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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/851097-When-you-try-to-exorcise-the-VANDAL-from-todays-provocateur
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#851097 added June 6, 2015 at 7:33am
Restrictions: None
When you try to exorcise the VANDAL from today's provocateur
No wonder words are written in iTALICS to emphasise inflection. TALICS = VANDALS.

noun, plural provocateurs [pruh-vok-uh-turz, -too rz; French praw-vaw-ka-tœr] (Show IPA)
a person who provokes trouble, causes dissension, or the like; agitator.
(italics) French. agent provocateur.

Question asked in the car tonight, as we returned from my wife's mother's place, after enjoying a meal of Chinese cuisine, and her company (M.I.L's)

"Are web logs called blogs because the writer has a cold?" or

"Do plumbers (also with colds or the 'flu) search for the blog entry, when they do onsite toilet drano duty?"

Ok, that's enough unfathomable Dadism jokes of baffling meaning and only trace elements of humour. Phrases remain statements if no humour is generated- not even promotable to Dad Jokes, but remaining the humble Dadisms.

Last blog entry I mentioned VANDALS. VANDALISM. It's not something that makes anyone feel gooey with maturity, or faint with great praise. Feinting I am not, wherefore, illuminating the reason for this entry's title, I expand. This is not a fist bump

Well, some of my ancestors are to blame for the fact I descended from people known as "vandals"

These people were known as "destroyers of habiliments of beauty"

Our ancestral name on Dad's side is Terlich. This came about via a misspelling of a hard of hearing clerk recording, or ticking off? names on disembarkation.

Before they emigrated from what was then Prussia, to South Australia, their name was Talick, or Taluck, or even iTALIC.

Apparently this came from the word vandal, referring to the habits and general crankiness of the folks.

So perhaps I better not get too vocal about vandals. Perhaps I'm a writer with a cold, a blog vandal.

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I think it really is guilt.

I have to make up for all the past "Vandal-ism" of my tribal ancestors of Ancient Borussi. (Prussia)

On a serious note, I did a little more research than usual to be able to write on this topic, and to satisfy my own curiosity, and the more I read, the less humour I felt. This was a terrible era and they were monstrous people.

Perhaps they were Bipolar, and didn't, as we now know, didn't have any Internet, or web log to vent their pillaging desires on, as I try to do. I have no tendencies to career around the place doing dastardly deeds.

I'm the other way. I'll send out 7 Billion odd hugs in the virtual sense, my arms outstretched in comradeliness.

I asked my daughter just now, what does the Fist Bump, with the little spider hand gesture afterwards, mean, for crying out loud?

She said its a way to express comradeship, with the added "little explosion" sign language meaning RAD, or there is such AWESOMENESS here in this relationship and in all of our dealings together making us vastly fantastic.

Something like that. It must be the opposite of vandalism then. With vandalism, the hand gestures happen first, the paint is sprayed, or the property is damaged, or the other human is destroyed, and then the fist bump happens. Doesn't it?

No. There is no humour contained in what the Vandals, Teutonics, Goths and other tribal groups, did centuries ago.

I have heard that following vows, any Prussian descendants found living today are still hunted down, every last one, and destroyed. There are those still bent on this purpose right now, here in 2015.

Well, my answer to your vigilant search and destroy mission, fellow, is that if you aim to kill me for my possible "Prussianism", then you might as well do it to the rest of humanity. Because the amount of Vandal, or Borussian blood / genes left in my spiral of physical features would be so diluted by now, that any of us could be just as much a culprit of Vandal-ism.

Dadism is common to all blokes who enjoy sheds, spanners, small liquid filled refrigerators, vehicles of the wheels driven four, put outerers of the rubbish bins and containers of recyclingtons, and laughers of Angry Rams and Gary the Goatisation.

(Daughter comments after reciting the previous paragraph. "Not really. Um. Darth Vader never paid child support")

In my private quest to redeem the Vandal tribe from our (no no no, THEIR) previous unfair and selfish terribleness, I try to focus on positive objects and experiences; I want to share the good things of life with others- not bash their person, or other extreme expressions that lack empathetic responses within our selfies.

VANDALS were a feared people, and their mum.

I wonder what Vandals did for shelter, for food, for entertainment (besides warring on others and abusing beauteous substances) years ago? They mustn't have spent all their 24/7's of agro hours, or their ancient Internet download equivalent coin pieces, on looting and being selfish rotters. No, they could have completed useful activities such as this 1200 odd AD re=enacted village mob.

You can't tell me that someone here doesn't have an illicit 4S, 5, or 6 or Galaxy / Android hidden away in the thatch ceiling somewhere. What about those times of emergency, or emergence. What about when they run out of loo paper? That's an item that was loudly absent.

And, what 'bout reportin doze VANDALISM perps, man?

So, one tiny blip of good un-vandal behaviour was taking this pic last couple of days. And a couple of others, with particular attention paid to history (even if it is germanic, sorry vee dub fans) bright colours, nostalgia and just plain cuteness.

That is why I hang around streets drinking skinnny 'cino's or the new (for me) Chai Latte yuppie puppy coffee, and bumping into folks who give their gracious permission and high five, for said iphone high five photographs, of their Volkswagens and etc.

High five or high fi-bre, vandals could learn a lot from this example I hope one day. Bit by bit and not altogether being silly here either.

Do something else to get noticed, get your message across, get stuff you don't otherwise own or have permission to own or deserve to own or have enough dosh to own.


Vandals; Oh mine ancestors blended with the blood of all the other tribes of the Earth- please, wherever you be this day, be on notice.

Stop your Vandal-ism. And maybe I'll stop making Dadism's about bloggers with colds.


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