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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/965800-MANTRIC-POWER
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#965800 added September 8, 2019 at 12:47am
Restrictions: None
As far as is known to us, Mother has not received initiation from a Guru (a spiritual guide] according to prevalent social custom. Not study of any Shastric text or of any religious discourse has illumined the field of Her knowledge. Many men and women are of the opinion that She has come down to this world to spread Divine Light and Power for the regeneration of humanity in this age.
While yet a girl, various strange phenomena became manifest in Her body. But they escaped the notice of the common man.

Already in the playful activities of Her early youth there was such an attitude of detachment and unconcern about Her, that many people came to look upon Her as one retarded in intellect. Even Her parents had misgivings about Her future. It happened at times that She did not know where She was, nor could She recollect what She had done or said a few minutes ago.
The report goes that in Her childhood She used to talk to trees and plants and invisible beings in the air as She walked about. She would also communicate with them by signs and gestures. Some times She would suddenly relapse into a mood of abstraction, snapping up all talk.

From the 17th to the 25th year of Her life various supernatural phenomena began to manifest in Her. At times She would become mute and motionless while chanting the names of Gods and Goddesses. During Kirtans Her body got stiff and benumbed. After listening to a divine discourse or after visiting a temple Her behaviour did not appear to be normal.
At the age of eighteen, She went to Bajitpur [ a small town in Mymensingh district, East Bengal] and stayed there for five or six years. Towards the close of that period, many Mantras spontaneously came from Her lips and many images of Gods and Goddesses flashed out of Her body. Her limbs spontaneously formed into various Yogic poses. While these divine manifestations found expression in Her body, Her speech ceased to function at Bajitpur for about one year and three months, and when She came to Dhaka She continued in silence for another year and nine months— thus completing three whole years. During this period a glow of heavenly bliss and the serenity of the infinite expanse of heaven showed in Her appearance. It became evident then that the currents of the outer and inner worlds ceased to affect Her altogether. She looked like one reposing in the absolute calm of the Self.

During all these extraordinary happenings in Her life, Pitaji [Pitaji is the name given to Mother’s husband by her devotees] - would often show great anxiety about their final outcome.
But in spite of all criticism and speculation, he never stood in Her way in any of Her actions. Fearing that Her body might be possessed by some evil spirit, the help of some sadhus and exorcists was sought. It was of no avail; on the other hand, when these men tried to give Her treatment they were forced to withdraw in fear and amazement. It was only by praying for Her mercy that they could recover their balance. During a period of full five months and a half, images of many Gods and Goddesses manifested through Her body. She had visions of them. She would worship those deities, after which they faded away completely. When the worship of one deity was over, another made its appearance. During the ceremony She would often feel that She Herself was the worshipper, the worshipped and the act of worshipping; that She was the Mantras, the oblation and every one of the ingredients.
In these acts of worship there were no material objects, nor was there any desire on Her part to perform the ceremonies. As soon as She sat in a lonely place, all the physical and mental activities involved in acts of worship manifested themselves by a mysterious process of self-sprung activity. It was ascertained afterwards from persons well versed in shastric rites and rituals, which all the various processes of worship as performed by Her, were quite in accordance with the shastric injunctions. Whenever anyone enquired how it could be possible for Her to observe those rites so perfectly, Her only reply was, —”Don’t ask me anything now, you will come to know at the right time.”

On the 28th Chaitra [ 1923 AD] Mother arrived at Dhaka and three four days later she came to Shah-bag [the name of the garden belonging to the Nawab of Dhaka]. Many devotees began to assemble there for Her darshan [ paying homage to Mother] .In the year 1925 some devotees requested her to perform Kali Puja [ worship of the image of Kali, the goddess of the universe), for they had heard that Her celebration of the puja was marvelous. She replied,” I know little of the shastric rites and rituals; it will be better if you secure the help of professional priests.” Later, at Her husband’s request, she however agreed to perform the puja.
When mother was worshipped by Her devotees, their joy knew no bounds. But when She Herself chose to worship a goddess for their illumination, the dignity of such worship increased a thousand-fold. It was too deep for words. All the devotees felt an inexpressible joy in their hearts at the beauty and solemnity of the ceremony.

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