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Rated: 18+ · Book · LGBTQ+ · #2104679
My thoughts, rants, activities, etc.
#899205 added December 6, 2016 at 11:55pm
Restrictions: None
Challenge Complete!
December prompts continued....

4. Do Your Teachers or Boss Use Technology Well?
Well, since I've graduated high school, and the only "teachers" I have are my online Russian friends who help me with Russian and I with English. So I suppose. *Laugh* My high school teachers, including Mom...I guess. I mean I don't know! *Rolling*

5. School Social Environment - Just how do you feel about that?
I feel it would be so much better! I feel there might not be as much bullying and kids would make new friends. As well as learn from each other. Sure, I hated working in groups, but my group partners never did anything. *Angry* But during class, maybe it might be better.

6. What Are You Looking Forward To, or Dreading, This School Year?
I graduated. *Bigsmile* *Wink*

7. Would You Want to Be Home-Schooled?
I was home-schooled. After having a mental breakdown in early 11th grade. *RollEyes*

8. Would You Like to Take a Class Online?
Well, if I was going to college...maybe. Not sure. I kind of take classes online. Duolingo counts right? *Laugh*

9. Would You Rather Attend a Public or a Private High School?
Neither...public school just sucks on so many levels. Private schools usually have religion tied to it and I don't want religion shoved down my throat for four years. No thanks!

10. How Would You Grade Your School?
Well the high school I went to was...a C I guess. Home-school was an A...just because I still didn't like school much, but it was much better than public school!

11. What Can Other Schools Learn — and Copy — From Your School?
Ahahaha! I don't think anything really.

12. Is Your School Day Too Short?
Hell no. Eight hours is enough. Or four in home-school. Anymore and I'd have gone crazy.

13. What Do You Hope to Get Out of High School?
I think the only thing that I got out of high school (well, all schools) was that people are mean, math is horrible, schools feel like prisons most of the time. I learned that even teenagers make bomb threats, school shootings happen everywhere, and that you're not safe. What I learned from home-school was that being self-taught is one of the best things for me. And being home with my family was better than being stuck in a classroom.

14. Do You Have Too Much Homework?
In public school, absolutely! It's ridiculous! They need to chill on the homework. *RollEyes* In home-school, after four hours you were done. No homework because, well, you already did all of it!

15. Does Your Homework Help You Learn?
Not really. It just made me frustrated and I usually just did it halfway (like the effort) so I would fail. Hopefully.
16. What Is Your Best Subject?

My best subject was...Child Lifespan and Development. And I loved it. *BigSmile*

17. What Memorable Experiences Have You Had in Learning Science or Math?
That math made me cry, and most science was boring.

18. Are You Afraid of Math?
Sort of. I'm not afraid per say, but I hate it with a passion.

19. Do We Need a New Way to Teach Math?
Yes. Not sure what that is, but there needs to be a new way damn it!

20. What Are the Best Ways to Learn About History?
I loved (and still love) documentaries and museums. But many people don't. So I think through hands on things, games, etc.

21. How Would You Do on a Civics Test?
Well, in 8th grade we took part of one I think, and I scored pretty decently because my history teacher put "super citizen" on my test. *Rolling* I think I still have it. But probably not great.

22. How Important Is Arts Education?
Very important! It allows people to express themselves.

23. What Is Your Most Memorable Writing Assignment?
When we had to write a "how-to" paper in English (10th grade) and learn it. I wrote about how to write a children's book, and brought my copy I wrote and illustrated (not well, but still *Laugh*). I was nervous, but very passionate when I gave my presentation in front of the class.

24. What Would You Like to Have Memorized?
The Russian alphabet, ASL/PSE, and a few of my favorite songs.

25. Does Your School Value Students’ Digital Skills?
Not really I don't think. We just used books really. We sometimes used the older computers in the library for research projects or papers.

26. What Was Your Favorite Field Trip?
I don't think we had any in high-school, but I think the only one I can remember that I liked was the Who's Who picture day. Even though I had to get it taken by someone who didn't care for me much and vice versa. But the house we got to take them at was absolutely beautiful! I wish I would have been able to take pictures but I couldn't. I liked it even though I was sick with some kind of stomach issues. I had thrown up the night before but I just didn't really eat that day. I made it. *Laugh*

27. Do You Participate in Class?
Sometimes I did. I really just wanted to be quiet and let everyone else answer. When I had to participate I did, but I was so shy and anxious around people. Still am, but not as bad.

28. What Are Your Best Tips for Studying?
Don't wait until the last minute. Use note cards when possible. Have someone else quiz you.

29. Do You Use Study Guides?
When I was given them I did.

30. Is Everything You’ve Been Taught About Study Habits Wrong?
I don't know. I wasn't really taught much about that.

31. How Well Do You Think Standardized Tests Measure Your Abilities?
Not well at all. We all have different strengths. Standardized tests pretty much just ignore that, and stress everyone out.

