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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/916491-PAY-ATTENTION-TO-THE-SELF
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2015972
I have tried to summarize my observation with vivid and simple manner.
#916491 added August 1, 2017 at 1:24am
Restrictions: None
Someone came asking a couple of years back: “What level of growth is indicated in my chart?” I said, “Well, with Moon over the head when born, you seem capable to earn the status of being in public glare. Having said that, let me make it clear that you carry a lot of inherent flaws as well, which unless addressed well within time, I am afraid, you remain vulnerable to being a victim of your own indiscretions.”

“When I am destined to achieve something, it should happen. Do you think I can ever think of getting into a self-undoing act?” he asked. I replied, “True, nobody would ever wish to invite his/her own fall. But the danger is that often egotistical mind identifies itself with one’s inherent mind-trends, and pursues them passionately, as if that would be its end game. In the run, often caught up in the indwelling desires, it doesn’t care to invoke the faculty of discriminate intelligence. Consequently, one fails to do due diligence. Also, one is not able to filter off the undesirables. Whence habit tendencies overtake mind’s drive, and which may unmindfully make you act unintelligently. You don’t do it consciously. You may realize only when the damage is already done.”

It is therefore, important for us to know how our individualistic minds are inherently framed, coming as it may with Karmic carryover from the past. For, that is what sets the terms of how we conduct in life. Remember, just destiny indications won’t grant you the passport to success. For, nothing is expected to come into effect of its own by default. You need to weigh your options before taking the final call. And then, it has to be duly supported by quality efforts. It is here that one’s habit tendencies often prove a spoiler.

“Kindly elaborate my fault lines that need to be attended”, the man said. A look at your astrological chart suggests that the lagna lord Sun marked with your identity, is locked in adverse formation with its planet of nemesis Saturn. In the first place, it implies that you carry seeds of negativity within, which brings in a sense of insecurity. Consequently, when faced with adverse situation, you may develop identity crisis, and could also encounter depression. Second, you would be stuck to your preconditioned mind, and not open to listening or counsel, which evidently implies a hardened mind-set, not easily amenable for change. This factor gets further compounded by the fact that the Sun is also ill-disposed off to Jupiter, implying swaggering ego. Third, it makes you vulnerable to go through hard times off and on. Following which, your confidence level will go down. Your immunity level too would be relatively low.

Mind signifying Moon occupying Gemini sign, is placed adverse to Mars. This makes you wish to live on your own exclusive terms. Also, you would be temperamental, moody, irritable, rash, argumentative, intolerant and impatient. If ever somebody tries to correct your view points, you won’t take it kindly. In fact, you may become averse to him. For, you wish to have only yes persons around. Venus conjunct the Sun, and also posited adverse to Jupiter and Saturn points to self-conceit, self-indulgent tendencies, and financial losses because of indiscreet decisions. More so because Mercury is posited adverse to Uranus. For, it makes you unconventional, eccentric. It makes you vulnerable to jumping into action on instinctive judgment without applying proper forethought.

The positives too are immense. But simultaneously heavily loaded with negatives, the danger is that you may go through intermittent bouts of growth and fall. For a sustained growth and make a mark for yourself, you need to address the negatives without further loss of time.

“What’s the way out?” The man asked. You need to do dhyana in the right earnest on a regular basis. Let me add here that the word dhyana means paying attention. To what? The self. It implies a process in which you withdraw your attention from the outer world and turn it inwards to figure out your own vulnerabilities and potentials. Accordingly, you may make necessary amends to come out with your best. In the process, first, you will be face to face with all the inconsequential thoughts unnecessarily chasing you from within, which dwindles your mind-power. All these when driven off the consciousness over a period of time, will let you acknowledge your indwelling habit tendencies. You may then resolve them by reflecting upon fresh educative inputs. Having done that, your potentials will play out unhindered.

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