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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854302-You-can-be-better-than-that
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#854302 added July 14, 2015 at 10:07am
Restrictions: None
You can be better than that...
Dementors, such as invented and depicted by JK Rowling in the Harry Potter book series, do exist in this, the Muggle world.


A Dementor is a non-being and Dark creature, considered one of the foulest to inhabit the world. Dementors feed upon human happiness, and thus cause depression and despair to anyone near them.

Spell check offers me Tormentors as a legitimate word replacement, but torment is only part of the picture of Dementors, isn't it?

You know it's right when people, not all but some, don't believe in happiness or anything "glad". Deeper in their psyche they probably do believe in a happy, smiling, optimistic world where it is OK to joke, even if the humour is of the "Dad" variety.

But their actions belie whatever redemption may exist in the darker folds of their ventricular organ.

You eventually realise they prefer to be sour. They only approve of grumpiness, negativity, criticism, fault finding, searching for reasons why something won't work instead of assuming it will work and making changes so it does work.

I suppose we all have our moments. This pessimistic unhappy view of how life should be and remain is potentially within us all.

Please. If you find yourself like this most of the time, on a daily, even hourly basis then be on notice. Put yourself on notice, in the hot seat, on a 24/7 supervisory caveat.

Change. Find. Search. Get. Motivate yourself to be cheerful instead. Lose the pride thing. Kick the nasty speech habits and back stabbing and tall poppy syndrome stuff in their collective, virtual backside. Laugh.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaats it. Learn to laugh at stuff that isn't that funny. It doesn't have to make sense, OK? Life doesn't have to fit into comfy little slots to suit jaded, case-hardened, crusty old (Or young) grumble-bums.

It IS OK to have moments that are less than sociable.

But for Pete's SAKE! Why make everyone's life miserable because of your own lousy, glass half empty, hazy, frankly self destructive lifestyle and attitude?
This way of conduct is contagious, and while you sincerely may not want to harm others, you sure as eggs will, as you continue to have the dirts with anyone who isn't as sneering, trolling and hostile as yourself, and most likely, the humour challenged group of backbiting good-mood thieves you hang out with.

Why??? Why am I writing with such bitter finger pointing, accusing a select bunch of folks for being such enthusiasm sapping sods?

This clip isn't for the faint hearted, and be warned. Seriously. You may find it disturbing. But I think it illustrates graphically who I refer to in this blog. Those who have appointed themselves as angst ambassadors, removing anything happy or glad from our minds and actions. They want everything "good" and positive taken away. They really do want our soul!

The next few videos are here because they are not only different unusual subjects, but because they are not something everyone would be interested in particularly. But these people are all enthusiastic about their thing. You can see it in how they talk about it, without script or notes, and talk for quite some time. That's because of their passion and devotion to that activity. They know the ins and outs because of many hours spent on that subject, doing those things, learning these skills, talking with others and showing others about the interest, and sharing what they've done online, in videos like these.

One thing is for sure. You aren't left in any confusion as to what makes these people tick. Oh yeah. This is definitely what they've been into over the last few years.

They know their stuff.

If you browse the comments below the videos you will soon see some Dementors. They are the ones sucking the happiness out of what the person has done. They are the ones who try to inflame the discussion into the peace robbing pits of...well lets not talk on that stuff. They do an excellent job of being miserable all by themselves.

I'm a bit of an idiot. I admit it ok? My jokes are usually hopeless unless I have heaps of time to really nut one out properly.

Even then, my general upbringing was the old fashioned, dry bush humour, fighting for financial survival in hostile, unprofitable agricultural lifestyle. My way of thinking was shaped by weed infested, experimental farming on poor quality soil where political will and city made laws hijacked any success that may have been chiselled out by the plain hard work, sweat and tears of my Sheep Shearer father and Book Keeper mother.

What I'm saying is, I understand people may find my demeanour and general appearance a little irritating.

