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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/917175-KURUKSHETRA
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2015972
I have tried to summarize my observation with vivid and simple manner.
#917175 added August 10, 2017 at 1:18am
Restrictions: None
“We are here in this incarnation for KURUKSHETRA--to declare and win the war.”

Master says "When the ego has been conquered by the soul, then the soul is the friend, the guide, the benefactor of the active consciousness. But if the lower ego self has not been thus controlled and persists in keeping the consciousness matter bent, then the soul is the enemy of the ego."

So this metaphysical conflict is at the heart of our restlessness… All mortal conditions on this earth, outer conditions, could be perfect and still we would be anxious and restless on the inside… You can live in the most beautiful place and things be perfect, and there is still this lack of fulfillment...like the beautiful Christian lament, "My heart is restless until it rests in Thee.” That is the nature of our being. There is a fundamental conflict there that has to be resolved. And there is only one answer, only one resolution. The teaching of Master and the Bhagavad Gita is very clear. The answer is that we must transform the adversary into servant and friend.

Master says "The Supreme self is the friend of the transformed self but the enemy of the unregenerate self." So we don't want to annihilate the ego, we want to tame and transform it. Master continues, "The perfected sage works through his transformed ego in the world..."

...So we need to tame the ego. We need to transform it from a matter bent adversary to the soul into a servant and friend, serving the soul and serving all of human kind as a channel of God.

How is this achieved? It is achieved through the agency of the Guru/disciple relationship and through this agency the soul delivers an ultimatum. The ego must become a servant and friend, a friend on the soul's terms. If lasting peace is to be achieved no other terms are acceptable.

Now to the ego, this is a declaration of war. It has never had an ultimatum before. It has always been able to negotiate and compromise. This is why Master says that his disciples are spiritual warriors, vedic, kshetriya class.

During the American civil war, Abraham Lincoln was frustrated with his generals. They would obtain a victory and then give the defeated general easy terms, and then Ulysses S. Grant rose to command and in his first victory.. the confederate general sent a courier after the defeat to Grant, and he said, "What are your terms?".. expecting some kind of compromise…and the famous reply came back, "No terms are acceptable, only unconditional and immediate surrender."… "Always no terms, only immediate unconditional surrender"…Grant earned his reputation as ‘unconditional surrender Grant.’

Before the war of Kuruskshetra, Krishna Himself conducted quite an elaborate prewar diplomacy. He represented the Pandus…and their family trying to negotiate with the evil Kuru's for some kind of settlement of land, property, and wealth. Krishna first went to the blind, Kuru king…and he appealed to his sense of wisdom and reason. But the blind king was weak and he abdicated his royal governance and he referred Krishna to his son Duryodana…and so Krishna went to the dark prince and he tried to negotiate with him, and the dark prince laughed and said, "I am not giving up anything. It is all mine by right. They don't deserve anything. Get out of here."

And then Krishna went to the queen…and beseeched her and said, "Your family needs to see the light and the wisdom, and be willing to share according to dharma. And the queen was very receptive but she was emotionally invested with her son and her husband and did not want to try to overrule them…and so she demurred. Krishna then took his case to the whole Kuru court and in one of the most powerful episodes in the Mahabharata he made a plea to the whole Kuru court, all of the families for peace, for equity, for dharma, for sharing and righteousness among all the clans.

And then Duryodana made a stand, and he and his general actually drew weapons against Krishna. And then in a peal of cosmic thunder Krishna realizes he is not going to obtain his goal of diplomacy and he stands up, and with a crashing OM vibration he charges out of the Kuru hall, and everyone watches stunned. They watch Him as He gets into his chariot and rides out of the city. War is declared~!

Later He goes and talks privately with the Pandu's and he says to the Pandu's, "I tried, but I failed. We cannot negotiate with your dark minded cousins. Now is the time to declare war~! If you are resolute, you will win. I am by your side. WE will be victorious~!"

Notice how Krishna lifts petty family and political conflict to a new level. He lifts it up to the level of Kurukshetra~ he declares Holy war, and this is what we also must do. We have negotiated and compromised for incarnations, absorbed in human drama and outer conditions, fighting small daily battles, but the ego is still the adversary of the soul. That has not changed.

So this incarnation, here, today...is not for small victories and compromise. That time has passed. We are here, in this incarnation, for Kurukshetra~ to declare and win the war~ and this can only be done with an uncompromising attitude. In other words, we must rise above outer, human circumstance, the ultimate duality that goes on forever, we must rise above that. And we take the attitude within--I don't care about the forces of nature, I want everlasting peace and freedom for my soul, now and forever. All the time, no exceptions, I want nothing standing in my way.

We must have this absolute resolve. We must desire this absolute resolve. Kurukshetra is an all out declaration, a fight to the finish. All diplomacy is over. This is the only way that we can achieve victory, Master says. And the ego is afraid… but the soul…the soul is excited… It's time has finally come. Can you feel the sword in your hand?! Can you feel the banner snapping in the wind?! Can you feel the Guru by your side?! This is the warrior stance of saints~!

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