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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#987258 added July 6, 2020 at 8:48am
Restrictions: None
Trump in S.D.
Love him or hate him, he's right about totalitarianism and a movement afoot to get people to hate their country....so much so, they'll want to adopt a new form of government...


I guess burning the American flag outside the White House while Trump was in SD is emblematic of the ignorance and idiocy that is going to kill a good thing in our country. You realize that groups who want to see America fail are manipulating your emotions in a way that corrals you into a corner where you have to act in a way that supports a plan to destabilize a dominant country. Conquer from within?

Get knowledgeable about history. Racism existed among every nation, it's just not about blacks or Hispanics in our country. There are people far off worse than us, but we are so focused on ourselves rather than having a world view, we are going to do more than just shoot ourselves in the foot.

It's going to take time to uproot our democracy. I'm not saying Democrats are the devil. There is an element that is manipulating greed in our country, to take away fair paying jobs, freedom of speech, entitling others over Americans who already live here (to take low paying jobs) so we will eventually have to accept less (while the Billionaires keep raking it in) than what we had before to survive.

They talked for years about ending Social Security. Look how much money was just doled out in a pandemic. Yeah, deficit. Tell it to the U.S. leaders who put troops in strategic locations throughout the world, as a super power, to maintain peace and order on this planet and know no bill collector is rapping at our door, unless the liberal element that has been manipulated and eroding, for whatever reasons, makes us roll over like the French during WW2.

You can HATE politicians all you want. Dem or Pub they are all on the take. We can fight for democracy by not giving up on the principals and ideals that founded this country. If you let them Animal Farm our Constitution and laws to acquiesce, we're opening the door to something much bigger down the road that will tear the fabric of a once great nation. Wall Street doesn't care about you. They'll do business with China. You want to get paid less, live in a socialistic community with little to no freedom, keep it up.

Hate is divisive. Hate is not what politicians do, but manipulate your ignorant emotions to act on it. Need to get yourselves educated. Get tough. Get street smart, or take it in the behind. And really, it's your children that are going to suffer because we have been spineless rather than strong in the face of adversity.

Yeah, Trump can make me cringe, roll my eyes, think he should keep his mouth shut. Scramble his damn Twitter account. He's not a diplomatic leader. If he's smart, he'll get someone who can do it so he can focus on what he does best: keep our country economically strong. If we had a better alternative to Joe Biden, maybe more like Bernie Sanders, I'd consider flipping. I have to do what's right despite an arrogant type who is hard to support. But, you have to consider the lesser of two evils at this point. I don't want our country to plunge into darkness.


7.6.20 Addendum:

I'm also inflicted. I have known pain from discrimination. I also know that I will never be acknowledged alone. Without a moral majority there is (can be) no law? I'm not good at correctly recalling philosopher's quotes. Sir Thomas Aquinas? Anyway, if the people get fully behind the movement, government and politicians will bend to it.

Look how the Republicans caved just recently on wearing masks during this pandemic. Even Trump got behind it. It's because when we make our feelings known, unified, we are undeniable. The apathy in country comes from indulgence in all the distraction that Ayn Rand pointed out. Simple as sports to social media. We have a new generation that will essentially not know how to survive without their parents. Who did that? Parents?

Life got a lot harder by making it easier, somehow. And we are becoming more ignorant of history and our rights as citizens as long as we have convenience stores with overpriced coffee on tap and streaming media to take us away from all the ills we cannot solve alone. Driverless cars over mass transportation? *Laugh*

Apathy. Long knew of it. Have watched it envelop a jaded nation. You and I will leave this world with our idealistic visions, as they dumb it down for future generations who'll be satisfied in a virtual, meaningless existence. Maybe, we're headed toward socialism. I'll take that over a police state. But, I will not stand by the corruption of our freedom of speech. Which, if used ignorantly, will convince future morons they can do without, as long as they can blather on about their feelings in pointless social forums.

Now, I have to write more meaningless words in this realm, hopeful and starving, to be discovered through some serendipitous fantasy by a greater audience, as I'm plagued by the complacency within.

I love input, keeping it real. We need more honesty and wisdom, as I value civil discourse above all. It purposes me here, at least.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/987258-Trump-in-SD