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This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#906269 added March 8, 2017 at 3:42am
Restrictions: None
March 8
"March 8
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The March 8 blog prompt for 30DBC is "We are always learning. What are you learning now?"

Tonight I learned (once more) that corporations can lie and get away with it and nothing can be done to them. I was applying for some things online that were listed as being free. However when I ordered them they wanted to charge my credit card $20.00 for the item plus shipping and handling. Now I can't speak for everybody else but when I'm told something is free I don't expect to pay $20.00 for it. I don't expect to pay 20 cents even. I expect to pay nothing for it. So these bozos are teaching me some new math. They're teaching me that 0=20. I will never understand where they come up with their numbers, When I was a child I was taught that saying something that wasn't true was lying. Unless math has drastically changed since I was in school zero still equals zero and these clowns are lying. If one of us lied to them we'd be brought up on fraud charges but they can lie to us. It really burns me!

The Blog City prompt for March 8, 2016 is ""Approach your lives as if they were novels with their own heroes, villains, red herring and triumph." Mary Higgins Clark Do you agree with this this statement? Is this how you see your life?"

At one time I would have agreed to that assessment of things but I've grown a little older and I guess I'm able to tolerate a lot more nonsense than I could at one time. My life seems so much simpler now, more laid back than I have ever known it to be. When I first started living alone I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand me. Now I enjoy the solitude. I'm going against my better judgment and having my cable upgraded to the full package. I'm doing that so I can watch the news in the evenings and have something to do when the muse gets lazy, which has occurred some recently. In fact I sat down here today and started to write but couldn't think of two words to string together. So I do need a little spice in my life. However I'm generally content right as I am.

When I was younger, especially prior to age 40, I was never happy. My life showed it too. Unhappy, unfulfilled people leave those around them unhappy and unfulfilled. Such were the significant others in my life. I was the crap miser back then because everyone whose life I contacted turned to crap. Thank goodness those days are over. A positive attitude begins when I decide to have one. Case closed.

The Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for Wednesday March 8, 2017 is "March 8 is International Women's Day. The theme this year is "Be Bold For Change" https://www.internationalwomensday.com/. Write a story, poem, or something about women or a woman being expressing this theme. Or write your opinion about this theme."

I am and always have been an ardent supporter of the women's movement. There is indeed one thing women cannot depend on men to do and that's have babies. Men simply aren't equipped to do that. However that is pretty much where the differences stop. I have said before and I'll say again that I haven't met a man yet who worries me but I've met quite a few women who have scared the crap out of me. Four of those women have been and are my mom and three sisters. I taught my sisters everything they know about fighting. I guarantee you that if they ever have to defend themselves there won't be any hair pulling and so forth to it. They'll double up their fists and backhand somebody! They're trained to approach by stealth and strike like nuclear war heads! They work hard and live harder. My hat is off to them. Well, three of them do all the above actually. My mom passed two years ago. Prompts like this make me a little misty-eyed because I miss her so.

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