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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/924274-Guru
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2015972
I have tried to summarize my observation with vivid and simple manner.
#924274 added November 23, 2017 at 11:45pm
Restrictions: None
11. Python (Ajgar) --
A Python eats Whatever Comes in its Way and Satisfies, Whether it is Sufficient or Not, Bitter or Sweet etc.
One should Accept Whatever One Comes Across in the Life, With full Contentment. While Suffering the Hardships and Miseries in Life, One Should think, it is due to Past Sinful Activities that One is being Punished. A Sage Always goes for Search of Wisdom and Refrains from Running After Unwanted Pleasures.
12. HoneyBee (Madhu Makhi) ---
HoneyBee Wanders From Flower to Flower to Collect Nectar From them, Without Hurting the Flower and Draws Honey.
Similarly the Sage takes the Essence of Different Various Holy Scriptures Study and Practices them Spiritually. The Sage Should Wander From Door to Door to Beg Just Enough Food For his Living Without Troubling the Householders Who Provide them. The Sage Should not become Greedy.
13. Honey-Theif (Honey-Gatherer) --
The Bees Collect Honey and Store it With Hard Work, Which they Neither Eat Nor give Away it, themselves in Charity to Any Other Creature(s). The Honey-Gatherer (honey-theif), Comes and takes the Honey Easily.
The Sage Should not Store Things for Himself even for the Next time. He should use his Palms to take Food and Stomach to Store food. We have to Leave All We Store, Out of Trouble Throughout Our Life, At Once and Depart When the Lord of Death Yama Come and take us With Him.
14. Bird of Prey (Hawk) –
Once there Was a Hawk Who Picks Some Sort of Food in his Beak From Somewhere. At that time, the Other Stronger Birds having No Food to Eat Attacked that Bird to take Food Away From his Beak. In Order to Get Rid Of the Attack and to Attain Peace, the Bird Dropped the Food From his Beak.
The Worldly Possessions are the Source of Trouble. If One Run after Sensual Pleasures, Will Soon Come into Clash With his Fellow-Beings, Who too Run for the Same, and has to Face Much Miseries and Strife.
Happiness and Enlightenment belong to One Who Lives Simply, Conquer his Craving for Worldly things and Seeks Only Spiritual Goals. One becomes as Happy and Relieved Only On Abandoning the Sensual Pleasures.
15. Moth (Grasshopper, Patanga) ---
The Moth is tempted by Fire, being Attracted by the Delightful Beauty of Flame, it Jumps into it and get burns Within it.
Similarly a Foolish Man is Enticed by the Illusory Pleasures of the Visual Senses and thus get Caught in the Ceaseless Cycles of Birth and Death.
To Control the Sense of Sight (and All Other Senses) and to Try to Avoid being Greedy.
16. Elephant (Haathi) ----
The Male Elephant Out of immense Lust Falls into a Pit Covered Over With Grass by the Scent of its Mate, a Paper and Wooden Made Female Elephant. The Elephant Gets Caught and Enchained After being Attracted towards its Opposite Gender Mate.
Similarly, a Passionate Person is tempted by the Opposite Gender and Falls into the Trap and Come to Grief. The Seekers of Spiritual Truth Should Learn, to Get Rid from the Clutches of Lust.
17. Deer (Hiran) ----
The Deer is Very Fond of Music and is Very Much Attracted by it. The Deer is Trapped by Hunter through its Love for Music. Hunter Employs Music to Lure the Deer before Hunting it.
Passion and Sensual Desires will Later or Sooner bring down a Sage from his Spiritual Progress. A Renounced Person Should Never become Attracted by Mundane Sounds like Sensuous Music, Specially the Sweet Singing and Dancing of Girl.
18. Fish (Machhli) ---
Due to Uncontrolled Tongue, the Fish is Caught on Hook. It is through Tasteful Bait (Small Food Use to Catch Fish), that the Fish Meets its End.
Among the Sense, Tongue is the Most Difficult to be Controlled. When Tongue is Controlled, Other Sense Will become Easy to be Controlled. Apart from that, Fish Never Leaves its Home (i.e. Water), So One Should Never Lose Sight of his True Self.
19. Pingala (A Dancing Girl) ---
There Was a Dancing girl Named Pingala, She Was tired of Looking for Customers.
One Night to Come and Give Sensual Pleasure Along with Lot of Money. She became Hopeless and Ultimately Come Out of Frustration and Gave Up Her Plans for Earning Money via this Means.
