Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866247-Birth-Causes-Death
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2064270
Where do non-bible folks fit in?
#866247 added November 16, 2015 at 6:24pm
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Birth Causes Death
Sadly, we are all destined to die.
I am convinced this is where religion stepped
into our social evolution.
Even primitive Neanderthals buried their dead with
respect for an afterlife ..
So, the need for a benevolent God arose to help
us through our grief.

You wouldn't say to a bereaved family member,
"Well, Sally's dead. Get over it."
That would be rude.
It would be psychotic to say,
"Thank God Sally's dead. Now we can have her things."
Humans are needful of compassion.

It is highly likely there is no intelligent Creator.
Why doesn't God need a creator?
But, its impossible to prove a metaphysical entity does not exist.
"Hey! I just met Zeus!" Rob exclaimed.
Would you believe him?
Most likely not. Greek Gods are not popularly believed today.

From the day your born to the day you die
you will replace every cell in your body.
We are never the same person, but we have memories.
Imagine, not believing you are self aware.
You could think your a puppet of your environment
and a collection of hormonal responses.
Every impulse would be a command.

Is morality stronger than God?
A pragmatist would think so.
Who wants to live in a lawless community?
But, a police state would be intolerable too.
History has many examples of Democracies becoming

It is also, a terrifying possibility that a religious
dictatorship could take hold.
Could a superman be above morality?
Nietzche thought so, and Hitler put that idea into action.
Is science the answer to our need for peace?
Science can lead to mass eugenics of targeted inferior people.
Do you have any imperfections?

What if God is evil?
How would we live?
Perhaps, the tribulations of life are a test of our faith in
a loving God?
If someone kicks you down a flight of stares,
do they love you?
Genesis is a long fall for a happy ending.
Maybe, its all a dream?

Then, who is the dreamer?
And how do we wake up?


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