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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/910063-Citidels-of-Secrecy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#910063 added April 29, 2017 at 8:39am
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Citidels of Secrecy
There's a great example on the internet these days of what a UFOologist faces in separating the pepper from the rat poop The Intelligence Agencies are the gatekeepers who keep a lid on secret government programs. In the event of a leak they shift gears from hiding the truth to misdirecting the revelation using, among others, denial, missinfomating and false narrative.

They are very good at what they do... having been at it for three quarters of a century.

For illustrative purposes I'll used a video that is circulating on the internet. The video begins with caption, For NASA internal use only....Project Redsun 1973. It shows what appears to be a voyage to Mars. Someone holds up a sign, which displays how many days into the voyage the journey is. From a porthole the earth and moon are shown receding in the distance. As the voyage continues pictures are shown of Mars approaching and finally a close up view of the Martian surface. It ends showing a a large jagged fracture in the planet's mantel.

The first impression that anyone gets in viewing this video is Wow! I didn't know there was a Mars mission in 1973... It looks like a wannabe Snowdon has leaked some of NASA's coverup laundry.

Several publications bite and rile on NASA condemning their secrecy and coverup.

Then, there appears on the internet an expanded version of the tape, that now includes the crew with enough detail to distinguish their features. At the end the source supposedly reveals himself at the culprit, a prankster who claims to have made the video using old NASA footage and photos, cobbled together with Photo Shop software.

Anyone who saw the original is left with the impression .... shucks this prankster ought to be locked up, imagine pulling such a stunt!.. and I was so convinced.... am I ever stupid.... just goes to show that we shouldn't be questioning NASA's integrity.

The dilemma faced by OFOologists is this. The best hope for ever piercing the veil of secrecy is through a leak. This example shows how easy it is to discredit one. I don't know if the video is a hoax or if it is real. I do know that if it's real there will follow a flood of convincing misinformation. This is part of the modus operandi by which the Gate keepers operate.

This raises the question of how a UFOologist should proceed in this milieu of obscuration. Clearly it is not by falling on one's sword over any one "Each." The Eachs are too easy to refute as stand alone events or revelations. A better approach is to look at the bigger picture the Each is a part of. Then use the collective weight of the total evidence to make a case for the bigger picture the Gatekeepers are trying to hide.

In my study of UFOology I tend to divide up the pie into five events. These are: Roswell, Alien Exchanges, Mars, the Moon and most recently Antartica. I call these the Great Citadels of Secrecy. A better approach to quibbling over the Eaches, is to focus on the Citadels they are a subset of.

Let's face it.... we're not going to be invited inside one of these Citadels. Pounding on the door is to no avail. Shouting from beyond the walls is futile. Going hat in hand, shuffling your feet and making a Freedom of Information request is not likely to yield very much.

The way to make real progress is to note the growing body of evidence and let the collective weight bring pressure to bear.

After all a Gate Keeper operates primarily in a defensive capacity. Then get paid to deal with minor distractions and protect the truth by covering it up and mitigating the occasional leak that slips through a crack.

More than anything else the Gate Keepers hate a leaker. A close second is anything else that might cast some light on a secret they're mandated to keep. So if the Project Redsun Tape dated 1973 is in reality a hoax actually perpetrated by some idiot... they'll still move to squelch it. This is because true or not it raises a question they don't want to see raised... does the United States have a manned presence on Mars?

The first Citadel the Gatekeepers chose to defend was "Fort Roswell." In 1947 two alien saucers crashed in the Southwestern United States leaving a trail of exotic debris, dead extraterrestrials and one survivor. Despite everything that was done to coverup the truth the facts have slowly leaked out. In Declarations contained in the Public Acclimation Program are several that can be traced directly to this incident. Surrounding it were a host of Eachs, all of which relate to a simple YES or NO question... Did the Roswell Incident take place?"

The other Citadels are...

1. Does the United States have a manned presence on the Moon?

2. Does the United States have a manned presence on Mars?

3. Does the Unites States have a liaison with off world Intelligent Life?

4. Does the United States have knowledge of an Alien presence in Antartica?

In summary don't get too hung up on any one Each. Eaches don't count for much. Instead note the piece of evidence and file it away, letting the growing weight exert an ever-increasing and unrelenting pressure. When the sheer volume of evidence becomes too much to bear is when serious disclosure becomes possible. This is the only way to ever get to the bottom of what is going on.

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