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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/915436-James-Comey-the-sleasebag
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#915436 added July 16, 2017 at 2:48pm
Restrictions: None
James Comey, the sleasebag
Whenever I see James Comey I experience a surge of loathing reserved for public servants who shamelessly betrayed the special trust and confidence placed in them by the American People. Others such as Lois Learner, Susan Rice, David Perteatus and the Clintons come readily to mind. Now that James Comey has thoroughly discredited himself and indeed might be facing charges for his partisan behavior, we have a new actor on the scene. Enter, Robert Muller.

The Demorcates have been pleading for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the Russian Connection. This is all a part of a smokescreen to keep the focus on the Russians and away from the criminal activities that ran so rampant in the previous adminsistration. Robert Muller, Comey's friend and mentor has been picked for the task of doing the investigation and given broad latitude for a fishing expedition into President Trump's background.

Keep in mind that the Intelligence Agencies, that include the DIA, CIA and FBI have access to a data file that can go back at least ten years into every telephone call anyone has made in this country, and probably abroad. Further that these agencies have been missled by a naive assumption that everything they hear via this fandango surveillance box is God's own truth. Regardless of whether or not what they hear can be validated by "National Interests" they have been prone to fall for whatever they hear, foot line and sinker. It is almost as if they slept through the espionage class on "Misinformation."

Somewhere in this universe of lies and obscufication Muller is bound to come up with some dirt on the President. And when he does the American People will see Robert's true colors, colors no different that his disciple Comey, who claimed the reason he leaked the Memo For Record was to make sure that Muller was named to head up the investigation. Now that James Comey has thoroughly discredited himself and indeed might be facing charges for his partisan behavior, we have a new actor on the scene. The Demorcates have been pleading for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the Russian Connection and now they have one. Their Deep State Mole, Robert Muller.

James Comey was a political operative masquerading as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He single handedly trashed the Bureau in ways that have no precedent. Since Comey, nobody trusts the FBI anymore. The Bureau is now seen as just another bureaucratic organization run by hacks for the purpose of serving partisan politics and sending political adversaries to jail.

HIs lament must have been loud and pitiful indeed..."Here I got the dumb broad out of the Closet Server Soup and now we're right back in the middle of it."

However, Comey's true stripes came clear following his firing by the President of the United States. Just prior to his ignominious removal from office he had a private meeting with his boss. When the meeting ended he couldn't run out to his car fast enough, and print up on his government computer a Memo for Record, which was a one sided transcription of the events of that meeting designed to bring discredit on our President. If this wasn't bad enough he leaked the Memo through a friend to the Media. What a sleaze bag! He didn't even have the moral courage to do it himself. Imagine, the Head of the FBI "LEAKING" a memo for but one purpose.... committing political espionage. If President Trump needed any vindication for why he Fired the Bum, Comey provided it on a silver platter. He not only brought ruin and discredit down upon himself but tainted an agency with a long tradition and proud reputation for public service. Can you believe the shameless extent to which this sorry excuse for a bureaucrat, let alone a human being was willing to go?

I don't know what gets into these people...!

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