This is a test. |
I failed to get out of bed at 4:27 am again. I also went to the gym a bit late. I was considering not going at all. Lol. My mom is at her new pain management doc now. Her appointment was at 3 pm. It is 4:06 pm now. I was deciding whether or not to go with her. We got some coupons in the mail for Smash Burger. We’ll be bringing some food from there to Chad’s house tomorrow. While I visit Chad, My mom will be at my grandma’s. I don’t want to stay too late. We’ll be playing a lot of Battlefront 2 I’m sure. He’ll probably want to show me his Jason game too. Like I said in a previous entry, I think it looks boring. Basically, you play as people up in a mountain lodge playing hide and seek with Jason. It is very violent too. It’s not my kind of game. We’ll probably watch a movie as well. I have not hit the PS4 today but I may. I wanted to edit my 6th story and do this first. Jim is at work now. My mom said she would give me a call when she is over with her visit. I hope the doctor is a good one. He has very high ratings. He must be with all his degrees. My pharmacy still has not gotten my blood work. I had it done last Thursday. What is the hold up? I think I have enough meds until Monday or so. It seems we always have to stay on top of the blood lab about sending the blood work. I just called my mom with no answer. She probably did not here it or something. Lol. She always misses calls. Sometimes Chad calls when my phone is in my room. And at night I may put it on do not disturb or I click the tone off. Chad still has not called yet. He is off from work. I find that odd. I generally don’t like playing games at night. I’m a morning person. I’ll try playing some later. I hope the online activity does decline because of MvCI. That game looks bad – in a bad way. It looks like it will be a long night for my mom. She planned to go shopping but she said if she is too tired, she’ll just pick something quick to eat. Lance is barking. They’re very muffled and weak but he has been doing this for a few days. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is coming out tomorrow. So is the next season of Trollhunters. It is a preteen to teenage show. My mom and I still like it. Lol. The last season ended with the protagonist crossing into a dimension where the main bad guy is. The protagonist is a teenage runt up against a ten foot tall troll. The teenager has magic armor and sword though. The show in on Netflix so all the episodes are listed together so you can watch them when you want. Well, I’m hungry so I will stop here. Goodbye. |