Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/891161-Larry-the-Cable-Guy-and-Archy-Bunker-
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2090066
Who wants to be President?
#891161 added September 2, 2016 at 3:22am
Restrictions: None
Larry the Cable Guy and Archy Bunker ...
"I like Rice Crispy." Archy Bunker said.

"I like Frosted Flakes." Larry the Cable Guy replied.

They stared at each other and ate their cereal in the kitchen.

"Over 3 million people have died in the Middle Eastern conflict.
This is a conservative estimate .. The rise of ISIS and collapse
of Iraq have contributed to a genocidal war. Iran is retaking
the oil fields it loss to Iraq. Iran's constitution states the
necessary destruction of Israel. Israel has 300 nukes."
Muzzy stated and munched on his oatmeal.

"Rice Crispy has a crunch." Archy Bunker said, "It's great!"

"Frosted Flakes is more filling." Larry the Cable Guy slurped.

"Donald Trump wants to retake the Iraqi oil fields and surround
them with U.S. bases. Hillary Clinton wants to continue bombing
Syria and move on to Libya. Russia has allied with Syria and Iran.
China has stated it will defend Syria." Muzzy buttered and jammed
some toast.

"I like orange juice." Archy burped.

"Me too!" Larry the Cable Guy declared and clicked his glass with
Archy. Muzzy clicked his glass with them.

Reflections~ There is no happy way to make war.

© Copyright 2016 bob county (UN: muzzy43 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/891161-Larry-the-Cable-Guy-and-Archy-Bunker-