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writing something which has twists and turns |
Oh boy have I messed up my plans. How could I have missed writing last night, Here we go again, You would think that messing up once was bad enough, but, Oh, No! I had to do it again. Not just missing writing one night but two in a row. I made up the first night and then completely and utterly didn't remember about writing again yesterday night. Well, I'll have to do something about this and make a lasting impression upon my mind so that I don't repeat history again ever. It's a very good thing I'm not writing this book for a publishing company or I'd be behind schedule. It isn't fun being behind schedule and trying to make up for this mistake when it is a book I'm writing with no obligations. It would be extremely horrible if it were for a publishing company. I wouldn't want to have to explain why I didn't remember to go to work on a work day. Glad I am writing without obligation except the obligation to my readers. Writing for readers is extremely important to me, so I'm going to make certain I write every day as planned. Now that that tirade is over and it is mostly the equivalent of me playing both parts, writer and publisher. So, now for the make it jp again strategy. I will make a point to write tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening. I will write tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening. I will remember to write twice tomorrow in this book. The idea is to remember first, then next is to make certain to retain the information so it isn't forgotten. It is necessary to remember fore you can forget. I almost went to bed without writing tonight. It is true that I've been doing other writing but not here. This is important because it is one of my projects which is on going. A writer must manage their long term inn going projects along with their short term or spastic other projects depending on their situations. Having a schedule is vital for balancing activities so that life and work can coexist without major crashes. When you are at work life has to wait until work time is over no matter where you are working. So, i must figure out the very best time to be at work and stick with the schedule as if I were working somewhere else besides at home. I'm home about 97% or more so, work is at home also. I have to admit writing at home is a wonderful and enjoyable experience except when I don't do what I'm supposed to be doing. I just saved this entry and started editing again. This is progress! As long as I remember to save while writing periodically, I won't lose anything I've written. Success is sweet and well worth working towards. So, I'm home writing right now because at this time of night, after 11pm, it is least likely that I will be interrupted by life or distracted by life events. Even if I were writing at another time of the day, I would have to make certain I decided upon rules. Otherwise I would be working with interruptions and distractions and get nowhere fast. The best possible options are to either get up an hour or two earlier than everyone else, or go to bed one to two hours later than everyone else in order to do some uninterrupted writing. Certainly this doesn't work for everyone,so there should be some considerations for setting apart time for uninterrupted writing. When family is a part of writing at home it is a good idea to impress upon the members that writing is serious business. Let them know that when the door is closed on the writing room or when you are in a certain place writing, it is as if you were away from home working. Unless there is a major life threatening incident, you shouldn't be disturbed. writing for at least an hour or so isn't going to happen if there are many distractions or interruptions that take you away from your writing. Whenever your move away from the process and try to return you will find that everything has changed dramatically. Where were you? Where were you going with whatever thought(s) you had? What were you in the middle of writing? Heck, what were you going to write about in the first place? Even something as simple as standing up a second or three could indeed disrupt your writing and cause you to loose hours or perhaps days of writing success. I have a clock function on my computer which I've set to go off every 30 minutes automatically. I am aware sometimes and sometimes not when it announces the time. So far I've been writing for a half hour. This is completely uninterrupted writing. When writing it is a thrill to be able to write uninterrupted for an hour or two. Certainly if someone is injured and needs help for example you would attend to this emergency, but if there is trouble with TV time or something else which is non life threatening or of other serious connciquences, then by all means try your best to continue to write. Hopefully while you are writing, there will be someone old enough available who is able to take care of non emergency and essential situations. The best idea is to teach everyone about how important and why it is important foe you to be able to write. Then share with everyone what they can to help you make this possible. As situations permit and ability is available, you could reward everyone during the beginning stages of accommodating to this new life style through rewards or treats if this will help. I know that changing life style u isn;t easy because I experienced a major life changing incident. This is another book, so I won't go into the details here. I know for me it is important to make the necessary changes ti be able to write regularly without interruptions. I may decide to write in the morning eventually or at least be flexible enough to do this whenever it is necessary. Having a slightly flexible schedu;e can be beneficial or harmful depending on what the out come happens to be on a regular basis. It may help to set up a time schedule and seriously stick to that time schedule until be becomes a routein which is automatic or at least very close to automatic. Then as necessity requires there can be gradual changes. I made the mistake of a major deviation from my schedule very early in my writing schedule routine and so the results are that I have compound this mistake. Do what you can to aoiade this kind of mistake and mistake it is. Be very cautious because if something creeps into a new routine,n it may change what you are trying to work towrd so drastically that you may suddenly not notice that you are off track and suddenly realize oh no, what happened to my writing and gee peers, it's due tomorrow and i only have a page written with five more to go in less than 34 hours. What a dilemma that would be. Of course you're not going to allow this to happen to you, right? Figure out to your best ability what will work best and stick to that schedule everyday. I'm not suggesting you ignore life and death or similar situations, but it is so very important to get the writing done, that You and I need to work sat it everyday. If you are writing for pleasure and there is no other reason, by all means enjoy yourself and write when you want to write. If you are writing to make a living by all means and for certain, do write everyday even if you don't feel like writing. If you have nothing to write don't stare at a blank page or screen, for writings sake, write something even if it the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Now, was that hard? Of course not. Do this for about