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My ride to church will be here soon so this will be short. I got up and found my mom had turned on the coffee maker. I then realized I had to mop. It took me a bit over an hour. The floor was really dirty. Lol. The mopping water was very black when I finished. I had more coffee as I worked on my memory verse: But the fruit of the Spirit id love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness goodness, faith meekness and temperance, against there is no law. A person in Christ has crucified the body of sin with its affections and lusts. We live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. That is the verse I am trying to get down perfectly. I wrote my MW entry. I have about 3.5k words. I need to wrap it up soon. It sounds good to me so far. I got my blood drawn by an intern who was 19 years old! I was a little nervous. Thankfully I have good veins. She did a good job as far as me not feeling anything but it did bleed out a little. Afterwards, mom took me from there to TJ’s for some items. She got stuff for trail mix. She made two big bags and there is still more that is unmixed. I had some and it was fine. It is hot outside. The church group is going to yogurt Land. I hope no one sits outside. I feel like real food. LOL. I may get Cane’s instead. That is my favorite place to eat. I texted Dan for a ride; he has not gotten back yet. I hope he is going or I’ll have to go with Ricky and he goes there an hour early. I hate waiting. I’m happy to go. It’s been a week or so. I miss my contacts. I don’t hang out or text any of them though I do try. It is what it is. Chad cal led yesterday. He was at his mom’s house. His bro was supposed to take him to IHOP. This was at like 6:30 P.M. He talked of this and that then he let me go after an hour of talking. He sent me another link. It was a short clip of all the left celebrities thrashing Trump and his supporters. When will they learn? I need to finish my most recent draft and then have people read it. I will print copies of my first three chapters and give to my mom, my bro, pastor chuck from church, and perhaps Ricky. My mom and Jima are goofing off with the face time function on their IPhones. They were weird. LOL. Earlier, my mom’s phone was not ringing. She is messing with it to find out what the issue is. Her phone rings when I call but not certain others. I was thinking of playing the PS4 but I had to mop. I probably would have not played as it is. Oh, well. I’d rather get good at writing than at games for sure. I still like them I just never get around to play them. Chad is still looking for another job. I’m praying he will get a better one than the one he has. And one that it is close. Jim said one of the supreme justices is stepping down. Thanks God Trump will put in the next one. Hopefully he or she will be a person of integrity and honor and preferably a God fearing person. Well, that is it for now. Goodbye. |