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writing something which has twists and turns |
I realized very late last night that I hadn't written in this book. My reaction to this realization was, "i'm tired, in the bedroom, and I'll do it tomorrow." This isn't good because I deviated from what I was accomplishing which is writing regularly working on this project. Now along with this not so good decision, I decided that because I wasn't going to writ last night, I would have to write twice today. The only way I thought would work out best is to write in the morning, yeah! I am actually managing to do this. A start in the right direction. Now the next challenge is to keep going in this direction, so I also decided to make a date with writing in this book which is to get the writing completed for to day at night in my usual way, but no matter how late it is, or if I am in bed and then remember, I will get out of bed and write. My understanding of how to form a habit is to consistently, everyday, do whatever it is which a person desires to make a habit for at least 21 and sometimes I've heard 30 days. I plan to go for the 30 days and continue writing for as long as it takes to complete this book. I'm beginning tok think this endeavor is becoming more of a diary or memoir. I love spell check because it helps me get the words typed properly. I still plan to edit this manuscript or whatever this should be called. Back to my events between yesterday and today. Because I have the family group and am responsible for the security and longevity of the group I was able to spend some time writing content for the "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP" ![]() I made a promise to myself and therefore it was very difficult for me to handle the disappointment of my decision. I didn't fire myself, but I should have. Keeping a schedule which allows writers to meet dead lines is necessary and vital for having quality jobs. quality work equals quality jobs. I hope I do not do this again because I will have no choice. I will have to fire myself. That is extremely harsh, however, this will help me retain my focus and keep on track. If I fire myself then I'll have to hire another writer to write this book and this is for not an option because it would mean utter and complete failure. With this looming over my head I should be able to remember and make certain I don't miss the deadline. A decision I mdd while writing this information is that if, and I should not, miss the deadline of writing to ight, I will have to write more and also write another time during the day which would mean writing three different times in the day to make up for going off track. You may think I'm being to hard on myself, but for me and many writers, editors,publishers and other people/companies meeting deadlines is very, very serious business. Please don't take for granted that writing can be done when the muse is going. Often it is necessary to write when there is not desire to write, or any idea what to write. Writers block can be eliminated! Writers block can be eliminated! Writers block can be eliminated! Actually some writers and publishers state that writers block is a myth. writers block can eliminated. It's necessary to eliminate writers block or the writer will be eliminated from writing jobs because of the inability to produce quality writing within the required time line. I wouldn't want this to happen to any writer, so read carefully and allow your brain to take in this information. Don't worry I won't charge much for you to read the rest of this book. It is a reasonable price of only $1,777,777.77 Just incase I have the numbers incorrect or maybe not, one million seven hundred and seventy severn thousand seven hundred and seventy severn dollars and seventy seven cents. I think I got it right somewhere. What! you said it wasn't much money. My answer to this is it isn't because it is worth this much to me. This is the way a job for writing should be approached because it is valuable to the person you agreed to write for and agreed to do within a certain amount of time. Another reason is because writers block is something which people get hung up on regularly. Don't! The simple fix is don't even worry about this. focus on what is needed and take the time to plan out a schedule, outline, and whatever else you need which will free you from getting tangled in these necessitate every time you try to write. Worry is a waste of time, energy and writing. especially robbing writers of their talents and time because they are caught in the writers block and what if cycle. Get going with the writing even if you have to sit for a half hour writing the cat ate the hat. Het hat was blue, A dog chased the cat. I would suggest that writing something will un tangle the brain and get it moving in the direction of writing the needed content. Writers block does not exist because the writer you, is going to write with no problem even if it means free writing until the project gets going and is completed by the deadline or before. Attitude will make or break the writing situation. If you think you have writers block, you're rite. If you think you do NOT HAVE WRITERS BLOCK< YOU"RE WRITE> Whatever you think is what it will be and so it is good to think yourself in the direction of writing well and completing the project on time with quality writing to present to the person with whom you made this writing agreement. You'll feel good about yourself, you'll be free of negative thoughts and feelings, and you'll be able to go forth with honor to write for another project. One caution is that if the is too difficult, then perhaps writers block isn't writers block. It could be that writing may not be what you should do, or what you should not do at this particular time. Only you can determine if this is true. Having the desire is a goof tool to help you work through writing challenges, however if you struggle and fine excuses for not writing, it may be best for you to do something which you enjoy and have the talent to accomplish so you can earn money for expenses or that you feel good about yourself and know what works well for great success. Everyone has talent and everyone can use this God given talent to make a living and feel good about them selves. If the pressure is too much for you when you write you may need to change what and how you are writing....I almost didn't remember to save and edit which would have caused a problem if I hadn't done this before time ran out. Don't forget to save what you write so that you don't have to rewrite it later causing you to maybe miss the deadline. An example of causing unnecessary stress,, anxiety, having to do double work, and creating a situation which may possibly cause you to loose work in the future. There is pressures when writing professionally. If you find that this is overwhelming or causing you to become someone