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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
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#924908 added December 4, 2017 at 9:14am
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An Eternity in Edmonton
Date: Week of November 27th, and December 4th

Locale:  Edmonton, Alberta

         I am spending a week and a half here in cold and icy Edmonton, Alberta.  This week I'm 'in prison' once again, as I'm delivering this class at the Edmonton Maximum Security Facility.  Actually, I'm not in the prison at all, the class is being delivered in the administration building outside the main complex.  This is part of a series of classes we've been delivering to the Canada Corrections System, and as far as I know, my last time doing this particular class.

         It's been cold here since my arrival, with high temperatures each day being around 3 degrees Celsius.  Yep, I've been to Canada often enough now that I'm comfortable with reading a thermometer in Celsius.  To find the degrees Fahrenheit, it's simple.  Look at the reading in Celsius, multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32.  If I want an quick approximation, I take the degrees Celsius, multiply by 2, and add 32.  This gives me an idea of what the temperature is in Fahrenheit, and I'm fine with that.  Is it correct?  Absolutely not!  Is it close enough?  Yes.

         These classes are always interesting because the students background really varies.  Add to it that we're covering basic RF Theory, and adding in the equipment they use in the new system.  So in seven days, we're covering about 5 different subjects.  No, they can't possibly learn it all, and retain what we teach them.  But they will know enough to do what they need to do, and get assistance from a local shop if need be.

Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

         Elk Island National Park    http://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/ab/elkisland

         Obviously this is a Canadian National Park, but I still had to visit it, despite the cold.  The lure that made me brave the cold and drive about 60 kilometers to get there, was the chance to see wildlife.  Wildlife in the form of Bison, Elk, Bear, Deer, whatever.  I think they (the wildlife) were all warned that I was coming, and decided to play hide and seek.  That, or they were doing their best 'Harry' impression from "Harry And The Hendersons", an old movie from the 80's.  At the end of that movie, you see Sasquatch's who appear suddenly, seemingly having hidden in the open, we just couldn't see them.  That's what the wildlife at Elk Island National Park did, hid in the open, yet I couldn't see them.  I look up in the trees, figuring maybe they were hiding up there.  I didn't see much, other than a couple of small birds.  I think the only wildlife I saw were those few birds, and a couple of squirrels.  I did signs of Bison, in the form of large piles of poo.  I wasn't about to get out and check to see how fresh it was though.  Seriously though, for me to have seen any wildlife, I would have had to leave the warmth of my car (which wouldn't have bothered me), and walked away from the road, and into the undergrowth.  I was not dressed for that, did not bring along proper clothing for being outdoors much, and was not wearing any kind of boots.  I knew before going there that if I were to see any of the wildlife, they would  probably have to be standing by the side of the road posing for photo's.  *Smile*  But for me, a park like this is a must see, a place I have to visit.

         West Edmonton Mall


         The West Edmonton Mall is the largest mall in North America, and the Ninth largest in the world.  It took me 2 hours just to walk both levels of the mall!  I enjoyed it though, spending my time window shopping and watching people.  The mall contains two food courts, a miniature golf course, a pirate ship with a small sea life park nearby (seals were the only attraction there as far as I know), numerous restaurants, and a large wave pool!  I know that in recent years, malls have been on the decline, with quite a few empty places waiting for someone to lease the space.  That didn't seem to be the case here.  If you're in Edmonton, visit the mall, even if all you do is walk around like I did.,

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Sherlock Holmes Pub          http://www.thesherlockspubs.com/  I enjoyed myself here, and allowed myself to splurge off my diet some, and have a burger.  It was so big that I could barely fit it in my mouth!  My diet isn't much really, but I'm watching what I eat, and how much I eat.  That can be a challenge when you look at a menu though....

         The Cheesecake Cafe          http://www.cheesecakecafe.ca/  The food here was excellent, and I allowed myself to have dessert.  First though, I had the Beet and Goat Cheese Salad, which was very tasty.  For my meal, I had the Lobster and Prawn Clubhouse.  The dessert I took back to my hotel room and had later that night.  It was a slice of their Nanaimo Bar Cheesecake.  It was by far, one of the best tasting cheesecakes I've had in a while!

         I fly home Wednesday, and spend the rest of the week there before leaving Sunday for Los Angeles.  My class isn't in LA though, it's about three hours north on the ocean, at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.  My hotel is in Pismo Beach; I wonder if I will see Bugs Bunny there?  (He frequently mentioned Pismo Beach in those cartoons).  Til my next entry, y'all stay warm in the cold weather, and write all you can!

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