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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#889215 added August 4, 2016 at 9:39am
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Europe - Day 3, Favourite Blogs & Vibe Attracts Your Tribe
30-Day Blogging Challenge August 2016.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

DAY 3 Itinerary - Aug 3rd

Today we are going to visit the UNESCO-listed cities of Segovia and Avila. They are only a day trip from Madrid. The tour is approximately 9 hours. We travelled by air-conditioned coach so our feet can take a break and we can rest... though I don't want to miss anything. We go back in time and see picturesque old towns with 11th century walls.
First we headed to Avila. It is the capital of the Spanish province of the same name; a city in the rolling hill country northwest of Madrid. It’s best known for its intact medieval walls, with 80-plus crenelated, semicircular towers and 9 gates, including the arched Alcázar, on the eastern side. Long sections atop the walls are walkable. At night, the lighted walls are a distinctive sight. Now that would be a treat to see!
On route, we got to hear tales of this beautifully preserved medieval city. It was an important pilgrimage site for being the birthplace of the Spanish mystic, Saint Teresa, in the 16th century. We stopped at the viewpoint of the Four Posts (Cuatro Postes) to marvel at the views of the protected, old walled city. It was like going back in time as we admired the 11th-century walls and towers. Inside we explored two of the town’s most impressive Romanesque and Gothic churches. Take in the fortress design and alabaster chapels of Avila Cathedral, and visit the Basilica of St Vincent, a sublime Romanesque church that houses the richly engraved tomb of the martyred saint.

View from Segovia Alcazarhttps://www.viator.com/photos/Madrid-tours/Avila-and-Segovia-Day-Trip-from-Madri...

We then continued on to Segovia, a history-steeped city with Roman roots, set between the Eresma and Clamores rivers. In the center of it all we went to admire the two-tiered Roman aqueduct, one of the best preserved ancient monuments in all Spain. It truly is an engineering marvel - constructed without mortar during the 1st century AD, and consists of 166 arches and 120 pillars. The Romans built this long stretch of aqueduct to get water from the mountains down to the city. This is purely made of uncemented limestones. Quite the architectural endeavour.

The famed aqueduct built by the Romans in Segovia

Then, we were off to the Alcazar, a spectacular 11th-century fortress-palace that was one of the inspirations behind the Walt Disney Cinderella castle. We took a guided tour of the 13th-century building as you hear how it served as a royal palace, prison and artillery college. It was definitely a highlight. All those turrets and courtyards. Apparently, Queen Isabella was crowned there in 1474. 

And the lovely Segovia Alcazar.... the views were amazing.
The view from Segovia Alcazar

From there we went on to see the Segovia Cathedral. The last Gothic cathedral to be built in Spain, this splendid church was finished in the 18th century and boasts a richly Gothic façade and unusually simple interior.

Here is one of the beautiful cathedrals we toured.
The Segovia Cathedral up close. Pictures not allowed inside, but it is absolutely beautiful.

I had decided to forgo the prepared lunches, in favour of going it on my own... hoping to sample the local area and put my money into the local economy instead of the hands of the tour guides. There was time to explore on our own and I enjoyed taking the time to walk and stop to write in a few of the nooks and crannies.

Today was well worth the trip, but I nodded off on the bus ride home and had to be nudged awake so that I could make it back to the hostel. Tomorrow is supposed to be an even earlier start and though I long to take in some of Madrid's cafes that stay open until 2:30 in the morning... I know I just can't do it and be ready for another day of exploration. Sure I could sleep on the three hour trip to Barcelona, but do I really want to? No. I would miss to much in the light of day.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 878

Prompt: What are some of your favourite blog entries you have written? I want to hear about them.

Right off the top I would have to say my August adventures with the 30 Day Blogging Challenge – virtual trips, camping and now Europe. How great is that. I have also enjoyed the ones I have done that chose a piece of music for each day.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 28 –Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe: Friends Request
"Tell me how your friends are and I will tell you who you are." - John Mason

The company we keep will either propel us forward and lift us up or it will suppress or destroy you, Preston writes. I have had toxic relationships I have had to let go of because the negativity was too much... I did not want to get dragged down. Letting go was hard, but it was the right thing to do. They were not going to change and I wanted something more for myself. Having grown up with a depressed mother, I find I am sensitive to negativity and try to stay away from it. Even today, I find if my mother is having one of those darker days I will try to help her out of it - much like I tried as a child, but I only do it for so long. Now I know if she is stuck there, it is better for me to do something away from her and stay out of the negativity.

Preston says it is important to "take inventory of what we want out of life and see if the people we spend mosto of our time with match up with that." You need to be brave enough to separate yourself from those who hold you back and surround yourself with those who will challenge your thinking and encourage you to be more... to reach for your potential.
You don't need to necessarily get rid of those friends completely, but acknowledge that they drain you when you are around them and limit the contact.

Preston says "steer clear of small thinkers with small plans and upgrade you group of friends to people who share a similar vision of the world. Surround yourself with people who thing big and put action behind their thoughts. These are the people that will support your highest growth and challenge you to step further into what's possible for your life."
You may have to go out into the world to find them.... use the internet if you need too.... finding Writing.com is where I have found like-minded people. I feel at home here, loved and encouraged to reach for my dreams. WDC is my tribe and I appreciate everything about the people I have met here. Preston says to find those people and appreciate them... you can't put a price on a good friend.

Make a list of 5 people you spend the most time with.
Write 3 things for each person that come to mind - she's supportive, she's augmentative...
Do you feel elevated or brought down after spending time with them?
Now make a list of the 5 qualities you like your friends to have.

© Copyright 2016 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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