A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
The Sunday News! Comedian and sitcom star Jim Gaffigan recently did a stand-up comedy show in Buffalo, NY, and apparently was so funny it drove a pregnant woman into labor three weeks early. There really isn't any way of knowing for sure if one led to the other, of course, but you can tell us this...'One time I laughed so hard...' (and then what happened?). When I was in High School, one of my cousins and I had a class together. We studied together for an up coming test the next day . We began finding ways to make fun of the questions in the book and other pieces of information contained in the study material. The longer we studied and asked each other questions the funnier the material we studied became. It was one of those things where you laugh so hard the color of the air becomes something to laugh about. The next day we both aced the test. Laughter is a memory stimulant. In an article from the web. How Laughing Leads to Learning, http://www.apa.org/monitor/jun06/learning.aspx I found this quote: "The key to his teaching style, he says, is using humor to enhance otherwise dull statistical methodology by tapping into students' multiple intelligences and learning styles in a way that forces them to think in divergent and real-life ways." Laugh and Learn. Write On. |