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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/896775-Meditate
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2015972
I have tried to summarize my observation with vivid and simple manner.
#896775 added November 7, 2016 at 12:52am
Restrictions: None
You say 'Meditate that you are the Self. If I try to generate this feeling "I am the Self", it will not be the real thing. It will just be another idea in the mind. Can thinking about this idea really help me?
When I say, 'Meditate on the Self I am asking you to BE the
Self, not think about it. Be aware of what remains when thoughts stop. Be aware of the consciousness that is the origin of all your thoughts. Be that consciousness. Feel that that is what you really are. If you do this you are meditating on the Self. But if you cannot stabilize in that consciousness because your vasanas are too strong and too active, it is beneficial to hold onto the thought 'I am the Self; I am everything'.
If you meditate in this way you will not be cooperating with the vasanas that are blocking your Self-awareness. If you don't cooperate with your vasanas, sooner or later they are bound to leave you.
If this method doesn't appeal to you, then just watch the mind with full attention. Whenever the mind wanders, become aware of it. See how thoughts connect with each other and watch how this ghost called mind catches hold of all your thoughts and says This is my thought'.
Watch the ways of the mind without identifying with them in any way. If you give your mind your full, detached attention, you begin to understand the futility of all mental activities. Watch the mind wandering here and there, seeking out useless or unnecessary things or ideas which will ultimately only create misery for itself. Watching the mind gives us a knowledge of its inner processes. It gives us an incentive to stay detached from all our thoughts. Ultimately, if we try hard enough, it gives us the ability to remain as consciousness, unaffected by transient thoughts.

The Inner Meaning of Self-Realization :

This is a message of my heart to you. Listen, make notes, Inwardly digest these words, and put my thoughts into practice.

Ask yourself; "Have I found God?" If you find your answer unsatisfactory to yourself, try sincerely to get busy with meditation as taught by the Masters of Self-Realization Fellowship. India's saints experimented for ages to find the best universal methods for scientific emancipation. Follow them, for your own satisfaction, for you cannot find the Supreme God without following the laws of concentration and meditation that lead to Him. Material scientists are gathering secrets from nature every day by following laws that lead to discovery, and great spiritual discoveries have to be made by the same process. Blind prayers or affirmations or foolish beliefs
will not open the doors to God. Step-by-step Self-realization techniques, the help of a guru who lives in constant communion with the Lord, and daily deep efforts at meditation can get you to the divine Goal. To reach God you must avoid crowds, too many distractions, too many movies, too many fruitless engagements, too many desires, too much waste of time.

Those alone who have experienced God can lead you to Him. If you are deeply interested, Self-Realization Fellowship can give you the true knowledge that God exists. Self-realization means to know truth through yourself, and not through others. By seeking God first, through Self-realization, all things--strength, power, prosperity, wisdom, health, and immortality-will be added unto you.

Our quest should be not only for treasures of this earth, but for the hidden treasures in our "lost" kingdom, the kingdom of God. Unless we go back to that celestial realm we shall continue to have all the limitations of this body. Why don't you seek the Power that lies behind this universe? Most people are satisfied just with feeding the body and having a good time, not knowing that behind this bodily machine there is a wonderful Power and behind this universe is another more wonderful universe.

For behind this physical universe is the astral universe, and behind that is the causal universe, and behind that is the presence of God, where there is no death, but the eternalness of your own perception and existence. The causal world-the world of consciousness-is a real world. It is a universe that is lost within you, a universe that you have not explored. Where are all the thoughts that you have experienced in this life? Once they were very real to you. In the "lost" universe of the causal they are real still.

All the people of the earth who have come and gone are not lost; all the thoughts that have seemingly come and gone have not really been lost. They are in the world of thought, the causal world, in which are stored the blueprints of all your experiences in this life.

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