Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/892889-Anger-Management-101
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2090066
Who wants to be President?
#892889 added September 25, 2016 at 3:23am
Restrictions: None
Anger Management.. 101

:)"Alight class were all here to learn anger management."(:

The instructor is Jamie Lee Curtis.
She has a new children's book, "Don't Pee on Me."
which she has passed out to the class.

Muzzy raises his hand, "If a someone kicks me down
a flight of stairs, should I love them?"

Jamie Lee Curtis gives a skeleton smile,
"Of course not. You should ask them why they did that."

"Bill Bizby liked to kick me down the stairs in high school.
He said it was fun and then he punched me."
Muzzy replied with a smile.

"Ooookay. Bill was wrong to do that." Jamie Lee Curtis
sipped some bottled water, "But, you can forgive him."

"His dog ate my cat, Speckles." Muzzy replied as he flipped
through Jamie's book, "He was walking he his dog and he let
it off the leash, so it could eat Speckles and he laughed
about it."

Jamie Lee Curtis stared long and hard at Muzzy,
"What did you do about that?"

"I got my dad's gun and went to Bill's house and shot his dog."
Muzzy flipped to the pop up suitcase at the back of Jamie Lee Curtis'
book, "Wht's this for?"

"Ahhhh, that's a suitcase to put your favorite thing in.
You shouldn't solve your problems with violence Muzzy."
Jamie Lee Curtis said nervously.

"Well, I know Speckles would have killed his dog if she could."
Muzzy answered and put a bent quarter in his pop-up suitcase.

"Wh-why, did you put that coin in your suitcase Muzzy?"
Jamie Lee Curtis looked over to her body guard.

"I got it as change from self-check out at Wal-mart.
A manager at Wal-Mart slapped me in the face when I worked
there.. He got in a car accident with a deer and ate it."
Muzzy smiled and stared at his coin in his pop-up suitcase.

"Class is dismissed!" Jamie Lee Curtis churped and hurried
out of the classroom with her body guard, Joe Pesci.

Reflections~ What immortal hand made that tiger in the night?

© Copyright 2016 bob county (UN: muzzy43 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
bob county has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/892889-Anger-Management-101