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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#909335 added April 19, 2017 at 2:24pm
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Non Declaration 18: In the Wrong Hands
The list of names that constituted the original MJ-12 would appear to have had the credentials to manage the task of determining the best way to deal with the alien presence. The passage of time has show that the selection of these individuals was an exercise in poor judgement. This should never have become "Son of the Manhattan Project." It is one thing to have a policy that says, "We Won't Talk About It." and quite another to allow the program to take on life of its own that has spanned the past seventy-five years.

What this group did was wrap the problem in a shroud of secrecy that all but insured stagnation, under a mushroom off incompetence.

Corso, in his book, the Day after Roswell explains that the artifacts he seeded with industry sat in a filing cabinet for the next ten years. Only when his boss, General Trudeau, realized that nobody any longer remembered where they'd been sent, did the two begin seeding the items with those who were best suited to develop the technological potential of these artifacts.

So what did the other Armed Services do with with the actual saucers? One story told by Corso Jr. is that the Aliens came and took them away from the Air Force. This is hard to believe but when you are assailed by lies and coverups for seventy-five years it's easy for imaginations to go astray.

Another story is that in working with a group of aliens to back engineer some of the technology there was a shoot-out that lead to the deaths of sixty-six special operations soldiers... Again a bit of a stretch but the government has nobody to blame but itself when these types of rumors begin to circulate. Instead of smearing the reputations of good Americans who had the courage to speak out a more prudent, common sense disclosure program could have been instituted years ago.

This is what I mean when saying the program has not been in good hands. These are not my words, they are the words of President Eisenhower and when he warns us to fear the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) he is using a euphemism for The Secret Space Program(SSP).

President Eisenhower never really got his arms around did get this MIC/SSP. By the time he took office the SSP had left the orbit of traditional government control and entered the COSMOS as an entity that answered only to itself.

Obviously there was some success taking place and some of that back engineering led to President Regan's championing the technology sometimes referred to as Star Wars. I suspect that much of what we learned was provided by a cooperative partnership with an ongoing alien presence. This would have been the anthesis of what Gen Trudeau and LTC Corso set out to do with their file cabinet full of artifacts.

the Navy and Air Force seem to have taken a different tract. They were bogged down and suffocating under the sheer weight of the classification system they had imposed upon themselves. When an alien craft was recovered after crashing..., as a result of lightning, radar interference or some other fluke, the craft were taken to a secure location and a report sent up the chain of command. When it reached the top an Admiral, General or maybe someone in MJ-12 would examine the evidence, scratch their heads and render the Polish Salute. That was about as far as reconciliation ever went. There was no effective mechanism in place to exploit the windfall that had dropped into their laps. A feeble attempt was made to hire smart people to try and figure out the technology but was never really all that effective. The problem was that the security blanket insulated the alien hardware from ever being exposed to those with the top tier intellects capable of figuring out how it worked. Only those who had the required clearances were given access and while these no doubt included some smart guys and gals, they first had had to satisfy the trustworthiness criteria... a proven ability to keep their mouths shut.

If it can be believed that one of the aliens survived the Roswell crash and through this survivor a means was found to make contact with the Ebens, then the rest of the Military was saved from having to do what Trudeau and Corso did. Instead of finding the answers for themselves they let the Aliens try and explain how the technology worked.

It was the path of least resistance, however, it came with a cost. What was the quid pro quo? The quid was they help us with the hard science and we give them a carte blanch to pursue their interest in the soft science. In other words they shared the physical science of space vehicle technology while we looked the other way when it came to medical science which included cloning, hybridization, human abductions and cattle mutilations.

In essence the back engineering approach taken by the Air Force and Navy involved getting the aliens to explain how things worked while the Army worked with industry to figure it out for ourselves.

I'm going to let this sink in. There are some real issues that arose from all this secrecy and putting power into the wrong hands, the least of which involves Aliens and the most of which involves the dangers all these lies and secrecy have done to imperil the future of the United States of America.

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