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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866987-Random-Acts-of-Kindness--Favourite-Days-This-Month
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#866987 added November 24, 2015 at 4:59pm
Restrictions: None
Random Acts of Kindness, & Favourite Days This Month
Welcome To My Reality - November Prompts

33. Random acts of kindness, tell us about the last random act of kindness you performed or that you received.

Doing small things for others is always good. This morning I noticed our neighbour's garbage can had fallen over and stuff had fallen out - in bags, of course... not too messy. Since the have just recently had a baby and the husband has left for work I picked it up and through the bags back in. No sense having her come out to do it... and she can't see it anyway. The garbage guys do a wonderful job collecting our stuff, but they don't go chasing anything that is fallen out or blown away. The moments it takes to do this made me feel good... and nobody would have known about it had I not written it here.
I try to do these kinds of things whenever I can... I can do my part... and make the world a little brighter in the process.

40. Write about your five favourite days/events of this month and why?

Nanowrimo has been the focus of this month. I have been writing hot... and managed to cross the 50,000 word finish line at 10:15 am on November 14. This is the earliest ever. The story is still going strong and I feel pretty good about it.
Along with Nanowrimo comes the chance to get out with my fellow writers within my community. I have been to several Write Ins - one in a McDonald's of all places... and I treated myself to a burger, fries, smoothie and later an Oreo McFlurry... I got some decent writing done as well. I love going to the various cafes around the area... and usually find a new place to hang out.
I also discovered that the Public Library has moved its cafe up to the main floor and you can take your food and drink anywhere in the place... you used to have to stay in the basement and finish your stuff before venturing among the books but now you are free to roam. I like the upstairs leather chair in the corner where I can watch the people below on the main floor by the cafe and the magazine racks. It amazes me who uses the library... every walk of life is represented. I love it. Yesterday I took a blanket, took off my shoes and curled up for some serious Nano writing. It was lovely.... and inexpensive - since you are not required to buy anything to be there.
I went to the Halfway Party social at the Adventure's Guild. That was very cool as for a fee of $5 you can play board games with your friends. I played three very stress inducing games of Jenga - I never realized how traumatizing that game can be... no one wants to be the one to topple the tower of blocks. We also played another very cool game, I forget the name of it... there was a lot of calling out and laughter involved. It was a riot... I lost each of our games... but I thoroughly enjoyed myself and that was the point anyway. They also had excellent coffee, milkshakes and sandwiches. I had the Mario sandwich when I went back on Wednesday night for the Write In there. I quite liked that place.
I went to the Overnighter at the beginning of the month... I did not stay all night. This body enjoys sleep much too much to deny the chance, but I did go and stay until one o'clock in the morning. I was home before my husband was home from Night Shift.
I am looking forward to the Write In Crawl tomorrow night. A group of our lovely Nannoers are meeting at a cafe at 5 o'clock. We write for an hour, then pack up and walk a block or so to the next cafe. We change cafes 4 times and the last one is open until midnight. I enjoy the writing with others and the chance to move around a little. Some people will meet us at various places along the route, others will be there at the last cafe because they don't want to trek from one to another. Last year, I had dinner at the first place, dessert at the second, tea at the third... because the excess coffee was beginning to burn my gut, and a smoothie at the last place. We will see what I do this year.
I am also looking forward to the TGIO party on December 1... The Thank Goodness It's Over party. A last chance to see everyone and celebrate our writing achievements - big or small. The sad part is I often don't see anyone until next year... it is like we crawl out of the woodwork for the month then all return to our separate lives come December.
One year a writing group started up.... but sadly, it petered out before the spring and even the cafe we all met in has since closed.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866987-Random-Acts-of-Kindness--Favourite-Days-This-Month