Feeling Satisfaction From her Abandonment of Material Desires, She Was Contented With What She had, and then had a Sound Sleep. She has Realized that Divine Spirit Lies Within Herself, Who is of the Nature of Bliss Eternal.
The Abandonment of Expectation From People, Leads to Contentment and Infinite Joy.
20. Child
A Child has no Grievance, Anger, Jealousy, Hatred & Above All Free of Ego and Arrogance. Both Child & Sage are Free From Anxieties, and Fully Engrossed in the Supreme Joy. A Child is Happy and Enjoying due to Ignorance, While Sage is Happy Free From All Worldly Desires, Which is Transcended the Three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas).
Live Like being Child at Heart, Innocent, Care Free and Full of Supreme Joy.
21. Maiden (Un-Married Girl)
Once Some People Came home to see a Maiden Girl. Her Parents Were not at Home, So She had to Entertain them Herself. She Went to Kitchen and Started beating Rice for their Food. At that time her hand Bangles started Making Noise. She did not Like that Noise [because it Showed that they were so poor that She herself had to beat the Rice]. So She Broke All the Bangles Except two in Each hand. But Still they Made Noise. So She broke One more Bangle From Each Hand. Hence No Noise Produced.
When there are Number of Spiritual Seekers Living Together, there Will be Clash of Interests. Even Among Two Persons, there Might be Disturbance, Dispute etc. The Sage Should Live Alone in Solitude, as it is Better to Live Alone, Without Creating Any Unwanted Noise, Gossips.
22. Serpent (Snake) ---
The Snake Lives Alone and Avoids the Company of Other Creatures. In Order to Seek Self-Realization, One Should Abide in the Cave of his Own Heart.
The Snake Leaves of its Old Skin After Sometime, and Gets the Newer One; that Make Resemblance With Phenomenon of Death. A True Sage Never Frightened by the Death, Knowing Sooner or Later he will get a New Life Based on his Karmic Actions.
23. Spider (Makri)
Spider Builds a Beautiful Web From his Heart through the Mouth; Play and Enjoys With it and then After Some Time Swallow that Very Same Web.
Lord Supreme Creates Material Universe From His Maya, Preserves it and After a While draws it back into the Self. The Supreme Self has No Desires and is Beyond the Reach of Cause and Effect.
24. Caterpillar (Wasp) -----
The Wasp Catches hold of a Worm (Caterpillar), Put it in its Hive (Nest), gives it a Sting and goes on Buzzing about it. The Caterpillar is So Frightened by this Whole Ongoing Process of Buzzing, that it Cannot Think Anything Else Apart From Wasp. The Constantly Kept Thinking of Caterpillar of About Wasp, Eventually Make a Caterpillar, A Wasp itself.
Whatever Form a Man Constantly Thinks of (Knowingly, Unintentionally, be it with Love, Jealousy or Fear etc.), he Attains in Course of Time that Form. As a Man Thinks, So he Becomes. Even at the Time of Death, Whatever One's Mind Focused On, One Attains the Same Living Species Form in his Next Life.
Thus One Must try to Give Up All Attachment to the Body and Attain Moksha or Liberation.
If One Constantly, Devotedly Without Any Sort of Deviation Meditates Upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, One Will Achieve a Spiritual Body Just Like that of the Lord, Qualitatively.
Further Lord Dattatreya Explains What he has Learned From his Own Body.
My Body Teaches Me Gyaan (knowledge) and Vairaagya (detachment). Birth and Death are Along With it. It Means that if We hold On to this Body then We have to bear Sorrows. Although it Helps to Think about Tattwa (Elements) Still I Never Consider it Mine.”
To Please Whatever Body, the Living Being is Always Busy in Desiring Many Things, Does Karma (deeds) and Collects Wealth With Great Difficulties; the Same Body is Destroyed After its Time is Completed.
Although Bhagwan Created Many Yonis (As Many as 84 Millions), but He did not Get Satisfied With them, then He Created (Manushya Yoni) Human Being. Mokash is the Main Objective of this Yoni, Because Pleasures Can be Achieved in Many Other Yonis, but Mokash Can be Attained Only in this Yoni. Therefore One Should not Waste this Valuable Yoni in Enjoying Pleasures. Thinking thus I took Vairaagya. Neither I Love Anything, Nor am I Proud of Anything."
With Humbles and Full Devotion, I looked Upon the Whole of God’s Creation as My Various Gurus; Trying to Gather Wisdom From them and Realizing My Goal of Spiritual Enlightenment.

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