However, I find myself sick to the back teeth of people who allow themselves to remain, the Dementors of our human race.

There are many ways, many alternatives, many cures, if you will, for the malaise that people suffer from; the life long dry dribblies.
You don't have to remain self cursed, unhappy and bitter, ensconced in your narrow little world of unfriendliness. There is no law, except your self made selfishness that forces you to hide among similar peers; these cliques comfort you, yet define your cynical unpleasant personality.

See, even writing about people who are determined to be like this for the major block of their waking hours, has a draining effect on my own brightness. I feel the reason I started this blog has disappeared from my mind. I no longer remember what my point was, in penning this entry.

Perhaps it was to exhort, encourage others to not be pulled down by this group of people. As I said, we all have our moments, and it would be stupid to judge some sector of the population as being inferior to any other mob. No, that just plays into the very hands of the Dementors.

To break the cycle requires non-judgement for starters. As people become aware of their darker side, the negative personality traits, they will make changes naturally, they will clamour for change if there is a mirror to look into wherein they don't feel threatened.

The mirror can be those people who are bright, cheerful, yet sensitive to what caused people to become bitter in the first place. To be a mirror of change to help ugly minded people become happy with themselves again, and thereby happy with their surroundings and fellow humans, requires the person to just reflect! Reflect the image standing in front of you. Not get revenge!

To retaliate is a natural reaction to criticism, and we feel all indignant and demanding of our rights against the person attacking. Some attacks are very snide, underhand, sneaky and even appear to be cloaked in harmlessness. There is no room for paranoia if you want to be a mirror of change. Just be a happy person, and not retaliate.

Well, its a good theory and I've found first hand that it doesn't always work. People will remain nasty, grasping and critical of whatever you do, whatever you suggest, whatever contribution you offer that might be a better choice.

But there you have it. When we write, we can TALK about these things. There is no rule, yet anyway, to prevent directness and openness.

Is transparency naivete?

In talking about things hopefully, we can create an influence of optimism, of hope, of a brightness in the near future, of a reason to be motivated for the better.

Have you ever felt excitement and wanted to express it, yet the feeling is worded mid sentence? An exclamation mark at the end doesn't really cover it. Well help is at hand.

Naivete - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/naivet%C3%A9




John Butler Trio say (sing) it all...

"Better Than"

All you want is
What you can't have
And if you just look around man
You see you got magic
So just sit back relax
Enjoy it while you still have it
Don't look back on life man and only see tragic

Because you could be better than that
Don't let it get the better of you
What could be better than now
Life's not about what's better than
You can be better than that
Don't let it get the better of you
What could be better than now
Life's not about what's better

All the time while you're looking away
There are things you can do man
There's things you can say
To the the ones you're with
With whom you're spending your today
Get your gaze off tomorrow
And let come what may

Because you could be better than that
Don't let it get the better of you
What could be better than now
Life's not about what's better than
You can be better than that
Don't let it get the better of you
What could be better than now
Life's not about what's better

All I know is sometimes things can be hard
But you should know by now
They come and they go
So why, oh why
Do I look to the other side
'Cause I know the grass is greener but
Just as hard to mow

Life's not about what's better than.

All you want is
What you can't have
And if you just look around man
You see you got magic
So just sit back relax
Enjoy it while you still have it
Don't look back on life man and only see tragic

Let's not give in and just be Dementors; miserable and the cause of everyone else's misery, especially bright cheery people.

Let's BE better than that, and think on good things, on happy stuff, write to cheer people up, write to pull out the splinters, write to massage the thoughts into a brighter day, write to communicate brotherly and sisterly love for one another.

Instead of miserable, the Dementors will be warmed up from their cold little lives, will be shown how to laugh, how to see in the mirror that the person reflected back is how they should be, not how they are.

Show people through our writing how it IS, not how wishful thinking can deceive people into thinking it's how it is.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854302-You-can-be-better-than-that