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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/860617-Children-Cloud-Notes-Oleka-Zipf-Thanks-for-the-20
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#860617 added September 21, 2015 at 10:11am
Restrictions: None
Children Cloud Notes Oleka Zipf. Thanks for the 20%!

Digging even deeper into my *WDC* notepad entries, seems like I jotted down this add-on optional gem for the second novel I've written called The Children Cloud.

I tried, I really did attempt, to think of the most ordinary, happy families, sunny day, pleasantness personified, yet vaguely sinister, even downright creepy sounding book Title.

Blue skies, tweeting suburban bird life and the distant industrious droning of Saturday's gardening Weed Eaters, Flymo's, and Stihl brushcutters doing the weekend chores. Forecast is for partly cloudy clearing to the North-whatever-st and an average temperature that will see today's white picket fence families nudging the suntan along, even sweating a little.
But, Children Cloud..? It...seEms ok, yet what is it with children referring to clOuds. SomEthing above them. Something closed. Blank. Ignoring. Displaying nothing. A white fluffy non-entity, yet very much alive, active, peering, focussing, narrowing down, cross-hairing, aiming, growing, encircling, towering, slowing above them. Perhaps regarding those tiny, innocent, defenceless youngsters with their lives ahead of them, yes regarding them with unwavering purpose. Connectedness far beyond the intimidating threats traditionally considered a danger to children.

No, these clouds, or...well, this cloud as it has somehow merged together seamlessly to form a larger, darker, more sinister white fluffiness.
It has become unified, like a swarm of bees or wasps, yet containing nothing of anything approaching intelligent. So why do the children pause, their noise reduce to inanimate movement, and as one, they turn, and look up, up above them. A long way above them.

So, yes, I tried to garner a dump truck load of horror, without saying anything of what some sort of threat might be. Harmlessness coupled with unutterable horror. If only we knew what it was! But we don't, so there is no escape, no release of some practical action whereby we could prevent, or avoid, or defend, or prepare, or foresee.

No. Whatever has cooled the atmosphere above them, and their playtime chatter, is not apparent. Just an occasional spot of what may become a light shower. Nothing to be concerned about at all. No, nothing wrong up there. Just...maybe keep looking though, in case of...in case something. Is that, what is that over..no maybe there's just cloud there, in that shape floating in such a bright friendly blue sky.

I was reminded by the *WDC* system to update my blog entry. That's why I came across those notes of my second novel, sitting there all dusty. I may never use this snippet / anecdote, record of a random idea I had that may or may not be relevant at a later date.

Here's some of the note.

Urn of ashes turns up unannounced, with the bombshell message on government letterhead from some investigative department. #### is upset, calls a meeting of the ######. The ashes are purported to be of their parents. Cause of death unknown, speculation kidnapping gone wrong, or simply a car crash while speeding from the scene of their home, their false identities found out by someone.

Their only Will states that they'd like the ashes spread across the sky from an aircraft.

At the end of the second last chapter, this wish is carried out under instruction from the #########. Only ######## knows that it isn't the ashes of their parents at all, its seed, and ###### wants it spread from the air so that the seed can disperse beyond any restriction or control, by a megla company, who we'll camouflage-call "monday santa" clause, who are taking control of the worlds seed, and the laws that govern who can grow seed-who can grow their own food.

Scary true fact:
New Zealand has passed a law to stop people growing their own food, thinly disguised as seed control.

"Monday Santa" clause chemical, spray and seed company are closely linked to the military, and to governments, lawmakers and big business who are against alternatives trying to grow their own food and run self sufficient communities who don't depend on governments or external law / control of them

I'll leave all that to your imagination to fill in the blanks.

There are clouds of words that display similar creepy attributes that we just cannot nail down, we cannot explain, cannot even begin to theorise much beyond the basics. Perhaps words and language are the next frontier to be explored. A lot less expensive than exploring space you'd think.


Incidentally, does anyone else wonder why Michael of Vsauce always, or mostly, bobs up from somewhere below the screen / camera? And we wonder why words are creepy, and why children take notice of us and our words / language so much. See how quickly children pick up on words you'd rather they ignored.

I'm thinking that maybe it's not a coincidence then that sleep makes us say ZZZ probably 80% of the time, and the other 20% are sucking in air, or just mumbling. A small percentage of noise we make while sleeping is easily predicted. That's the noise of dribble.

And this blog threatens to become 80% guff and dribble to 20% proper material and content.

So, I'll say goodnight, and start on the zipf snorxing story.


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