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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/910688-Day-7
Rated: E · Book · Health · #2105270
Follow my struggles and triumphs as I attempt to gain a healthy lifestyle.
#910688 added May 8, 2017 at 10:28am
Restrictions: None
Day 7
Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming! I am sitting here at a loss for words because day 7 went so well that I am in shock. It was one of those days that you reflect on and say "Damn, I did good," and then hope and pray you can duplicate it. The day started with my regular routine of having a relaxing cup of green tea and a protein bar while writing my blog. When I was finished with my blog I decided it was time to rip off the Band-Aid and start cleaning my craft area so that I could create an inspirational painting. I am happy to report that the design has been painted and today I will decide what I want it to say and then finish it. Knowing I am following through with the action plans I make is really what made yesterday such a great day.
By attempting to achieve my goals I am noticing that I CAN do this. Even if I don't complete all the goals I make for the day, there is always tomorrow. That feeling of accomplishment is what's helping me to change an outlook of hopelessness into one of positivity. Now I am positive I know the secret to yesterday's success.
Yesterday I kept my hands busy and my mind engaged from the time I woke up to the time I fell asleep. Keeping focused I didn't realize how quickly time was passing me by. I looked at the clock once and it said 10:00 and the next time I glanced at it it showed 12:30. I took a break for lunch as well as spend a little time with the hubby and then went on to start my painting. Before I realized it, the clock was showing 5:30 and then 8:00. There were a few times I thought I was hungry, but I told myself that I had just ate and there was no way I could be hungry and then went back to whatever it was I was doing. The best part of my new thought process is that I am able to share it with my husband and I hope he develops the same good habits.
Yesterday we had a roast for supper and around 5pm you could really start smelling it's savory perfection. Getting close to the time we eat and with the amazing fragrance plaguing me, I wanted to eat, but instead of grabbing food I exchanged dirty water for a cleaner cup of water and back down to finish what I was working on. As I was talking myself out of eating I turned around to see my husband standing behind me at the snack cabinet with a box of chips ahoy cookies. After hearing my speech and catching him with cookies red handed, he took a deep depressed sigh and put the cookies back into the cupboard and walked away without eating a single cookie! My speech helped me as well as him and I can't help but chuckle when I think back to the look on his face when I turned around :)
Then just before we went to bed we both expressed that we were a little hungry and I mentioned that my book had stated that the reasons we sometimes get hungry late at night is because our body is wanting to make sure we have enough food to survive through the night. Now we have an endless supply of food and do not have to fear starving to death, but our bodies have no way of knowing that and in turn they stay in survival mode. I simply can not express how much it helped being able to tell myself that I was not actually hungry but instead tired, giving me the strength to not eat any food right before I went to bed.

If your struggling
Know that you overcome any obstacle if you are willing to work at it. Gaining a positive outlook works miracles!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/910688-Day-7