you don't want to be consider doing another activity which you enjoy and are relaxed about for your healths and psychological health so that if you must work for survival, you will have great success and loss of enjoyment and feeling of successful accomplishment. I discovered that I don't do well in stressful situations any more. It is too much for me, so I've made some life changes which I won't go into in this book because it is not the purpose or reason I decided to write this book. As long as I set deadlines so that I'm not feeling rapped within them, I will be ok and manage to get whatever is needed completed. There are many options for writing so if you are struggling research other other possibilities and see if there is something which will work well for you. For me writing freelance and working on my own projects is best because I am my boss and will understand my situation better than any other person. Yet, I still maintain a business model for dealing with whatever project I'm working on at the time. When I make mistakes I don't just brush them off nd go oh well! I treat these situations as if I were the boss waiting for the quality work agreed upon on the time frame agreed upon and with the idea that i could be fired as well as ruin my reputation. The trick is to NOT BE TOO HARD on YOURSELF> Don't be the kind of boss you'd hate to work for even when you're desperate for a job. Be the kind of boss who is a stickler for keeping agreements and yet allowing the writer to manage the time so that it is successful and still fits into the life schedule so that everything is in balance. Balance is the key to a joyful and happy life, especially the rioting life. When things are balanced and you have a workable schedule which allows for accessional situations which may take you away from your writing, you should be able to write and meet the deadline with easy and the knowledge that you are doing a quality job within the requirements of the job and will have great success. when you need to take a break, do so if you are stuck mentally and physically. Be careful to not use this as an excuse to stop writing. If you allow this then when you return...oh...yeah...writing for this project...i think have a block...oh no I can't allow this...well now where was I? A few minutes you realize you have lost the smooth flow of writing the content and now you have to work harder to get back onntrack and move forward with your project. But, I only took a break and itt was only 3 minutes. It doesn't take lone especially if your heart isn't in the writing process. For example in my case right now the daog are barking. I could stop writing and go see why is happening, but and this is a big but, I would lose the flow of my writing and maybe or maybe not get it nack so that i could share this information with you. When you set a time to write this is exactly what you should be doing, so again I repeat. There is no such thing as writers block. Ok, there was when I started to write. In my early years at school I would be able to write a few lines, then everything collapsed. I did get stuck and didn't know about writers block. As I push myself to write out of desperation to complete a school assignment, I found that eventually the writing slowly went better and faster. I tried to write while in school but it was a pile of #$$##@$%%^&*(*)(^**&^%^$#, and so I stopped for a very long time. Now that I have had many years of experience, plenty of time to mature, and managed to realize that I truly am a writer, (late bloomer), I enjoy writing and have practiced enough that usually it is extremely easy to produce decent content. Decent is good as long as you go back and edit the work. I've go tons of editing to do and will make time to edit what I write. My schedule is flexible with the rule that I must write each day, no exceptions. NOTE: I made the decision to go to bed without writing because I so tired I knew I would do much better after allowing me to get sleep. This is proving true because I have kept this schedule and am writing to day with the intention of writing more later toady. The writers block thing which does not exist is simple a matter of deciding to write and writing. It doesn't meter what gibberish goes onto the paper, just write. The more you do this the better you will be at writing and the easier it will be for you god get wonderful and valuable content on paper or screen and ready for whatever is needed ofter the project is completed. Write with might for readers delight. write with might for readers delight, Why do you write? Hang onto this answer because it will help you write and practice writing. Another important rule I have is that when I write and it isn't material I would use for a particular project, I keep this information because usually there are gems or some sort of hidden treasure. What does this mean of the writer? It means no writers block, treasure for use in other writing, the ability to complete writing assignments on time, the ability to write quality content, and the bonus is that when this is accomplished, there may be people looking for your writing services. If you write for fun or as a serious hobby, then the writers block still doesn't exist and the stress is what you make it or you break it. Push away anything which would interrupt or mangle your writing and yo will make progress. I've made progress because of writing this entry. It's fun and exciting for me to write so that I can share with you some of the events which have and are happening in my writing world. Sharing information is one of the best things someone could do and it is like giving away valuable treasure and yet being able to keep it. The attitude and the way the writer approaches the art of writing is what will make writing easier and extremely difficult. We all have choices and our choices directly affect us and st times other people. I want to write and share content so that I can help and lift up people. I want to give the best I have to give. My writing is created so that it is valuable to people who take their time to read what I wrote. Writing is therapeutic. Writing is good mental exercise and to a degree if you type or write by hand physical exercise. If I think about why I write more, I'n certain I will come up with other answers, but for now this is a sampling of some reasons why I write. With your reasons for why you write and the tools you use to make certain the writing gets done, you should be well on your way to writing quality content with relative ease. Remember, "NO WRITERS BLOCK!" Viv (dogpack) & Bella (service dog) "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP" ![]() "ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!" ![]() "disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN" ![]() NaNo Winner 2011 http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245 http://www.vpclass.blogspot.com |