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Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2015972
I have tried to summarize my observation with vivid and simple manner.
#921648 added October 7, 2017 at 1:01am
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The Spiritual Legend
GURU GORAKHNATH _ The Spiritual Legend
Gorakhnath exercised great powers over nature .He gave Mayana (Gopicand legend) a boon that she would not sink in water.
He turned the water of a well into gold and then into crystal.
When Gorakhnath and his company came into the royal garden at Sialkot (where Puran Bhagat was imprisoned in the well) everything became green, and the lakes were filled with water.
And at another time when he came into a dried-up garden ; he scattered ashes on it, and it began to bloom.
At one instance , he caused the very walls and all the instruments of a certain place to chant: 'Awake, Macchendra, Gorakhnath has come. '
Once he took the form of a fly in order to avoid guards on the border of a certain king's country;
At another time he changed himself into iron, and again into a frog.
He transformed certain of his disciples so that half of their bodies became gold and the other half iron."
He turned himself into a leper before Vachal.
The disciples who were sent by Gorakhnath to Karu to get the thread with which to draw Puran from the well, were turned by magic into bullocks. This was reported to him and he took ashes from his bag, charmed them and tossed them into the air. Thereupon the bullocks came to him and he patted them and changed them back into men. In return, being angry, he dried up all the wells, bringing their water into the one near himself. When the women came, all together, at his request to draw water, he took charmed ashes and, in the name of Matsyendranath, turned the women into asses.
Gorakhnath left his body asleep on his mat, and descended to the under-world of the god of snakes and there obtained the magic incense for Bachal.
It is reported that Gorakhnath destroyed the two sons of Matsyendrandth, in the,presence of a Bania and afterwards restored them to life. In another legend it is said that Gorakhnath killed the two sons of Macchendra, hung their skins on a tree, and then, after his inquiry about them, restored them to life.
Gopichand’s Sister was restored to life by the saint Gorakhnath.
By casting some earth on his body, Gorakhnath restored to life disciple, who in the form of a stag, had been shot by Bhartari.
Mayana and Manikcand's widow, though with child, was forced to- perform sati but was miraculously preserved through the intervention of Gorakhnath.
Moreover, like many other great ascetics he was able to grant children to barren women. Vachal (Guga legend) received a son, Guga by name," and Kachal (Guga legend) two sons by favour of Gorakhnath, and Mayana, widow of Manikcand, as a boon, obtained a son eighteen months after her husband's death, the explanation being that he was given as a seven months' old fetus and his prolonged confinement in his mother's womb was due to his exceeding glory.
Instances may be given to show Gorakhnath as a great healer.
In his youth he was forced to resort to magic to restore his own hands and feet which his stepmother had barbarously cut off.'
He once restored hands and feet of Puran Bhagat after the latter had lived helplessly in the dry well for tweve years. This he did by the sprinkling of water and prayer.
He also restored Puran's sight, by going to Indra and obtaining help.
Another evidence of Gorakhnath's magic powers was in his insight. He was able to discern at a glance that Puran Bhagat was innocent. Fairies (pari) visited Puran in the well and were sent by him to Gorakhnath with news, and then the Yogi took steps to save 'my Puran.' Still, Gorakhnath's powers of discernment were sometimes limited. In the Dabistan is the record of a contest of power between Gorakhnaht and a sannyasi, Datateri, in which Gorakhnath disappeared in the water in the shape of a frog. But the sannyasi was able to find him and bring him forth. Then Datateri concealed himself in the water and Gorakhnath in spite of all his searching could not discover him, for he had become water and water cannot be distinguished from water.
Again Gorakhnath exercised such power that King Jewar, intending to slay Vachal with his sword, was unable to draw it from its scabbard
It is said that when Bhimsen, one the heroes of the Mahabharata lay benumbed with cold on the snow-covered Himalayas, Gorakhnath revived him and made him king over the country stretching from the sources of the Ganges to Bhutan. A similar tradition has it that, during Yudhisthara's journey through the Himalayas to heaven, his brethren fell behind and perished one by one. Only Bhimsen survived. He was saved by Gorakhnath and made king of Nepal.

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