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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#925657 added December 22, 2017 at 8:39am
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Unintended Consequences
For the past several days Fox News has shown gun camera video of US Jets encountering an unidentified flying Object over the Pacific Ocean. Last night the pilot was asked to describe the encounter and did so saying that what he saw was nothing in the military arsenal of any nation on the planet. He went on to say that in his view (shared by other pilots) this was an alien craft.

There was nothing remarkable in the report itself... these sightings are commonplace and been confirmed, photographed and reported many thousands of times since the end of WW2. What is remarkable is that this one got aired on a nationally televised network that happens to be the most viewed in the country. As someone who has followed the UFO phenomena for many years, this is the best media coverage I've seen yet, coverage that is long overdue.

That an alien presence is common throughout the Solar System, is so obvious, that anybody taking the time to look, has only to examine the evidence. When something persists for over fifty years in the face of repeated government denials that should send up a red flag. For example

1. The Roswell incident is only one of hundreds of such incidents that have been reported in the last half century. Two alien saucers collided over the New Mexico desert in an event that yielded debris, nearly intact space vehicles, dead aliens, human body parts and one living Alien named Extraterrestrial Bbiological Entity (EBE) 1. This was the encounter of the Century and led to contacts with the alien race the crashed saucers belonged to.

2. An exchange followed very similar to what was portrayed in Stephen Spielberg's film First Encounters of the third kind. Two teams of Air Force Astronauts were taken somewhere and returned about a decade later. Where exactly they went is open to speculation... the cover story about being taken to a Planet in another galaxy called Serpo, is science fiction, concocted should the exchange ever leak out. It is likely they were taken to establish a base on the Moon and Mars. An alien ambassador was left behind which led to further exchanges and the development of underground bases in Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico.

3. President Truman established a group called MJ 12, consisting of the nation's top Military, Scientific and Aeronautical Experts. Their mandate was to determine if the aliens were hostile or benevolent. The answer to that.... you guessed it... was both. In the history of our solar system some bad things have happened. For example the "Flood" reported in the bible was a real event. A comet hit the planet Earth creating a catastrophe that resulted in rising sea levels. It appears that a planet "exploded" sometime in the distant past and a huge chunk of the crust of Mars shows the evidence of another huge cosmic collision. Thus it is reasonable to assume that our new alien friends had some tales to tell which no doubt scared the living poop out of MJ 12. Imagine coming out of WW2 and thinking the United States is the premier force on the planet Earth only to discover we are ignorant and backward beyond belief compared with the Extraterrestrials who have been operating in and around our solar system from the time when our ancestors were primates swinging from tree to tree.

4. If this wasn't enough, in the aftermath of WW2 Admiral Byrd led a large military force to Antarctica to locate the German base at New Schaubstein. This base was established before the war and supplied by U-boats throughout the war. There is evidence that the Nazi's had already made contact with the aliens and were involved in a technology exchange throughout the war. So as a part of tying up some loose ends, the Byrd Expedition set forth from New York. Imagine the surprise of Admiral Byrd when saucers arose from the waters around Antartica and engaged his task force, sinking a destroyer and shooting down aircraft. The fleet beat a hasty retreat and in the years that followed, Antartica, except for some research stations was declared off limits.

5. Meanwhile things were happening in the Wester Desert of the United States. There were human abductions taking place and cattle mutilations became common. Since MJ 12 felt powerless to stop these activities they negotiated with the aliens to permit them in exchange for advanced aerospace technologies. The deal was that US citizens not be harmed and were to be returned once the examinations were complete. New facilities were rushed to completion which soon saw US and Aliens working together on joint projects. This new era of cooperation with the ETs was not without mishap. It has been leaked that a confrontation took place when US team members realized that some of the abductees were being subjected to medical procedures that went far beyond the scope of the tacit agreement. A conflict broke out that only ended when the aliens departed in haste leaving behind eighty-eight dead special operating force soldiers. It took a couple of years before MJ 12 could put this "Unfortunate" incident behind them and resume the close collaboration on unlocking the secrets of off the universe.

6. As progress was made, back engineering the amazing technologies both with and without the help of the ETs , progress was being made on our acknowledged and unacknowledged space initiatives. As related above we didn't have to go to Mars and the Moon to begin with, as we were taken there and assisted in establishing bases by our new found alien friends. However, MJ 12 wanted us to have our own capability without having to rely exclusively on the EBEs. Clealy a public front program was needed and as a consequence NASA came into being. In order to get to the moon anti-gravity technologies were used, concealed by rocket technologies that were already obsolete. This would cause retrospective problems casting doubt on the truth of what took place. What was not revealed however, was that members of our Secret Space Program stood at the crater edge watching the historic show.

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