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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#856578 added August 5, 2015 at 6:18pm
Restrictions: None
Four days ago--what happened! Well, a lot, actually, and it's not really all that bad that it's been four days since I wrote in here. See, my last entry was on Saturday, but on Sunday I was writing a story instead of in here. I spent a good part of Sunday morning and a few hours of the afternoon writing my first challenge story. the challenge is the 52 Week Fiction Image Challenge. Every Sunday, for a year, a new image is posted, and we get one week to write a fictitious story based on the image. There's more, but that 's the gist of it.

Sunday was the first image, and the beginning of 52 weeks of writing, and I was eager to get started. Eager because I'm looking forward to this challenge, looking forward to writing again, and especially eager because I knew I wouldn't get much writing in on Monday or Tuesday, and was even kind of unsure about today.

Monday was a lot of time spent doing nothing, but yet, it was required. I was up pretty early, but no coffee, no breakfast, nothing except a few sips of water while I waited for a C.A.T. scan. That in itself wasn't all too bad, except I had to travel to Sioux Falls to get it done. A big part of the reason is insurance and in and out of network providers, but the other part is the simple fact, I need to see someone from outside this area.

An accident in May has left me with problems that have gotten worse, so now I have to seek out medical attention. But, quite a few years ago, I had surgery for a hernia right here at home, through a local clinic and at the local hospital. In talking with a different doctor, it seems that some of the problems I have had ever since that surgery, should not have been there. So, I wanted to go see a new surgeon, at a new hospital, who would be able to do the repair surgery as well as any other work that needs to be done, right this time.

So, Monday was up and early start, a long drive and then a lot of waiting until the scan was done. Then, it was straight to the hospital cafeteria for some coffee, water, and something to eat. Now, Sioux Falls has a lot of places to eat, from fast food to fine dining, but since I had to have another test done on Tuesday, an ultra sound, and couldn't eat just anything, I decided the cafeteria would be as good a place as any to get something in my stomach. A nice salad, coffee, and chocolate low-fat milk did the trick.

Then, it was another long drive back home. I was pretty tired, and feeling pretty sick from the solution they injected before the scan. I don't think it would have been so bad, but the medication I had to take prior to the scan really dehydrated me. It was difficult for the lab to draw blood and get an I.V. in my hand. Then some kind of fluid to make things show up well on the scan, which was hard enough on my stomach.

Then, after getting home, there was little I really felt like doing except to just relax for a while. A nice low-fat dinner was nice, but again, I had to eat light and couldn't have anything after midnight. Then a return trip to Sioux Falls for the ultra sound, and then a little shopping. I had this done earlier, so it wasn't quite as bad, and I didn't have to take anything the day before, so I had been able to re-hydrate some. Also, this didn't require any injections or anything, so it went much better. Finally,no diet restrictions once I was done.

It was late afternoon by the time we returned, and after two days of this stuff, both Rhonda and I were exhausted. We had eaten well and late enough that we didn't have to worry about cooking anything, and at first it seemed we would both be in bed early, but then after relaxing, we decided to enjoy a fire on the patio. No, we didn't stay up long, but it was a nice end to the day, and quite enjoyable.

Today, Rhonda had off just in case things had turned out different and I had to stay in Sioux Falls. Since I didn't we just relaxed and enjoyed a quiet day. Tomorrow should be back to normal, except for me being out of work yet. I don't talk to the surgeon until the eleventh, unless something requires attention before then. It's kind of a long wait for the outcome of all of this, and it's very likely it will involve surgery, possibly a couple, but it's kind of nice having a little time to prepare myself for the ordeal. At the least I will have a repair to the surgery I had back in 2003, but more likely, it will be a bit more. I suspect I not only tore the original patch loose, but also tore some tissue below it.

The other surgery? Well, in the process of finding out what I suspected, the doctor pressed against my gallbladder. I just about jumped off the table when he did, it was that sore. So, he suspects I will also need to have my gallbladder removed. Can they do both at the same time? That I don't have any idea on. I suppose it depends on houw severe the hernia is, and if they are even to reach from one site to the other. I reckon I will find out on the eleventh.

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