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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/911809-Positive-Way
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2015972
I have tried to summarize my observation with vivid and simple manner.
#911809 added May 27, 2017 at 12:11am
Restrictions: None
Positive Way
In a mountain far away lived a young shepherd, Sam, with his wife, Kaya. They had just gotten married and were having their first child in a couple of months. Kaya’s father, an old man with a big sheep herd, had given Sam 50 of his best sheep to start providing for his new family.
It was the first time that Sam owned sheep – he had taken care of many but never his own. The sheep were growing and so was Kaya’s belly.
Kaya noticed that her husband is constantly worried about the rain that was supposed to make the fields green, full of feed for the sheep.
“If there is no rain, the fields won’t go green with grass and the sheep will have nothing to eat” was constantly worrying Sam. “If even one of them dies, what will I tell your father? I will be shamed! What will I do?” he was asking to his beloved bride.
Kaya decided to go to her father and share with him her groom’s worries.
“Father”, she said, “he is constantly worried and can’t even feel the happiness that comes from having our first child. How can I help my husband?”
“Go back home and tell him that he shouldn’t worry because the last two years were dry. After two dry years, there is always plenty of rain. I am 60 years old and I have seen this happen again and again.”
The old man did not know if there would be rain but he knew that his son-in-law needed peace of mind.
Kaya went home and told Sam what her father had said. Sam trusted the experienced shepherd and happily started preparing for a rainy season. Sure that there will be rain, Sam stopped worrying and could enjoy the birth of his first son.
And so rain came, not much but enough to have green grass and healthy sheep.
The time was coming for the sheep be freed of their fleece to be sold on the annual market that happened three villages away.
Kaya was happy with her son and the course of life but she couldn’t be fully satisfied seeing her husband taken over by worries again. He had never sold sheep’s fleece before at the market and was constantly thinking if anyone would buy the wool so he could feed his family for the next couple of months.
Kaya decided to visit her old father again. She brought his grandson with her and told the old man about her husband’s worries.
“Listen daughter, tell Sam that I have a buyer for all his clip. But this buyer only purchases the best quality wool – clean, good quantity, from healthy sheep and well taken care of. If he can provide the best wool that can be found in our region, I can arrange for the buyer to purchase it all”
The old man did not know a buyer but he knew that the best wool will be sold out on the market within hours.
Kaya went home overwhelmed with happiness and told her husband that if his sheep produced the best wool, her father had a buyer.
Sam got really excited and all his worry disappeared – he worked hard, took his sheep to the best fields and cleanest springs, kept them clean, gave them plenty of love and exercise, and at the end had such wool that he couldn’t even dream of.
He was headed to the market with more of the best quality wool than he had expected. As soon as he entered the market area people started asking for the price and soon buyer after buyer wanted to buy from the high quality wool.
When Kaya’s father arrived he was glad to see his son-in-law happy and successful.
Sam said “I am sorry, father, but there is not much wool left for your buyer. Almost all is sold and we will have a plentiful year!”
“Don’t worry son”, said the old man, “there is no other buyer I know but the good judgement of tradesmen here – I knew that as soon as they see your great wool they will buy it all. You see there is no need to worry about anything – if you can do something about it, do your best as with the clip; if you can’t do anything about it – expect and pray for the best, but accept whatever comes like with the rain.”
“Thank you, father”, said Sam, “now I see your wisdom. Worry doesn’t solve a problem but would have stolen my attention from my son’s birth. It would have also limited my efforts to have the best wool".
Worrying doesn’t do anything good for us. As Sam finally understood, to worry means to miss opportunities for enjoying life and doing a better job.

Since everything in this universe is the creation of the One Great Father, all are kith and kin. Just as the sons and daughters of one large family choose a dozen different professions whereby to earn their livelihood, just as they settle and build homes of their own in a dozen different places, so all human beings, although one in essence, are grouped in various ways and under various denominations, according to the demands of their multifarious lines of activity.
For the cure of the ailing body many systems of medicine exist, such as Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Ayurveda and others. Each person makes use of the method that is best suited to him. Equally, to cure man of the diseased condition that causes the perpetual recurrence of birth and death, there are elaborate prescriptions to be found in the Shastras and many rules and regulations to be learnt directly from sages and saints, yet all have the same purpose. The diverse paths followed by Hindus, Mohammedans, Vaishnavites, Shaktas etc. all ultimately lead to the threshold of the Eternal.
At the entrance to a railway station, there is much agitation and noise, much pushing and jostling; but once the correct platform has been reached all confusion ceases for everyone's destination has been settled.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/911809-Positive-Way