is the outlook seems kinda hopeless.

I think this is a fascinating prompt, Princess Morticia Megan Rose . Thanks for that.

BCF PROMPT: "What would your weapon of choice be in a zombie apocalypse?"

Thanks for wakin' up and gettin' that prompt out in a timely manner, Charlie ~ . *Laugh* *Rolleyes*

I don't believe in the whole "zombie" thing, but I'll tell you what my weapon would be. It's simple really; guaranteed to stop this nonsense before it even starts. I'd make sure every mortician had enough sense to tie the shoelaces of the dead together before they're buried. Boom! Problem solved. It's hard to be a zombie with your rotting flesh and whatnot when you're also trippin' all over your dead-ass self.

See? What'd I say about making the right choice within the first five minutes? Got that prompt outta the way with the quickness. *Smirk*


** Image ID #2010042 Unavailable **

Today in the "Resurrection Jukebox, let's go with a great band from Minnesota (lotta great music comin' outta there), The Replacements. They were somethin'...sloppy, irreverent, and almost super-famous until they imploded, because that's what a lot of bands do when they start out young and booze and do drugs and play music as an afterthought. And sure, they finally reunited recently to start touring again, but without founding member Bob Stinson, who left the band and died in 1995 after battling drug and alcohol issues.

If you were to ask me to make a biographically-themed cd, the tracklist might vary based on the day but almost certainly this song would appear on every incarnation of it. Seems like no matter what we've got, we're rarely happy with it. We can't just be content...is there anything more? Should there be something more? What could I have done better? Actions and reactions sometimes tend to pose more questions than the answers they provide. Life can be maddening enough without overthinking it that way, but too often that's where I end up. I guess it's better than the alternative of not thinking at all.

"Look me in the eye,
then tell me that I'm satisfied."
Lyrics and interpretations.  


*Twitter* Like many of you, I'm on Twitter (@fivesixer...following me doesn't cost you a thing or hurt you that much *Laugh* *Smirk*). I don't use it very often, although now that it's football season I'll be on it a little more regularly, throwing out bitter and twisted attempts at humor (some of which, as an example, you can see here: "Twitter and Facebook Screen Shots). But like all things internet, some people just shouldn't be allowed to use it by themselves...take these 19 instances of people who shouldn't be allowed to tweet anymore  . Makes me a little sad that we have all this great technology now in the world and yet some people are still so, so dumb.

Alright, well, my brother just text'd me a few minutes ago to tell me he's on his way, so I guess that means I better jump in the shower and really do that packin' thing. Next time we see each other here, it'll be from the hometown. Peace, anything goes, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/830445-This-ones-about-hope-zombies-and-less-hope