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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/982643-SOME-MEMORABLE-ANSWERS
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#982643 added May 3, 2020 at 9:51am
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Questions: Man's life is conditioned by his prarabdha kanna, Where does free will come in?
Mataji: You must use your free will to find the Supreme. The practice (kriya) by which you advance towards Him (Purushottama) is precisely what we call Purushakara (free will or the power to decide for oneself). By God's grace even your destiny may be modified. If a devotee's faith that his prarabdha karma can be changed by God's grace is firm, then this may become possible. There certainly are laws that regulate God's creation, yet nothing is impossible for Him. If you think that God's grace is also within destiny, this is so for you. If, on the other hand, you are convinced that God is more powerful than destiny, then HE may do anything for you. He provides for the worldly as well as spiritual needs of His devotees.

Question: How can the ordinary person acquire faith in the existence of God?
Mataji: By seeking the company of saints and of seekers after Truth, by listening to religious teachings, reading Scriptures and carrying out the injunctions of the Lord. Are you not the offspring of the Immortal? The Immortal is Self-effulgent and lets Himself be contacted through the company of saints. Any kind of work that one does is based on faith. By of faith will be kindled into a bright flame. Children associating with pilgrims on the path to God, the fire study with the faith that, like everyone else, they will also pass their examinations. In like manner, by watching other seekers, devotees or yogis, one gains the faith that enables one to tread that path. In reality, you are Supreme Knowledge, Supreme Bliss. In order to discover your true nature, it is necessary to remove the veil of ignorance; and for the purpose of removing the veil, one has to resort to the Path, to spiritual exercises, and so forth. By following with perseverance the method pointed out by the Guru, one finally discovers God; one comes to understand that all are His images and that actually there is no 'you' or 'I'.

Question: If God is the fountain of goodness, why should there be so much fighting, cruelty and sin?
Mataji: He is goodness as well as evil. He is everything. He Himself stages a play with Himself. He does whatever is necessary for the completion of His play.

Question: In this atomic age, the world with all the creatures will be destroyed by war. Is it possible to save it by spiritual means?
Mataji: Whatever is to happen, will happen. Why worry about it? He who does everything will do the needful. You are also one of His manifestations and are able to concern yourself with this kind of thing. But how much can you effect by your concern?

Question: What evidence is there to prove that the impossible can become possible?
Mataji: If the impossible were not possible, how could this question arise? Everything is indeed possible. From the worldly point of view, one distinguishes between the possible and the impossible. Sometimes you definitely decide to accomplish some particular work, yet by the play of maya (illusion), it is made impossible. But where Isvara (the Lord of the Universe) is concerned, this is not so.

Question: Is it not possible to go beyond desire and experience?
Mataji: If everything is possible, why should not this be possible as well?

Question: Is there any shortcut to this goal?
Mataji: By the grace of God, such a shortcut may sometimes be found.

Question: What actually do you call faith?
Mataji: When breathing and doubt cease, real faith is born. There are two kinds of faith, namely, blind faith and real faith. Real faith, which is, aroused by the touch of an Omniscient Being, does not depend on anything. One who has awakened to Pure Consciousness makes you conscious. But blind faith, the faith of the mind, is unripe and can be shattered. All the same, real and genuine faith quite often develops gradually out of blind faith. To illustrate my. point: A certain sadhu had a disciple who was a thief. He would tell lies, since this suited his convenience, and refused to obey his Guru who bade him speak the truth. One day the Guru asked him to follow his counsel in blind faith for a certain number of days at least and be completely truthful in everything said and done. The disciple agreed. One night he broke into the Raja's palace and on being caught spoke the exact truth. The Raja was so much impressed by his frankness that he not only let him off, but also provided for him and his family, so that he was able to give up both stealing and telling lies. In this way, he gained real faith in truthfulness.

Question: Suppose an atheist lives an ethical and righteous life. Is he on a lower level than a faithful devotee?
Mataji: An ethical life purifies the mind. Even though one may have no faith in God, if one believes in some Superior Power or pursues a high ideal, this also will serve one's purpose. By living an ethical life, one progresses towards the realization of the Divine. If one believes in supermen, can it be said that one does not believe in God?

To believe in God under a particular name is also a way.

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