This is a test. |
Today has been swell. I got up at about 9:30 am I think. My mom was watching the living room TV. Fortunately, she was using the headphones so I could do my readings in the living room on the kitchen counter. I read out of Acts. It was partially about one of the disciples fasting for a time and then he sees a vison of all kinds of animals come from heaven on a large sheet with four corners. God tells him to kill and eat but the apostle says he has never eaten anything common or unclean. God answers saying “What Goth hath cleansed call not thou common.” I also read of the centurion Cornelius. He has a vision and God tells him to send for people to Joppa to Simon Peter who lives with Simon a tanner. At some point, the disciple who had the first vision tells how God has cleansed the gentiles to receive faith. The Holy Spirit filled the house and they prophesied. That is what I recall. After my devotional, I asked my mom for the TV. I played for about an hour and ten minutes. Then my mom and I dropped of my prescription and of course my mom got ice-cream. When we got home I chose not to play any further and I hit the computer and did two reviews and one request review. It was on a query letter for a book someone wants to send to a publisher. It lacked emotion and intrigue and I told the person that. I also gave him an example of my own. I thought it was comprehensive enough. I also edited my second chapter for an hour. I put in some more description throughout. I just hope I didn’t put in too much. Lol. One of my group friends Alberto is moving to California to a city called Walnut. He will be missed. The friend he knows the best is a dude named Jordan. He’s my friend too but not as close. After the 11 am service, they will be going out to eat. I may go. Then there is the men’s breakfast on Saturday at a park. I may go to that too. I have to call and sign up if I do go. My mom is getting us an interview for paratransit services on May 2nd. I hope we both get it. The representative said my mom and I should have no problem getting it. I asked Chad when I can come over and he said never. He always wants me to come over. He’ll change his mind. It’s very windy today. Trash cans and bins are rolling in the streets. I like the wind though. I’m going to the store for some pizza soon. I’m hungry. Jim showed me an ultrasound of my sister in law’s baby. I can clearly see a face. Lol. Jim is on the phone with COX concerning monthly costs. It should be about $99 apparently after a deal. I think it is for an upgrade. I don’t know what this means for my gaming. The last time we “upgraded” my gaming slowed. Lol. I’m going to try the gym in the morning as early as possible. Well, that is it for now. Goodbye. |