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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/838085-Colin-FAR-CRY-4-You-really-got-me-People-Write-Like-This
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#838085 added January 7, 2015 at 6:37am
Restrictions: None
Colin, FAR CRY 4! You really got me. People. Write Like This
First day back at work after a big week away, and like a big wuss, I'm totally stuffed tonight. I sat down for a very short bit of YouTubentertainment thinking a few seconds later I'd slide off to bed, and not need any rockin' to fall asleep.

And so what is the first video clip I pull up? It's the Furze. That mad Uk fulla who made the huge bonfire and the DRIVE BY / DRIVE ON fast food CARAVAN (before that emergency stop that saw him do a Michelin Man somersault and spear straight through the crappy Masonite body of the van.)

What do I see? He's been sending a bunch of cell phones up into space, yes SPACE, that area way above the clouds where you'll need more than an Asmol ventolin puffer to keep on breathin without the wheezin.

Then there is the other dead in the centre of insanity territory idea of an ICE BIKE. Then he takes it, he actually does take it up to the. Well, there's where I'm not going to tell youse. Nope. Have to watch it or notch it up as something you'll regret one day.

Imagine if you could write with such original ideas, however zany and weird, like Colin Furze? We'd be pumping out novels that kids would fight over behind the school playground toilet block. They'd be selling them on the black market for a huge amount, even though you could buy them online for 99c. That's the power of the

Originality Narrative Hookery Cookery.

Let Colin tell it his way, after all, he's the owner of these nasty ideas. (BRILLIANT PLANS!!)


And to prove I'm not lying about the cell phones, here it is. Yes, it's real. He didn't photoshop this or use CGI. Nup. He Did It.

What has all this to do with writing? Why did I say "People. Write Like This. ?

Because its just, its the, its...

Many of our original ideas are hopeless.

That's ok. So are those of geniuses. But eventually you stumble on a brilliant one.

Why do you read a book? Why do you keep reading, even when the phone rings and it's a call from that new girl / guy you recently met who you've been fretting over and. What is it about the book, really, that keeps you reading, and makes you feel that its fresh, the ideas are stuff you've wondered about, and that?

Yes, we've heard it all before, about narrative hook and getting the reader hooked. But why not sit down over a few mugs of coffee, somewhere quiet, or noisy as WW4 in a Teenagers' shared house near the Uni, and nut out what it is about the best books we've read that kept us stuck like super glue velcro and ice adhesion all combined with hot asphalt, Araldite and Rapid Set concrete?

I won't tell you, because its important for you to think it over. (I need to do this too, so I know what the answer is)

That answer could make you rich. LATERAL THINKING. Being original.

The reason stories attract us and stick in our memory long after we've forgotten where we read it or when, could be as simple as a new idea that is clever, combined with inside information and detail that we've always wanted to know, and now that we do we can be all superior in front of our peers *Pthb*

I like Colin's music choice too, except for a brief interval of some sort of Elevator or Doctors waiting room music *Laugh*.

You should have some ACDC in there too, might lend a bit of something or other to things. Hmm that's my boring input over with.

Remember, these videos have most of the boring waiting bits and the failures removed. Not all. That's called HUMOUR.

Every story needs some sauce, salt and pepper, mint sauce, gravy, salsa, Pho, whatever! That's the humour. Enthusiasm like Colin's is funny, genuinely funny, because I remember being like that at home doing projects in Dad's shed on the farm. Especially with little training, you sometimes thought up very odd but effective ways outside the rules, to do stuff.

And that, is how originality happens. Blurts out of amateur's heads like bullets out of an Uzzi. A word of warning. This video contains real weapons and some may find the whole thing offensive. Seriously. Watch with care. Or not.



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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/838085-Colin-FAR-CRY-4-You-really-got-me-People-Write-Like-This