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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/835410-Master-Mineral-Solution---big-bad-ogre-killing-thousands
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#835410 added December 5, 2014 at 1:53am
Restrictions: None
Master Mineral Solution - big bad ogre killing thousands..?
Have you heard about the lonesome MMS loser? It's (claimed to be) a loser but it still keeps on trying.

Master Mineral Solution, or is it Must, Must SHUT UP?

Recent and ongoing conversation / debate / argument:



"What is MMS
MMS is Sodium chlorite 22.4% solution
MMS1 or Activated MMS is Chlorine dioxide
MMS2 is Calcium hypochlorite that turns into Hypochlorous acid in water
CDS is Chlorine dioxide gas put into water
CDH is Chlorine Dioxide Holding solution"

More information here: Note. This is not a religion, about religion, or of spiritual nature.

Fluoride-recommended, advised, compulsory, yet toxic, poisonous and residual.



Now, I wonder why large corporations, medical practitioners, media and other highly influential people are so against even a whiff of MMS, CDS or any other form of alternative medical treatment? Why has there been no serious, balanced, UNBIASED research done, if its supposedly so bad?

Could it be the mighty dollar? Could it be fear of losing untold trillions of revenue gouged from hapless, desperately ill citizens?


Why are these groups having to fund their own research??! Hello? Where are the pharmaceutical companies now? Where are those who say our food and water are ok? Where are the doctors who keep prescribing medication that fights symptoms and not the core problem?

Are we harping about all this for nothing? Or am I just a paranoid, medication taking crazy man who Must, Must SHUT UP?

Are wild animals, chemicals, toxins, disease and pestilence a danger, as much as mankind are to each other?
Look who returns, when humans, with their destructive for no good reason nature , are forcibly removed?


I have to own up to not being a chemical expert, not being a scientist, not being a doctor, and not having any scientific research that I know of, to back up any of my support for MMS.

And as was stated by someone in the Twitter conversation, after some research on the Internet, I can only find that MMS, or Sodium Dioxide, or whichever form it takes as MMS, or CDS etc, seems to be defined as bleach.

However. There I must end my admission.

Personally, I have found only BENEFIT, from taking CDS, as directed on the instructions. I personally can attest that I felt much better health wise almost instantaneously.
Unlike the warnings shouted by the FDA and Australian medical authorities, I didn't feel any nauseousness or other side effects they scream about, and as for throwing out the product, well that would only suit them down to the ground. It's not good having the public getting healed of their health problems cheaply, is it? Not good for business.

Another point I must make here.

There IS research that has been done, by the RED CROSS no less; this claimed by the inventor himself Jim Humble, although they deny it, and the FDA say they are unaware of any research.

Apparently there are many thousands of testimonials on Jim Humbles website from those who have benefited from the use of MMS and CDS.

If that really is the case, if there are thousands of folks who have enjoyed better health, and dramatic changes to diseases and other conditions, then the question must be asked.

Why be so focussed on criticism of the inventor and others who have used it personally, why call it snake oil, and even dangerous?

Why not be jumping for joy, or at the least, a bit interested, even curious, even a little OPEN MINDED about the stuff? Could it be that even if a large dose IS harmful, if it is taken as directed, and as I was warned in the instructions, if nauseous or experiencing diarrhoea, to reduce the dosage until I felt ok still taking it, then why not support some research into it?

Comment under this video (1 year)
"YOu can Print out their Different PROTOCOLS , I think If Properly Used MMS will Cure any Disease Kill any Virus on Earth 30 Years ago the Great Lady Scientist Dr Hulda Clark said these PARASITES can Affect """THINKING"""I think those Behind the NWO have many in thier BRAINS, it Kills their Ability to FEEL LOVE"

Why ban the sales of it on eBay? Why try to attack open discussion on it, sneer at those who try to explain, or try to defend it?

Evidence based? Research?


What about the many who have benefited? Doesn't that say something? Isn't that evidence? Isn't that research? Every new medicine has to be tested...

And I haven't seen any amazing breakthroughs in the medical world for all the conditions and ailments that don't cost the earth, can have terrible side effects, and go totally against the basic way our bodies work.

Look at how much of a failure Nexium is... I know first hand. I have to take them daily. As well meaning as GP's are, Nexium is just treating a symptom.

I believe MMS and CDS is a threat to the system that rules the world. Money. Power. Compliance.

What's next? Will people like me who say something like this blog entry be ostracised, dismissed as not being scientific, not being educated, not being legitimate, not being somebody important, not being 100% articulate.

This is not the first time I've carried on about MMS / CDS or whatever you want to call it in whatever form.

"Miracle Mineral Solution- a crank cure or huge cover up?

But,no. Take no notice of me. I'm just BiPolar. What would I know about my own body? What would I know about how I felt after taking CDS?

$? or


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/835410-Master-Mineral-Solution---big-bad-ogre-killing-thousands