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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/924131-Brookings-Institute-Report-is-a-Bunch-of-Malarkey
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#924131 added November 23, 2017 at 10:28am
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Brooking's Institute Report is a Bunch of Malarkey
I don't obsess about what I see happening in the world around me. I am beyond obsession... sure I hate it when people lie to me and hold back information that is rightly the property of the human race and not just a few self appointed custodians. My experience is that placing knowledge in the hands of a few, however capable they may seem, is a recipe for disaster. How do we know these individuals aren't leading down the wrong path? Actually it isn't a case of a benevolent few acting with the best interests of humanity, but rather a handful of shadowy characters who are acting in their own self interests.

For a long time NASA, MJ12 (Or whatever they morphed into) and our Government have been behind a massive coverup. What started in the 1940s grew into the card castle of deceit surrounding the Alien presence on this planet and throughout our solar system. The first real tangible evidence happened at Roswell, when two saucers collided after the unintended use of RADAR disrupted their guidance systems. The result was crash debris, dead bodies and a single survivor, EBE1 (Extra Biological Entity 1.) EB1 helped the US establish contact with an extraterrestrial race referred to as the "Greys." Since that time our relationship with the Greys has been less than harmonious but has worked after a fashion. In return for freedom to operate in and about the airspace of our planet they have aided in the transfer of advanced technology.

It would appear that the Greys and other Alien life forms want to keep a low profile. Apparently there is something out there that they fear and it isn't the US Military. I suspect the "Original Gardener of Eden" is lurking somewhere in the cosmos.These aliens, for all their advanced technology are little more than poachers, operating in a restricted area and afraid of being caught and facing the consequences. When a farmer finds pestilence is invading his crops he takes measures to expunge the infestation. Evidence is that they have been visiting Earth for a long time and gone to great lengths to construct facilities using stone as a basic building block rather than other more advanced materials that cannot be attributed to a local developing human presence.

After Roswell the United States took a more enlightened approach to establishing an outreach and instead of trying to shoot down the saucers, (as the Soviets did) decided to extend an olive branch. This was done because our government believed we had no choice and it was in our interests to do so. As a result contact was made and what took place is essentially that portrayed in the Stephen Speilburg film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. We returned the bodies of the dead EBEs and an arrangement was established. This exchange involved receiving bases on the Moon and Mars in return for allowing the EBEs to pursue their biological interests, sweetened by a transfer of off world technology. Hence we did not have to develop space craft to get to the Moon and Mars...but rather they handed us the keys to facilities that already existed. We reciprocated by providing facilities on Earth.

Essentially the United States became a clearing house or conduit between humanity and the Aliens and obtained a huge edge on every other nation on the planet. It is this special relationship that our government shares with their "Pale Skinned Pals" which is the "Huge Secret" and one we are loath to make public. NASA is a front for this coverup and the secrecy serves the interests of both the United States and our Alien parters. The idea that the Brookings Institute Report is the reason for all the deception is a bunch of malarkey.

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