32. Do You Have a Tutor?
I didn't really in high-school. Now I do. I have a few. *Wink* For all my Russian friends reading this, cпасибо! *Bigsmile*

33. Are Your Grades Inflated?
I honestly have no idea if they were or not. *RollEyes*

34. When Has a Teacher Inspired You?
In 10th grade, my English teacher gave us a list of vocabulary words, and then we had to use them in paragraphs or stories by the end of that week. I always did stories and one of them because the basis for my novel. Which...I gave up on for
now. But still. *Laugh* *Facepalm*

35. What Teacher Do You Appreciate?
Ms. Droke: My 7 grade geography teacher and my 8th grade history teacher.
Mrs. Smith: My 8th grade English teacher.
Mrs. Kimmons: 10th grade English teacher

36. What Teacher Would You Like to Thank?
All three above. For inspiring me to find myself in writing, and Ms. Droke make me love history just a bit more.

37. What Do You Wish Your Teachers Knew About You?
Now or in general? Now, that I'm pretty successful, and I'm taking my learning to the next level. And in general, just because I was one of the quiet ones, didn't mean I wasn't soaking up information. And not just school subjects. *RollEyes*

38. Do Your Test Scores Reflect How Good Your Teachers Are?
Sort of...I guess. I feel they have more to do with how you learn better, or at what pace. I hope that made sense. *Laugh*

39. Do you listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving?

40. Do you decorate the day after Thanksgiving or wait until it gets closer to Christmas?
Sometimes we do it a few days after, but this time we started today.

41. What kind of decorations do you put on the tree?
Well, we don't have a tree this year, so Amber built one from books. She put a string over them and is stringing paper snowflakes on it. And a few flat sitting bear ornaments.

42. Do you buy a real Christmas tree or use an artificial one? Is your artificial tree green or white?
When we had one it was a green artificial one.

43. Do you have a theme or use just one color for your decorations on the tree?
We pretty much just put ornaments and lights, and the tree topper on it. No theme or color. Just random. We usually put our family ornaments and dad's military ornament on it. And then it was just whatever we found in the box. *Laugh*

44. Do you love Christmas?
Of course! We usually stay up pretty late. But now that we sleep in the living room that's kind of a problem. *Facepalm*

45. Do you have guests over for Christmas or go to someone else's house for Christmas?
We usually just celebrate it with immediate family. Usually our grandparents come visit they day after.

46. Do you like snow at Christmas?
Yes!!!!!! But we don't ever get it at that time here. *Sob*.

47. Were you ever snowed in at Christmas?
Not that I remember.

48. Do you think people get more depressed in December?
I don't know. Some might, but I love it. I'm just depressed no matter the month. *Headbang*

49. Do you do other things in December besides get ready for Christmas?
We used to do advent calendars or paper chains for a countdown, but I guess we're not. And mom usually does the Elf on the shelf.

51. What are you favorite Christmas Movies? Be sure to share every one.
The Christmas Shoes even though it makes me cry....other than that I'm not sure.

52. What are your favorite Christmas Songs and Music? Be sure to share every one.
Greensleeves, Pachelbel's Canon, Carol of the Bells, The 12 Days of Christmas

53. What will your dinner feast be for Christmas and what are your favorite ones that you will have this year for Christmas?
I'm not sure. We do random things. One year we did homemade pizza, another we BBQ'd, another we had turkey. We're unpredictable. *Laugh*

54. Do you have snowball fights? Tell me a story of one that you really enjoyed having.
When and if we get snow. I don't really have a favorite time.

55. What is it that you really want for Christmas?
I want a feline companion, but since I can't have that at home, I'll just keep going to the shelter. *Smile* But for at home...I don't really know. *Laugh* Money I suppose. To put away some for business expenses. *Smile*

56. Do you celebrate Jesus at Christmas time? Why or Why not?
No. I don't believe in that. I'm not a Christian anymore. I love to just celebrate the crisp air, granted we get it, and just take in the winter. That made no sense. *Laugh*

57. Gingerbread Houses do you enjoy making them and eating them?
We've never made our own gingerbread. We always bought the kits, which were fun to make, but they tasted like cardboard. *Laugh* If I can find a recipe to make lactose free frosting, I might see if I can bake gingerbread this year.

58. What are your favorite things that you do at Christmas time?
Going outside to play. Staying up late Christmas Eve. Getting up early in the morning just to study the presents under the tree. (yes I'm still a little kid at heart! *BigSmile*) Or I just sleep in because fuck waking up early. *Laugh*

59. Do you still do things for Christmas as when you were a little child or do have you changed most everything? What do you do the same and what do you do different??
I still admire the tree and such early Christmas morning, I still love setting out cookies for Santa, and I still love playing in the snow.

I had so much fun with this, and can't wait until next month! *Delight*

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/899205-Challenge-Complete