fifteen minutes and I guarantee when you're done you'll find that you've awakened your mind and it is bored with abc's and there will be something different on the page or screen. When I can't think of any thing to write I just decide to write, start with a word and continue wherever the words take me. It's a very good exercise which will many times generate treasure that can be used for future writing situations. Keep notes on the things you write down which have future potential for helping you with your writing. Actually this book on writing has had only one decided upon idea and direction which is that I will rite about writing and throughout this I will be able to share my experiences on what happens when I decide to maintain this activity every day until this book is finished. I have read about writing and researched about writing along with experienced writing, so there is a lot of information I can write in this book about writing. My back is starting to screen at me and I refuse to stop writing. I use a wheelchair, so standing a moment isn't going to happen. I could stretch< but this would seriously interrupt my train od thought, momentum, and flow of my writing so I refuse to make any changes until I have written what I am going to write for tonight. and because I still have to write for tomorrow morning and tomorrow night, I hope to do enough writing to make a long enough entry for me to eb able to get caught up without too much trouble tomorrow. One thing for certain is that I will make up for my mistakes because I don't want this to become a habit. I want to stay on track and not to need to make up any writing. This is a goof goal and exercise. Wow, I've kept track of my time tonight while writing and been aware of the clock announcements about the time and I am pleased to report that I've been writing for exactly an hour straight without any pauses or changes, just writing and allowing the ideas to got out onto the screen. Thnis is quite an accomplishment for me. I can see now why practice is valuable even when practicing writing. So as I was writing, write even when you do not feel like writing or when there is a really wonderful reason to do something other than writing, you who is a writer, you must write regularly. I wonder how long this writing is for having written for an hour non stop? Guess what? I'm not going to stop writing just to fine the answer to this question even though it is very tempting. Because I sit all the time, I do have to change positions slightly often, so I just did this and it has renewed my zest and enthusiasm for continuing to write ab bit longer. I can tell I'm starting to make more typos but they aren't enough to cause me to decide to stop. I would have to be making more typos than I would be writing something that is readable. I'm getting tired and so know that soon I will make more typos and that is most likely when I will decide to stop writing for tonight. One more caution is do not look for excuses to not write. If this is something which happens often then perhaps you need to write as a hoby, or perhaps you need to find differnentypes of genera to write or you may indeed need to take a break, but a short be ask, like a day or two.. Sometimes there are situations where a longer break is necessary, like when you've just finished writing your novel or a project that you've been diligently working on for a year. I had to be away from writing for many, many months because of events which happened in my life. These events were extremely stressful, required my undivided attention for many months, and were a matter of survival. I didn't want to be away from writing.com and my writing for many months as well as friends and members, but it was completely unavoidable. I was getting hit by one thing, then another, then more, and on, and on un tip there were so many life demanding and altering events and tasks requiring my undecided attention, than I had to devote many months to taking care of me and my affairs. If I hadn't done this, I would have been in serious trouble. My challenges aren;t finished, but they are at least more manageable now, so I am again than k my Heavenly Father again able to spend time on WDC and able to write. Iam grateful to have this opportunity. Yes for me writing is an opportunity, a very precious opportunity. Consider this please and examine well your reactions to what I write next. Writing is a very precious opportunity because there are many people who want to write, of these some never start writing, some start and do not continue to write, some start and write spastically if at all, some start writing and quit before they give themselves a chance, and some start writing and these are a very few, and continue to write. Thi doesn't mean they ar published writers. The people who are fortunate to continue to write, Like me, have never been published. Often this doesn't matter. For me I am happy to write and getting published would be an honor and the icing on the cake. I'm taking one word at a time one sentence at a time. So, here I am still writing and enjoying the process. It is very good to be able to write and enjoy the process because when it becomes hard work and eventually it will you can look back at this and be able to hang in there and continue to write. As long as you want to write please take advantage of this and write. When it becomes hard work and you still want to write, goof for you, find prompts, ideas in your notebook, or something to help you co tine to write. I can tell that I'm getting slowed at typing, I have to work harder at thinking as the thoughts make their way from my head to the screen, and that I am starting to make more mistakes. It's much later and I'm getting tired which means it's past my bedtime again. Funny how writing can keep you awake. It is like eating potato chips you can't just eat one and with a writer you can't just write one word. Even thought these things are happening, I still have information to share and don't want to risk not writing this in the book. For this reason I am pushinvmysekf. I shouldn't but it's the writer at work and not me continuing to type.. If It were left up to me and me alone, I wouldn't hesitate to shut down the computer and go to bed. As long as you have something important or useful that you want to sure no matter the subject matter, make every effort to do this provided it oesn't effect your health directly. I should listen to the advice I just gave i writing. Go figure, I of all people have a good reason to stop writing and am still at it even though the clock just announced that it is another thirty minutes more that I've been writing. Perhaps this is my answer to making up for not writing as I should have the other day. I will decide about this when I examine at the progress I've made tonight. If this is long enough then it may be enough to satisfy the requirements. If not, I'll write twice tomorrow in two very separate sessions. It is obvious that my thought process and everything is very much slowing down, my seated position is wearing on the portion of my body which is being sat on, and I'm getting sleep[y enough to start to ![]() Viv (dogpack) & Bella (service dog) "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP" ![]() "ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!" ![]() "disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN" ![]() NaNo Winner 2011 http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245 http://www.vpclass.blogspot.com |