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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/907468-March-24
Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2056808
This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#907468 added March 24, 2017 at 1:29am
Restrictions: None
March 24
"March 24 Just what it says ** Image ID #2113629 Unavailable ** My Blog signatureJust what it saysJust what it says

Group signature.

The 30 DBC prompt for Friday March 24 is "On this day in 1973, musician Lou Reed was bitten on his rear end by a fan during a concert in Buffalo, NY....the male fan was ejected from the show. Do you have any fun or interesting concert stories involving bands you've seen that you'd like to share with us? Alternately, you can share any fun concert story you've heard if you don't have one from experience."


attended a Tanya Tucker concert one time many years ago. it was an open concert so once you paid your way you could sit anywhere or stand anywhere you wanted. So I went down to the front and copped a squat near the stage. it was an outside concert and miserably hot as it was the dog days of summer. Tanya was singing away when suddenly she stopped singing and spoke into the microphone asking for EMS to come to the concert. A lady had just collapsed from the heat. Tanya kept paging until a deputy came to see what was wrong. he got a crew to come in and take care of the lady. Tanya however wasn't satisfied with that. She asked me to try to find out the lady's name so she could check on her later. It turned out that Tanya went the extra mile. The lady had no health care coverage so Tanya paid her entire bill.

I also went to a Billy Joe Royal concert once. I stood in a long line to get his autograph. When I got up there he asked what I did. I told him I was a starving poet. He asked if I had any poems or lyrics with me. It so happened that I did. He read them and said he thought he could work with them. i thought he was patronizing me but I played along. I gave him a copy of the lyrics along with my contact information. A few weeks later a letter arrived. It was a recording contract! I ended up making $10,000.00 that year because the song made it into the top forty on the BMI charts. I was thrilled. Imagine turning on the radio and hearing words you wrote coming from a star! I had that honor even if i only heard the song once. Of course I had a copy of the album as well until my house burned down.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

The Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for today is ""In late February, frogs, salamanders, and other amphibians responding to early warm temperatures began migrating from their winter hideouts to vernal pools to begin the spring mating season. Some of the animals were chaperoned to safety by concerned volunteers across trafficked streets late at night in New York and other Northeastern states. Write an essay about a time in your life when you made a big decision or took a leap. Did someone arrive to accompany you or were you on your own? Was your emotional journey guided by a crossing guard who brought you to safety?" ~ Writers Digest"


here have been many times that I've taken a leap based on nothing more than intuition. Usually when that happened I was pretty much on my own. However I will give credit where credit is due. My ex-wife was a strong proponent in my finishing my bachelor's degree. She kept prodding me and made sure the house was quiet when I was doing homework or studying for a test. If she had not done so I don't believe I would have graduated at all. As it was I graduated with very high honors. Our graduating class that year had about 75 students and I graduated fifth. So my ex wife's prodding definitely helped me. In fact she asked me once if I had liked my drill sergeant in basic. I told her I had not because he was a certain part of the anatomy. She told me that if I ever tried to quit college she would make him look like a Cub Scout in comparison to herself. She would have too. I usually knew when it was smart to back off and even though I had no desire to drop out her encouragement spurred me on.

Blog City image small

The Blog City Prompt Forum prompt for today is "Write your entry for today about a place that you have spent a considerable amount of time in--perhaps somewhere you lived or worked before--and whose smells are curiously linked with your recollection. Describe the emotions and events from that period that those smells conjure up, and the ways in which your memories may have been colored by your preference or distaste of those smells."


ne place I lived was Niagara Falls NY. I lived in a Christian group home there for sometime. Now I don't know if anybody knows it or not but Nabisco has a plant there that makes Shredded Wheat. The smell that plant gave off was far worse than any toilet I have ever been in, even if somebody had just blown it up! It was enough to roll your stomach! I don't know if it was just the fact that they were baking tons of them at once and that made the smell overwhelming or what, but I still have a hard time eating shredded wheat some 35 years later!
Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/907468-March-24