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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/905885-Love-gratitude-love
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2015972
I have tried to summarize my observation with vivid and simple manner.
#905885 added March 3, 2017 at 1:42am
Restrictions: None
Love, gratitude, love.
Coming close to the holy core, it becomes evident that it is absolutely good, only light no darkness involved, only love, no harm involved. This means anything else is not what it is. Any harm, any illness, any evil, dead, fear, anger etc. is not what it is. The highest is the truest and innermost completeness of life and love.
All other elements that can be found are not from the highest, not in the highest and not true for the highest. It means there is the mystery of "something else", too. The Indian guru says, there is truth and illusion. The Christian Saints say there is God and (d)evil. The Buddha says there are tendencies, attachments and Buddha-self. Thus God, truth, Buddha-self mean one thing, illusion, tendencies and devil mean there are other possibilities of impressions that we must avoid.
Yet the evil is not separated from the divinity. That means the divinity has included all tendencies, all devils, all illusions and has set it off, has exchanged it into goodness even before they arose. There is no bad rest in God, in God the devil is set off through all times. The impression of path towards God is full of dangers while the eternal start and ending has already included the path and has won against any devil, illusion or tendency before it could have started.
The triumph of goodness is before, during and after any pathway. We are just not seeing that we are already saved, we haven't even been saved in absolute sense as we were never lost in absolute sense. We did not even start to be, "we" is even not what is. Our truth in God is save, eternal, unborn, un-given, just as it is naturally, it is our unshakable selfless free life. We must avoid be caught in the incomplete, for the complete is absolutely totally and fundamentally good and was never and will never be not good. It is obviously tied just with forceless love, no dominance is left, no power, no prison. Freedom of Love. The truth does not has to use power to be good, it is good in itself eternally just as it is. Thus can be realized by switching off any other elements, thus by bumping into eternity, where actually everything is eternally. God saves us immediately, if we honestly and wholeheartedly want to give up our life for there is God. If we just want to want it, God must heal us step by step until we truly want it. We must want it, because it is totally forceless and is holding you only in love, not by force. Love, gratitude, love.

The hardest parts of coming into Union with God (being born newly in God), is the letting go of world and worldly self. Yet it is necessary, we cannot stick to the world and its evil and abide in God at the same time. In God all worldly evil is overcome since eternity, it is known but set inactive. And the same is true for our worldly identity. We cannot stick to a worldly identity and at the same time be in God. Either we are in union with the holy spirit or we are something else. We must go the whole way, otherwise we would be fake, we would be pretending and missing the truth.
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

The fake world is quite efficient in trapping the human soul. It simulates the surface look of the truth exactly, yet is totally corrupted when it comes to soul processing. It can be easily recognized by soul fruits and is impossible to be recognized in visible terms. The lie may look more charming to the eye than the truth. It is like a second local layer that is hiding the truth. In this fake layer we find complications, conflicts, bitterness, injustice, wars, abuse, death etc., it is totally irrelevant and unreal seen from divine truth, yet seems to be real to those living mentally in it.
The world of evil is the lie that covers the divine truth. It efficiently corrupts the human soul and makes men wanting to stick to it. The corrupted ones will di everything to stabilize their world of evil, so the evil is like a joint mental sphere that houses the human soul and exploits its divine life energy for its irrelevant goals.
The way out of the sphere is not easy to find, once you are trapped into a common human life, thus became part of the sphere of lies. Yet there is also one way out that is simple and can be gone immediately by those whose soul still recognizes the voice of truth.
You can go into the Messiah, he shares his purity with you, takes away your corruption and confusion and wakes straight out into the universal divine nature, he carries you out into the father for you and he and he and the father are in union. You are saved by this grace, your contribution is zero. You just must recognize that you are trapped and need salvation and thus turn to salvation.
It is easy and works. It is confirmed. It was confirmed and will be confirmed by yourself, once you want it and turn into it.
By the way: take care, the trap will tell you lies like you are already saved. It is true that you are eternally saved, yet in the timeline you must step out into the eternal salvation, must realize the salvation and when being walking through the sleepers' and sin-lovers' world have a sharp soul sense for the truth and any fake for you cannot be trapped again.

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